Chapter 20 Native Dynamic SQL


Create a stored procedure based on the script ch20_1c.sql (version 3), created in the first lab of this chapter. The procedure should accept two parameters to hold a table name and an ID, and should return six parameters with first name, last name , street, city, state, and zip information.


Answer: Your procedure should look similar to the procedure shown below. All changes are highlighted in bold.

  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_name_address (table_name_in IN VARCHAR2   ,id_in IN NUMBER   ,first_name_out OUT VARCHAR2   ,last_name_out OUT VARCHAR2   ,street_out OUT VARCHAR2   ,city_out OUT VARCHAR2   ,state_out OUT VARCHAR2   ,zip_out OUT VARCHAR2)   AS  sql_stmt VARCHAR2(200); BEGIN sql_stmt := 'SELECT a.first_name, a.last_name, a.street_address' ' ,, b.state,'  ' FROM 'table_name_in' a, zipcode b'  ' WHERE ='  ' AND 'table_name_in'_id = :1';  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO first_name_out, last_name_out, street_out, city_out, state_out, zip_out  USING id_in;  END get_name_address; 

The procedure above contains two IN parameters whose values are used by the dynamic SQL statement, and six OUT parameters that hold date returned by the SELECT statement. Once created, the procedure can be tested with the following PL/SQL block:

 SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := '&sv_table_name'; v_id NUMBER := &sv_id; v_first_name VARCHAR2(25); v_last_name VARCHAR2(25); v_street VARCHAR2(50); v_city VARCHAR2(25); v_state VARCHAR2(2); v_zip VARCHAR2(5); BEGIN get_name_address (v_table_name, v_id, v_first_name, v_last_name, v_street, v_city, v_state, v_zip); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('First Name: 'v_first_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Last Name: 'v_last_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Street: 'v_street); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('City: 'v_city); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('State: 'v_state); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Zip Code: 'v_zip); END; 

When run, this script produces the following output (the first run is against the STUDENT table, and the second run is against the INSTRUCTOR table):

  Enter value for sv_table_name: student   old 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := '&sv_table_name';   new 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'student';   Enter value for sv_id: 105   old 3: v_id NUMBER := &sv_id;   new 3: v_id NUMBER := 105;   First Name: Angel   Last Name: Moskowitz   Street: 320 John St.   City: Ft. Lee   State: NJ   Zip Code: 07024   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.   Enter value for sv_table_name: instructor   old 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := '&sv_table_name';   new 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'instructor';   Enter value for sv_id: 105   old 3: v_id NUMBER := &sv_id;   new 3: v_id NUMBER := 105;   First Name: Anita   Last Name: Morris   Street: 34 Maiden Lane   City: New York   State: NY   Zip Code: 10015   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.  

Modify procedure created in the previous exercise. Instead of using six parameters to hold name and address information, the procedure should return a user -defined record that contains six fields that hold name and address information. Note: You may want to create a package where you define record type. This record may be used later, for example, when the procedure is invoked in a PL/SQL block.


Answer: Your package should look similar to the package shown below. All changes to the procedure are highlighted in bold.

 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dynamic_sql_pkg AS -- Create user-defined record type TYPE name_addr_rec_type IS RECORD (first_name VARCHAR2(25), last_name VARCHAR2(25), street VARCHAR2(50), city VARCHAR2(25), state VARCHAR2(2), zip VARCHAR2(5));  PROCEDURE get_name_address (table_name_in IN VARCHAR2   ,id_in IN NUMBER   ,name_addr_rec OUT name_addr_rec_type);  END dynamic_sql_pkg; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dynamic_sql_pkg AS  PROCEDURE get_name_address (table_name_in IN VARCHAR2   ,id_in IN NUMBER   ,name_addr_rec OUT name_addr_rec_type)  IS sql_stmt VARCHAR2(200); BEGIN sql_stmt := 'SELECT a.first_name, a.last_name, a.street_address' ' ,, b.state,'  ' FROM 'table_name_in' a, zipcode b'  ' WHERE ='  ' AND 'table_name_in'_id = :1'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt  INTO name_addr_rec  USING id_in; END get_name_address; END dynamic_sql_pkg; / 

In the package specification created above, you declare a user-defined record type. This record type is used by the procedure for its OUT parameter, name_addr_rec . Once the package is created, its procedure can be tested with the following PL/SQL block (changes are shown in bold):

 SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := '&sv_table_name'; v_id NUMBER := &sv_id;  name_addr_rec DYNAMIC_SQL_PKG.NAME_ADDR_REC_TYPE;  BEGIN  dynamic_sql_pkg.get_name_address (v_table_name, v_id, name_addr_rec);  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('First Name: 'name_addr_rec.first_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Last Name: 'name_addr_rec.last_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Street: 'name_addr_rec.street); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('City: '; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('State: 'name_addr_rec.state); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Zip Code: '; END; 

Notice that instead of declaring six variables , you declare one variable of the user-defined record type, name_addr_rec_type . Because this record type has been defined in the package DYNAMIC_SQL_PKG, the name of the record type is prefixed by the name of the package. Similarly, the name of package has been added to the procedure call statement.

When run, this script produces the output shown below (the first output is against the STUDENT table, and the second output is against the INSTRUCTOR table):

  Enter value for sv_table_name: student   old 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := '&sv_table_name';   new 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'student';   Enter value for sv_id: 105   old 3: v_id NUMBER := &sv_id;   new 3: v_id NUMBER := 105;   First Name: Angel   Last Name: Moskowitz   Street: 320 John St.   City: Ft. Lee   State: NJ   Zip Code: 07024   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.   Enter value for sv_table_name: instructor   old 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := '&sv_table_name';   new 2: v_table_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'instructor';   Enter value for sv_id: 105   old 3: v_id NUMBER := &sv_id;   new 3: v_id NUMBER := 105;   First Name: Anita   Last Name: Morris   Street: 34 Maiden Lane   City: New York   State: NY   Zip Code: 10015   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.  

Oracle PL[s]SQL by Example
Oracle PL[s]SQL by Example
ISBN: 3642256902
Year: 2003
Pages: 289 © 2008-2017.
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