

Salary, 255

Sarcasm, 88

Saxe, John Godfrey, 1–2

Search firms, 270

Self-awareness, 7–14

in coaching up, 179, 186

of dominant style, 140

and peer-level office politics, 77

Self-care, 258

Self-confidence, 154–155

Self-doubt, 284

Self-esteem, 148–149

Self-marketing, 165–169

Self-marketing plan development, 158–161

Self-promotion, 158

Self-renewal, 27

Self-talk, 149, 284

Senator (style), 79–80

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 243

Severance, 254–255


of decision making, 27

of knowledge, 2

and networking, 275

Shifting Problems to Potential Worksheet, 228–229

“Silent treatment,” 48

Sincerity, 143

Skill development, 7–21

of motivation, 16–21

of self-awareness, 7–14

of welcoming feedback, 14–16


behavioral, 204

job search, 283–284

technical, 202

Snubbing, 73

Speaking engagements, 164

Speaking up, 181

Spontaneity, 146

Squirreling information, 73

Staff meetings, 167

Standards, 36

anger management using, 52

of behavior, 47, 48

for correspondence, 167

and influential individuals, 143

of leadership, 27

Steady style:

of communication, 55

of leadership, 144–146

Stock options, 255

Strengths, 117–119

Style, work, 6

Success, 109–110

enjoyment of, 140–141

and fulfillment, 114

visualizing, 149

Success/failure continuum, 109–110

Suffering, 98

Supervision, 26–33

as biggest fan, 162

bully style of, 27–29

coaching your (see Coaching up)

incompetent, 31–32

know-it-all style of, 29–30

micromanager style of, 32–33

styles of, 26–27

Supervisory relationships, 4–24

and coaching up, 179–180

communication for improving, 34–36, 38

goal alignment in, 180

motivation to improve, 16–21

rebound plan for improving, 33–34

recognition of, 5–6

self-awareness to improve, 7–14

skill for improving, 7–21

standards/boundaries for improving, 36–38

welcoming feedback to improve, 14–16

Support system, 124–125, 204, 284

Supportiveness, 180

How to Shine at Work
How to Shine at Work
ISBN: 0071408657
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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