File listing

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Geography Markup Language Files (GML)

  • Also known as Geographic Markup Language and GML/XML.

  • GML is a text-based, XML format that can represent vector and attribute data.

  • This is an Open Geospatial Consortium specification for data interchange.

GML files are usually a single text file with a GML filename extension (coal_dep.gml). Some may use XML as the filename extension.

XML schema documents often accompany GML files that have been translated from some other format (e.g., using the ogr2ogr utility).

Example of text in a GML file

GML uses sets of nested tags to define attributes and geometry coordinates:

       <gml:featureMember>         <Coal_Deposits f>           <UNKNOWN>0.000</UNKNOWN>           <NA>0.000</NA>           <ID>2</ID>           <ID2>2</ID2>           <MARK>7</MARK>           <COALKEY>110</COALKEY>           <COALKEY2>110</COALKEY2>           <ogr:geometryProperty>             <gml:Point>               <gml:coordinates>78.531,50.694</gml:coordinates>             </gml:Point>           </ogr:geometryProperty>         </Coal_Deposits>       </gml:featureMember> 

Data access/connection method

  • GML access is available in MapServer through OGR.

  • The CONNECTIONTYPE OGR parameter must be used.

  • The path to the GML file is required, including a file extension.

  • There can be multiple layers in a GML file, including multiple feature types.

ogrinfo examples

Here's an example that uses ogrinfo on a single GML file:

     > ogrinfo /data/gml/coal_dep.gml     Had to open data source read-only.     INFO: Open of 'coal_dep.gml'     using driver 'GML' successful.     1: Coal_Deposits 

Here's an example that uses ogrinfo to examine the structure of one layer:

     > ogrinfo -summary /data/gml/coal_dep.gml Coal_Deposits     Had to open data source read-only.     INFO: Open of 'coal_dep.gml'     using driver 'GML' successful.           Layer name: Coal_Deposits     Geometry: Unknown (any)     Feature Count: 266     Extent: (23.293650, 37.986340) - (179.272550, 80.969670)     Layer SRS WKT:     (unknown)     UNKNOWN: Real (0.0)     NA: Real (0.0)     ID: Integer (0.0)     ID2: Integer (0.0)     MARK: Integer (0.0)     COALKEY: Integer (0.0)     COALKEY2: Integer (0.0)     LONG: Real (0.0)     LAT: Real (0.0) 

Map file example

     LAYER       NAME coal_deposits       TYPE POINT       STATUS DEFAULT       CONNECTIONTYPE OGR       CONNECTION "gml/coal_dep.gml"       CLASS         COLOR 0 0 0         SYMBOL 'circle'         SIZE 6       END     END 

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    Web Mapping
    Web Mapping Illustrated: Using Open Source GIS Toolkits
    ISBN: 0596008651
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 138 © 2008-2017.
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