

DALnet, 486

Danish bulletin board system, 26


in hexadecimal and ASCII format, 199

hiding, 199–201

mining technologies, 14

on networked systems, 383

recovery, 237–41, 264–71, 301–11

representation of, 198

Database header, 340

Databases, 279–80

Berkeley (BD), 233, 316, 331

Catalog, 317

Macintosh Desktop, 329

Netscape history, 232–6

in Palm OS (PDB), 339–40

DataGrab, 513

DataLifter, 267–80

Data-link layer, 422–7, 668


addresses (MAC addresses), 438

encapsulation, 422–7

information, analyzing using a grid, 246

stamp behavior on FAT and NTFS file systems, 272

Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 1993, 181

DAVE application, 334

db dump 185 utility, 316

DCS1000 see Carnivore

dd command, 295, 539

Debit cards, 19

Debugfs, 302

Deception, 68

DeCSS, 60–1

DeepThroat Trojan horse program, 405

Defamation, 378, 485

Deleted data, 28–9, 189, 347

in computer crime, 542

Palm OS, 346

in PDA seizure, 348

recovery, 264, 339

Unix, 301, 306

Dellapenta, Gary S., 611

Denial of service attach tools, 540

DES, 207–11


DB, 335

driver, 329

folder, 330


of assets, 151

of digital evidence, 383, 542

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) database entries, 431, 438, 457


modem banks, 389

server logs, 100

DIBS, 28

Dig (Domain Information Groper), 445

DigiExt, 403

Digital camera, 22, 98, 139, 220, 330, 570

Digital crime scene

in original state, 133

technicians, 1

Digital Equipment Corporation, 664

Digital evidence, 664

admissibility of, 170–2

as alibi, 617

areas of specialization in handling, 1

authentication of, 169, 172–5, 391, 459

authorization and preparation of, 212–13

awareness of, 13–15

bitstream copy of digital evidence, 395

certainty in, 176

challenging aspects of, 15–17

classification, 212, 230, 434–7, 539

Lazarus, 307

collection of, 1–3, 14, 20, 116–17

in the courtroom, 167

definition, 12–13

displaying, 185

documentation of, 217–20, 427–32

empirical law, 226

examination, 27, 31

certification and training programs, 27

international standards (ISO 17025), 27

tools, bugs in, 134

examination guidelines, 631

identification and processing of special files, 642–3

preparation, 632

processing, 633–42

examiners, 1, 21, 186

network basics for, 359

forensic science, 20–1

handling guidelines, 627

preservation, 630

sample preservation form, 632

in handheld devices, 338

hearsay and, 179–83

identification of, 106–8, 216

on the Internet, 477

investigative reconstruction with, 115, 117, 408–16, 540–54

law of collection and preservation, empirical, 226

map, 393

media, 134

on networks, 390–93, 395–406

methodical approach, 393

preparation and authorization, 384–8

physical and data-link layers on, 419, 433

principles for handling, 107

processing tools and techniques, 183–5

overview of, 261–64, 294–301

reliability of, 2

reporting, 249–51

role of, 96

sources of, 33

system of degrees of likelihood, 250

transfer, types of, 99

transport layer, 441

Digital fingerprints, 219, 662

see also Message digest

Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS), 31

Digital forensic science, 31

Digital investigators, 1

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 59–62

Digital signatures, 218–20

Digital stratigraphy, 247–9

Direct chatting (DCC), 487

Direct versus circumstantial evidence, 178–9

Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB), 3

Disk Boot, 197–201

Disk storage conditions, 110, 203–10

Disk Warrior, 327

DiskSearch Pro, 261

DmArchiveRecord, 340

DmRemoveRecord function, 340

DNA analysis, 96

DNA (Distributed Network Attack) application, 270

DNS (Domain Name System), 441

records, dynamic, 456

Documentation of digital evidence

stages of handling and processing, 217–20

collection, and preservation, 427–32

Drivers, 256, 290

Drug trafficking, 337

DOS/Windows Command Line, 633

see also Maresware

DSA, 208

DSMA/CO (Digital Sense Multiple access with Collision Detection), 369

Dumpel, 272

Durall, R., 11

DVDCCA v. Bunner, 61

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 431, 457, 618

DynDNS, 456

Digital Evidence and Computer Crime
Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Second Edition
ISBN: 0121631044
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 279 © 2008-2017.
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