Form and Context Menus

As interesting as forms themselves arewith their lifetime, adornments, transparency settings, and input optionsthey're all the more interesting when they contain controls. Apart from system-provided adornments like the control box and minimize and maximize buttons, the most likely adornment to appear on a main form is the menu strip. You can add a menu strip to your form by dragging a MenuStrip component onto it from the Toolbox. [17] The MenuStrip Designer allows you to build a menu strip interactively using MenuStrip's design surface, illustrated in Figure 2.19.

[17] For an in-depth discussion of MenuStrip's key features, see Chapter 10. MenuStrip (and the other XxxStrip controls discussed later) also support advanced layout capabilities, which are covered in Chapter 4.

Figure 2.19. The VS05 MenuStrip Control Designer

To save yourself some effort, you can use MenuStrip's handy "Insert Standard Items" smart tag option, shown in Figure 2.20. [18]

[18] Many new controls support configuration with smart tags as well as with the Properties window.

Figure 2.20. MenuStrip Smart Tag Option for Inserting Standard Items

This feature automatically generates a complete set of typical menus and menu items, including File, Edit, Tools, and Help, as shown in Figure 2.21.

Figure 2.21. MenuStrip with Standard Menus and Menu Items Inserted

Your form can host one or more menu strips, all of which can be visible at run time. You can hide or show a MenuStrip by setting its Visible property:

// MainForm.cs partial class MainForm : Form {   public MainForm() {     InitializeComponent();     this.mainMenuStrip.Visible = true;     this.alternateMenuStrip.Visible = false;   }   ... }

Sometimes, forms require knowledge of a particular menu strip to perform special, integrated behavior, such as MDI menu merging as discussed later in this chapter. You provide this knowledge to a form by setting its MainMenuStrip property with the appropriate menu strip, which also specifies which menu receives shortcut keys (Alt+...). The Windows Forms Designer automatically sets MainMenuStrip in InitializeComponent to the first menu strip dropped onto a form:

// MainForm.Designer.cs partial class MainForm {   ...   void InitializeComponent() {     ...     this.MainMenuStrip = this.mainMenuStrip;     ...   } } public MainForm() {   InitializeComponent();   this.MainMenuStrip = this.mainMenuStrip; }

Additionally, you can set MainMenuStrip to any menu strip control either by writing code like this or by using the Properties window.

The MenuStrip control can contain zero or more top-level menus via its Items property, which is of type ToolStripItemCollection. By default, the Designer automatically adds a ToolStripMenuItem. However, you can use the Windows Forms Designer to add several types of tool strip items, including ToolStripMenuItem, ToolStripComboBox, and ToolStripTextBox for the top-level menu, and the same with the additional ToolStripSeparator for drop-down menus. [19]

[19] Technically, you can add any tool strip items to any strip control. However, the Windows Forms Designer offers only the ability to choose from a subset of these for each strip control, as determined by their appropriateness to a particular tool strip and as indicated using the ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability attribute.

Each top-level menu that is a ToolStripMenuItem can also contain zero or more MenuStripItemTypes, which are stored in the DropDownItems property. If a menu item contains zero or more menu items of its own, they show up in a cascading menu, as shown in Figure 2.22.

Figure 2.22. Cascading Menu Items

Figure 2.23 shows the objects used to provide the menu strip in Figure 2.22.

Figure 2.23. Internal Structure of MenuStrip, ToolStripItemCollection, and ToolStripMenuItems

The MenuStrip designer transforms your menu structure into an equivalent set of initialization code, appropriately stored in InitializeComponent (something that really makes you appreciate the Designer):

// MainForm.Designer.cs using System.Windows.Forms; partial class MainForm : Form {   ...   MenuStrip mainMenuStrip;   ToolStripMenuItem fileToolStripMenuItem;   ...   void InitializeComponent() {     ...     this.mainMenuStrip = new MenuStrip();     this.fileToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();     ...     // mainMenuStrip     this.mainMenuStrip.Items.AddRange(       new ToolStripItem[] {     this.fileToolStripMenuItem, ... } );     this.mainMenuStrip.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);     this.mainMenuStrip.Name = "mainMenuStrip";     this.mainMenuStrip.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(244, 24);     this.mainMenuStrip.TabIndex = 0;     ...     // fileToolStripMenuItem     this.fileToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(       new ToolStripItem[] { this.newToolStripMenuItem, ... } );     this.fileToolStripMenuItem.Name = "fileToolStripMenuItem";     this.fileToolStripMenuItem.Text = "&File";     ...     // MainForm     ...     this.Controls.Add(this.mainMenuStrip);   }   ... }

The ToolStripMenuItem type includes the following interesting properties and events:

namespace System.Windows.Forms {    class ToolStripMenuItem : ToolStripDropDownItem {      // Properties      bool Checked { get; set; }      bool CheckOnClick { get; set; }      CheckState CheckState { get; set; }      override bool Enabled { get; set; }      virtual Image Image { get; set; }      ContentAlignment ImageAlign { get; set; }      MergeAction MergeAction { get; set; }      int MergeIndex { get; set; }      ToolStripItemOverflow Overflow { get; set; }      Keys ShortcutKeys { get; set; }      bool ShowShortcutKeys { get; set; }      string ShortcutKeyDisplayString { get; set; }      bool Visible { get; set; }      virtual string Text { get; set; }      // Events      event EventHandler CheckedChanged;      event EventHandler CheckStateChanged;      event EventHandler Click;      event EventHandler DropDownClosed;      event ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler DropDownItemClicked;      event EventHandler DropDownOpened;    } }

Here are the major properties to focus on:

  • Checked and CheckOnClick mark an item as chosen and determine whether an item can be checked.

  • Enabled and Visible determine whether the item can be chosen or whether it will be shown.

  • Image assigns images to your strip item.

  • MergeAction and MergeIndex are MDI-related (discussed later in this chapter).

  • ShortcutKeys allows you to assign a keyboard shortcut to a menu item, such as Ctrl+S for Save.

  • Text is what's shown to the user. (A Text property that includes an "&" (ampersand) underlines the subsequentcharacter; for example, "&Save" shows as "Save," thereby giving users a visual cue for keyboard menu navigation via the Alt key.)

  • TextAlign and TextImageRelation specify text alignment without or with an image.

Of course, the Click event handler is the big celebrity in the menu item list of events, because it gets fired when the user clicks on a menu item:

void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {   this.Close(); } void helpToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {     MessageBox.Show("Ain't menus cool?", "About..."); }

MenuStrips normally provide access to all available menu commands at once, no matter what's happening on a form. Sometimes, however, you may need to show a subset of the available menu commands that is specific to what is happening on the form, depending on the context of the current activity. For this, you use context menus.[20]

[20] .NET 1.x veterans may be wondering where MainMenu and ContextMenu went; MenuStrip, ContextMenuStrip, ToolStrip, and StatusStrip supercede MainMenu, ContextMenu, Toolbar, and Statusbar, respectively, and the latter remain for backward compatibility with Windows Forms 1.x applications.

Context Menus

Whereas forms can have zero or more menus, forms and controls can have at most one context menu each, the value of which is stored in the ContextMenuStrip property:

public MainForm() {    InitializeComponent();    this.ContextMenuStrip = this.editContextMenuStrip; }

Like a MenuStrip control, a ContextMenuStrip can contain zero or more tool strip items, also exposed by a ToolStripItemCollection Items property. Unlike the MenuStrip, however, ContextMenuStrip items have no concept of items "across the top"; context menus are always vertical at every level. Therefore, every ToolStripItem in the Items property is a ToolStripMenuItem, as reflected in the ContextMenuStrip Designer illustrated in Figure 2.24.

Figure 2.24. ContextMenuStrip Designer

As you can see, the top-level menu item, ContextMenuStrip, is only a temporary placeholder supplied by the Context Menu Designer to enable visual editing of the context menu. Figure 2.25 shows how these are arranged internally to construct the context menu in Figure 2.24.

Figure 2.25. Internal Structure of ContextMenuStrip, ToolStripItemCollection, and ToolStripMenuItems

The one remaining behavioral difference between MenuStrip objects and ContextMenuStrip objects is that both forms and controls have a ContextMenuStrip property to let you specify the ContextMenuStrip that appears when the right mouse button is clicked, whereas only forms have a MainMenuStrip property. After a context menu is assigned, users can display it by right-clicking over the form or control it was assigned to, such as the text box in Figure 2.26.

Figure 2.26. ContextMenuStrip in Action

Although many controls have their own context menusfor example, the context menu of a TextBox has things such as Copy and Pasteyou can replace a control's built-in context menu by setting the control's ContextMenuStrip property. As a rule, most of the operations available from any control's context menu are also available as methods on the control.

Because of this, while you can't augment a control's context menu, you can replace it with your own and still provide the operations that the control's menu would provide, implementing those options by sending the command to the control itself:

void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {    this.textBox.Copy(); }

Windows Forms 2.0 Programming
Windows Forms 2.0 Programming (Microsoft .NET Development Series)
ISBN: 0321267966
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 216 © 2008-2017.
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