Chapter6.Using Adobe ImageReady CS2

Chapter 6. Using Adobe ImageReady CS2

Adobe began including the entire ImageReady application in the box along with Photoshop when Photoshop 5.5 was released. And now many people aren't even aware that ImageReady exists, let alone know that it's already installed on their computer. Although Photoshop (and Illustrator as well) has a robust Save for Web feature for exporting web graphics, there are many things that ImageReadya dedicated web graphics production programcan offer. This includes the capability to create rollover effects. In fact, the Save for Web features found in Photoshop, Illustrator, and GoLive all "borrow" their functionality from ImageReady. ImageReady CS2 is a powerful and integral part of the Creative Suite, and many concepts apply specifically to web workflows, hence my decision to cover it in its own separate chapter.

What's New in ImageReady CS2?

ImageReady CS2 doesn't really have any new features. In reality, it seems that Adobe has spent much effort moving some of the great technology from ImageReady, such as object-based selections and the Animation palette, into Photoshop.

Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Creative Suite 2 All in One
Sams Teach Yourself Creative Suite 2 All in One
ISBN: 067232752X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 225
Authors: Mordy Golding © 2008-2017.
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