ICloneable interface, 234, 294

ICollection interface, 272

IComparable interface, 313–316

IComparer interface, 313–316

Icon property, 562

ID property, 650

IDictionary interface, 272, 285–287

IDisposable interface, 190, 983

IDL (Interface Definition Language), 654

IEnumerable interface, 272

IEnumerator<T>GetEnumerator() method, 335

if statement, 69–72

IFormatter interface, 727

IIS (Internet Information Services)

configuring, 685–687

deployment, 683–687

discussed, 580

worker processes, 685

IList interface, 272, 279–280

IList<TAsReadOnly() method, 335

Image control, Web programming, 589

Image property, 399, 402

ImageAlign property, 402

ImageButton control, Web programming, 588

ImageList control, 434–435

immed command, 170

Immediate window, 170–171

implicit conversion

interchangeable values, 90–91

mathematical operators, 45

implicit members, interface implementation, 256

Import and Export Settings Wizard, 15–16

in keyword, 186

<include> element, 931, 936

IncludeOne property, 939

IncludeSelf property, 939

increment (++) operator, 45

indentation, 30

indexers, adding to collections, 280–281

IndexOf() method, 279

infinite loops, flow control, 87


generic classes, 354–355

object-oriented programming, 191–193

Inherited attribute, 902

InitialDirectory property, 493

initialization, arrays, 107, 112

InitializeComponent() method, 398, 407

InnerText property, 757

InnerXml property, 757

inout keyword, 186


classes, 702–703

input validation, Web programming, 593–597

input streams, 702

Insert Table dialog, 627

InsertAfter() method, 759

InsertBefore() method, 759

InsertRange() method, 277

Install mode, User Interface Editor, 564

Installation Complete dialog, Simple Editor application, 572

Installation Folder dialog, User Interface Editor, 564


MSI (Microsoft Installer), 549

Northwind sample databases, 778

Simple Editor application, 567–568

SQL Express, 778

Web applications, 694–696

Windows Installer feature

Add/Remove Programs option, 549–550

advantages of, 551

components, 549

packages, 549

instant messages, events, 368

int Capacity property, 335

int count property, 335

int IComparable<T>.CompareTo() method, 338

int IComparer<T>.Compare() method, 338

int IComparer<T>.GetHashCode() method, 338

int IndexOf() method, 335

int type

discussed, 35, 41

function overloading, 144

objects and, 186

IntelliSense feature, Visual Studio, 118

interchangeable values, implicit conversion, 90–91

Interface Definition Language (IDL), 654

Interface icon, Class View window, 220

interface polymorphism, 194–195

Interface value, attribute targets, 905


abstract classes versus, 229–230

class member definition, 253–257

defining, 208–209

GDI+ (Graphics Device Interface)

Bitmap class, 1002

Brush class, 995–997

clipping, 1010–1011

Color structure, 991–992

coordinate system, 984–987

double-buffering, 1001, 1008–1009

Font class, 997–1001

Graphics class, 982–983

GraphicsPath class, 988

metafiles, 1012

object disposal, 983–984

Pen class, 992–995

Point struct, 987

Rectangle struct, 987

Region class, 988

Size struct, 987

SolidBrush class, 995

System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace, 1011–1012

general-purpose properties, 189

generic, 358

green box indication, 225

ICloneable, 234, 294

ICollection, 272

IComparable, 313–316

IComparer, 313–316

IDictionary, 272, 285–287

IDisposable, 190, 983

IEnumerable, 272

IFormatter, 727

IList, 272, 279–280

implicit members, 256

ISerializable, 893

MDI (Multiple Document Interfaces)

application creation, 468–469

defined, 466

isMdiContainer property, 469

MDI child, 468

MDI containers, 468

text editor creation, 471–472

objects, 189–190

OCI (Oracle Call Interface), 772

SDI (Single Document Interfaces), 466–468

User Interface Editor

accessing, 563

additional dialogs, 565–566

Administrative Install mode, 564

Customer Information dialog, 566

default dialogs, 564–565

Install mode, 564

License Agreement dialog, 566

Register User dialog, 566

Splash dialog, 566

uses for, 557

internal classes, 206

Internal icon, Class View window, 221

internal keyword, 238

Internet Information Services (IIS)

configuring, 685–687

deployment, 683–687

discussed, 580

worker processes, 685

Internet Information Services Launch Condition option, Launch Conditions editor, 563

interrupts, looping, 86–87

Intersection() method, 991

Invoke() method, 666

IP (Internet Protocol), 955

is operator, 299–302

ISerializable interface, 893

isMdiContainer property, 469

IsReadOnly property, 706

<item> element, 931

ItemActivate event, 434

ItemCheck event, 428

Items property, 426, 432


collections and, 287–291

for loops, 85

Beginning Visual C# 2005
Beginning Visual C#supAND#174;/sup 2005
Year: 2005
Pages: 278

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