
  1. In previous versions of Visual Studio, it was quite difficult to get your own applications to display their controls in the new Windows XP style — that changed in this version of Visual Studio. For this exercise, locate where, in a Windows Forms application, Windows XP styles are enabled in a new Windows Forms project. Experiment with enabling and disabling the styles and see how what you do affects the controls on the forms.

  2. Modify the TabControl example by adding a couple of tab pages and display a message box with the text You changed the current tab to <Text of the current tab> from <Text of the tab that was just left>.

  3. In the ListView example, you used the tag property to save the fully qualified path to the folders and files in the ListView. Change this behavior by creating a new class that is derived from ListViewItem and use instances of this new class as the items in the ListView. Store the information about the files and folders in the new class using a property named FullyQualifiedPath.

Beginning Visual C# 2005
Beginning Visual C#supAND#174;/sup 2005
Year: 2005
Pages: 278

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