

' (apostrophe) character, 260

' (apostrophe) symbol, 101

- (subtraction) operator

basic maths using numbers, 158

" (double quotation marks)

defining inside a String, 143

% (percent) wild card character, 255

& (ampersand) in query string, 364

mailto: protocol, 369

* (asterisk) character

Edit Table window, 250

Forms based authentication, 443

SELECT statement, 253, 255

.. (dot dot) characters

referencing paths, 348

.ascx/.aspx file extension, 384

.NET Framework

see alphabetized as NET Framework.

/ (division) operator

basic maths using numbers, 158

/ character

referencing paths, 348

? (question mark)

Forms based authentication, 443

? (question mark) in query string, 364

mailto: protocol, 369

@search parameter

Command object, 317

\ (integer division) operator

basic maths using numbers, 158

\ character

referencing paths, 348

_ (underscore) character

using in code, 107

_blank target attribute, 355

_new target attribute, 355

_parent target attribute, 355

_self target attribute, 355

+ (addition) operator

basic maths using numbers, 158

< (less-than)

encoding, 370

<!-- ... -->, 216, 408

<% .. %> tags, 58

# for data binding, 286

<> angle brackets

HTML elements, 56

<a> tag, 345

<br/> tag

handling carriage return character in browsers, 153

replacing vbCrLf, 154

> (greater-than)

encoding, 370

404 error message, 215

Beginning Dynamic Websites with ASP. NET Web Matrix
Beginning Dynamic Websites: with ASP.NET Web Matrix (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764543741
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 141 © 2008-2017.
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