Types of databases

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VirtualSpatialData (ODBC/OVF)

This is an OGR extension to MapServer. It allows you to connect to databases that don't explicitly hold spatial data, as well as flat text files. Your data must have an x and a y column, and the data may be accessed through an ODBC connection or a direct pointer to a text file.

The VirtualSpatialData OGR extension has been tested with the following databases and should, in theory, support all ODBC data sources.

  • Oracle

  • MySQL

  • SQL Server

  • Access

  • PostgreSQL

Types of flat files

Comma, tab, or custom delimited text/flat files work with VirtualSpatialData.

Create the data source name (DSN)

Specific notes about creating a DSN on Windows and Linux can be found by searching the MapServer reference documents site at http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc.

On some Windows systems you must create a SYSTEM DSN.

Test your connection

Test your connection with ogrinfo. The syntax for this command is:

     > ogrinfo ODBC:user/pass@DSN table 

ogrinfo examples

Here's an example that accesses a comma-separated text file through ODBC; it's a flat text file coal_dep.txt containing lat/long points:

     unknown,na,id,id2,mark,coalkey,coalkey2,long,lat     0.000,0.000,1,1,7,87,87,76.90238,51.07161     0.000,0.000,2,2,7,110,110,78.53851,50.69403     0.000,0.000,3,3,3,112,112,83.22586,71.24420     0.000,0.000,4,4,6,114,114,80.79896,73.41175 

If the DSN name is Data_txt, the ogrinfo command to see a list of applicable files in the directory is:

     > ogrinfo ODBC:jeff/test@Data_txt     INFO: Open of `ODBC:jeff/test@Data_txt'     using driver `ODBC' successful.     1: coal_dep.csv     2: coal_dep.txt     3: coal_dep_nf.txt     4: coal_dep_trim.txt     5: Copy of coal_dep.txt     6: deposit.csv     7: maruia.asc     8: oahuGISbathy.csv     9: oahuGISbathy.txt     10: on_pts.txt     11: on_pts_utm.txt     12: test.txt     13: utm_test.txt 

The username and password may be optional, so the following may also be valid:

     > ogrinfo ODBC:@Data_txt 

Therefore, the command to see more information about one of the specific layers is:

     > ogrinfo ODBC:@Data_txt coal_dep.txt     INFO: Open of 'ODBC:@Data_txt'     using driver 'ODBC' successful.           Layer name: coal_dep.txt     Geometry: Unknown (any)     Feature Count: 266     Layer SRS WKT:     (unknown)     UNKNOWN: String (255.0)     NA: String (255.0)     ID: String (255.0)     ID2: String (255.0)     MARK: String (255.0)     COALKEY: String (255.0)     COALKEY2: String (255.0)     LONG: String (255.0)     LAT: String (255.0)     OGRFeature(coal_dep.txt):0       UNKNOWN (String) = 0.000       .... 

Here's an example that creates a virtual data file with an ovf extension:

     <OGRVRTDataSource>         <OGRVRTLayer name="mylayer">             <SrcDataSource>ODBC:user/pass@DSN</SrcDataSource>         <SrcLayer>tablename</SrcLayer>        <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>             <LayerSRS>WGS84</LayerSRS>        <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="x" y="y"/>         </OGRVRTLayer>     </OGRVRTDataSource> 

More information on ovf files can be found at http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ogr/drv_vrt.html.

Here's an example ovf file for coal_dep.txt:

     <OGRVRTDataSource>       <OGRVRTLayer  name="coal">          <SrcDataSource>ODBC:Data_txt</SrcDataSource>          <SrcLayer>coal_dep.txt</SrcLayer>          <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="Long" y="Lat"/>          <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>       </OGRVRTLayer>     </OGRVRTDataSource> 

Map file example

Using an ovf file, your layer may look like:

        LAYER         CONNECTION "coal.ovf"         CONNECTIONTYPE OGR         DATA "coal-test"           METADATA             "wms_srs"   "4326"             "wms_title"   "coal-test"           END         NAME "coal-test"         SIZEUNITS PIXELS         STATUS ON         TOLERANCE 0         TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS         TYPE POINT         UNITS METERS         CLASS           STYLE               COLOR 255 0 0             MAXSIZE 100             MINSIZE 1             SIZE 6             SYMBOL "star"           END         END       END 

You may also specify the ovf contents inline this way:

       LAYER         CONNECTION "<OGRVRTDataSource>     <OGRVRTLayer  name='coal-test'>     <SrcDataSource>ODBC:@Data_txt</SrcDataSource>     <SrcLayer>coal_dep.txt</SrcLayer>     <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='Long' y='Lat'/>     <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>     </OGRVRTLayer>     </OGRVRTDataSource>"         CONNECTIONTYPE OGR         DATA "coal-test"           METADATA             "wms_srs"   "4326"             "wms_title"   "coal-test"           END         NAME "coal-test"         SIZEUNITS PIXELS         STATUS ON         TOLERANCE 0         TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS         TYPE POINT         UNITS METERS         CLASS           STYLE               COLOR 255 0 0             MAXSIZE 100             MINSIZE 1             SIZE 6             SYMBOL "star"           END         END       END 

     < Day Day Up > 

    Web Mapping
    Web Mapping Illustrated: Using Open Source GIS Toolkits
    ISBN: 0596008651
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 138

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