Network Scanners

Network scanners are software tools that probe a network to determine the hosts present on the network. Network scanners also probe the discovered hosts to determine the TCP and UDP ports that are open. Furthermore, based on the response of the probes, scanners can identify the OS, the services that are running, and the associated security vulnerabilities present on the discovered hosts. Some scanners can also display the results in the form of graphical reports. Some of the most popular open source network scanners are as follows:

  • Nmap Known as the Swiss army knife of network scanners; a popular and versatile tool.

  • Netcat A port scanner with the additional capability to read and write data across a network through TCP and UDP ports.

  • Nessus The most popular vulnerability scanner with the ability to regularly update the vulnerability database; comes preinstalled with many Linux live CD-ROMs; good reporting capability.

  • SARA/SATAN Security Auditor's Research Assistant (SARA) is a vulnerability scanner that is based on the now-defunct Security Administrator's Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN) project; the vulnerability database is updated less frequently than that of Nessus.

This chapter covers Nmap and Nessus because both are feature rich and under active development. Furthermore, both of these tools come pre-installed with the live CD-ROM based tool kits.

Nmap Scanner

Nmap is highly versatile tool for scanning and enumerating networks. Nmap also looks for services that are running on hosts by scanning TCP and UDP ports. Often referred to as the Swiss army knife of security tools, Nmap is an integral part of every network security professional's tool kit. Nmap is pre-installed in all the live CD-ROM distributions listed in Table 7-1. The MS-Windows version is also available at the Nmap home page (

Some of the routine (and cumbersome) Netadmin tasks that Nmap can do are as follows:

  • Verify unused IP addresses in a network

  • Verify available hosts in a network

  • Verify services running on a host in a network

  • Verify the firewall security configurations

  • Verify the OS running on a remote host

In addition to using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping scans for network discovery, Nmap can use other scanning techniques using TCP and UDP packets. These techniques enable network scanning even if ICMP traffic is blocked in a network.


The Nmap scans can trigger security alarms by intrusion detection systems (IDS). Additionally, Nmap scans can potentially crash certain TCP/IP stacks (or certain applications) of poorly designed systems. Many organizations have security policies that ban the use of network scanners such as Nmap. Always verify with the network operations and network security departments of the organization before using Nmap (or other security-related tools mentioned in this chapter).

Nmap is a command-line tool and can be invoked through the command shell. The syntax is as follows:

   nmap [options] target hostname or ip address 

Example 7-1 shows Nmap scanning host

Example 7-1. Using Nmap
 root@0[knoppix]# nmap Starting Nmap 3.48 ( ) at 2004-11-04 00:26 CET Interesting ports on (The 1656 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT   STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open  http Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.900 seconds 

As highlighted in Example 7-1, Nmap scanned 1656 ports and reported an open port on the scanned target. Nmap also reported that the target is up.


Some of the advanced Nmap options use special packets that do not conform to the TCP/IP standards. These nonstandard packets can only be created by using the raw socket capabilities of the OS. Hence, Nmap needs root privilege access to use the advanced scanning options.

Nmap also provides a fast and efficient means of scanning the entire network. To specify a target network based on the length of the network mask, use the slash (/) option. For example, the nmap command scans the entire class C network ranging from to

You can also use the wildcard character asterisk (*) to specify matches. For example, the nmap 192.168.*.* command is similar to nmap

To scan only specific subnets or hosts in a larger network, Nmap allows the use of the hyphen (-) to specify ranges. For example, the nmap 192.168.35-79.0-255 command scans all the class C subnets that range from to Similarly, the nmap 192.168.35-79.99 command scans all the nodes with 99 as the host address in the subnet range of to (such as IP addresses,, and all the way up to

Finally, you can use the comma (,) to specify individual hosts or networks. For example, the nmap 192.168.35,38,56.5,31 command scans the following hosts:,,,,, and

For more control and flexibility in scanning various network environments, Nmap provides several options. Some of these options are listed in Table 7-2.

Table 7-2. Nmap Options




TCP regular port scan (default for unprivileged users); connects to target port with a three-way TCP handshake.


TCP SYN[*] stealth port scan (also called a half-open scan); sends a SYN packet and waits for SYN+ACK signals for open ports and RST+ACK signals for closed ports.


TCP FIN[*] stealth port scan; sends a FIN packet and expects an RST packet for all closed ports.


UDP port scan.


ICMP ping scan.


Version scan probes open ports to determine service and application names/versions.


TCP/IP fingerprinting that guesses the remote operating system.

-p <range>

Specifies the ports to scan.


Scans only ports listed in the nmap-services file; useful for quickly scanning common services or ports. The nmap-services file is installed with Nmap and contains a list of common TCP/UDP ports and the associated services.


Verbose or detailed output; can be used in conjunction with any other option.


Do not use ping for scanning hosts.


Do not use Domain Name System (DNS) resolution.


Use DNS resolution.

-oN <logfile>

Send the output to the specified log file in normal format.

-iL <inputfile>

Use the input file for the list of targets to be scanned.

-S <ipaddress>

Specifies the source IP address.

-e <interface-name>

Specifies the network interface as the source.

[*] SYN, ACK, RST and FIN are the flags in the TCP packet.

The examples in the sections that follow highlight the utility of nmap as a versatile network scanner. These example are based on the options listed in Table 7-2 and explain nmap usage for routine Netadmin tasks.

Scanning a Network

To scan a range of networks, you can use special characters, as discussed in the previous section. Consider the following three commands:

   nmap -v -sP 192.168.*.*   nmap -v -sP 192.168.0-255.0-255   nmap -v -sP 

All three commands scan the entire class B range of to and produce the output shown in Example 7-2. The output displays the result of the ping scan sent to each host address within the specified range. By using the v option (for verbose output), the display also reports the hosts that are down. Without using the -v switch, nmap displays only the hosts that are up. The -v option can be used in conjunction with any other nmap option to get more information from the nmap command output. Additionally, without the -v option, nmap displays the summary results after the scan is complete. With the use of the -v option, nmap starts displaying the scan results as they appear, instead of waiting until the end of the scan. You can use the -vv option for even more details. Also, note the -sP option, which specifies using an ICMP ping scan. Without this switch, nmap uses the default method of a TCP connect scan. In Example 7-2, the output is suppressed for the sake of clarity.

Example 7-2. nmap Scanning a Class B Network
 root@0[knoppix]# nmap -v -sP Starting Nmap 3.48 ( ) at 2004-11-04 00:26 PST Host appears to be up. Host appears to be up. Host appears to be up. Host appears to be up. Host appears to be up. Host appears to be up. ... Host appears to be down. Host appears to be down. Host appears to be down. ... Host appears to be up. Host appears to be down. ... Host appears to be up. ... Host appears to be up. ... Host appears to be up. ... Host appears to be up. ... Host appears to be up. Host appears to be down. ... Host appears to be up. ... Host appears to be up. Host appears to be up. 

Note that the version of Nmap in Example 7-2 is 3.48. Higher versions of Nmap also display the message authentication code (MAC) address and the vendor name (based on the MAC address). The remainder of this chapter is based on Nmap version 3.55, which is included with the Knoppix CD.

Scanning TCP Ports

The network services running on host machines use TCP or UDP ports to communicate with other machines. For example, web services use TCP port 80 to listen for HTTP requests. The Netadmin can estimate the services running on the target hosts by scanning for open ports. Port scans are useful in discovering unneeded services that are running on the target host and verifying firewall configurations. Armed with the port scan results, the Netadmin can enhance network security through the following methods:

  • Hardening the host by shutting down unneeded services that are running over it

  • Tightening network access by denying access to these ports or hosts through firewall access control lists (ACL)

To scan the TCP ports on the hosts or the network, use the sT option, as shown in Example 7-3. You can also use the -sS, -sA, -sF, and -sX options for stealth scanning or when scanning through firewalls.

Example 7-3. nmap Scanning TCP Ports
 root@0[knoppix]# nmap -sT Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-11-06 11:19 EST Interesting ports on (The 1657 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT   STATE SERVICE 23/tcp open  telnet 79/tcp open  finger 80/tcp open  http MAC Address: 00:50:73:21:D0:67 (Cisco SYSTEMS) Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.068 seconds 


Unlike regular TCP scans, stealth scanning techniques only send a single TCP datagram to the target and do not establish the three-way TCP handshake. As a result, stealth scans can pass through some firewalls and often do not show up in the IDS logs.

Scanning UDP Ports

Several network services, such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Windows file sharing, and so on, use UDP. But, unlike TCP, UDP is connectionless and does not use the three-way handshake. Therefore, nmap provides limited options for UDP scanning. Nonetheless, UDP scanning using the -sU option provides a list of UDP port numbers in the listening state on the target host. UDP scans also list the name of the services associated with the UDP ports. Similar to the TCP port scan, UDP port scan reports can help Netadmins to enhance network security. Example 7-4 shows a UDP scan on a target with IP address

Example 7-4. nmap Scanning UDP Ports
 root@0[knoppix]# nmap -sU Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-11-06 11:13 EST Interesting ports on (The 1475 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT    STATE SERVICE 137/udp open  netbios-ns 138/udp open  netbios-dgm 445/udp open  microsoft-ds MAC Address: 00:0D:56:DF:86:A6 (Dell PCBA Test) Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.065 seconds 

Scanning a Port Range

By default, Nmap scans all the ports from 1 through 1024. Nmap also scans ports that are listed in the nmap-services file. Therefore, scanning a large number of ports, especially for a larger subnet, is a time-consuming process. Moreover, the Netadmin might prefer to avoid scans on certain ports to prevent application malfunctions. (Nmap scans are known to crash certain applications and OSs.) Fortunately, similar to the options for scanning a range of IP addresses, Nmap also provides a method to specify port ranges, through the -p range option. You can specify the range using the starting and ending port numbers. Multiple ports or ranges can be separated by a comma. Example 7-5 shows nmap performing a TCP and UDP port scan. The ports to be scanned range from 25 to 50 and 51 to 120.

Example 7-5. nmap Scanning a Range of Ports
 root@0[knoppix]# nmap -sT -sU -p 20-25,51-120 Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-11-06 11:17 EST Interesting ports on (The 141 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT    STATE SERVICE 21/tcp  open  ftp 22/tcp  open  ssh 23/tcp  open  telnet 25/tcp  open  smtp 53/tcp  open  domain 53/udp  open  domain 79/tcp  open  finger 80/tcp  open  http 110/tcp open  pop3 111/tcp open  rpcbind 111/udp open  rpcbind MAC Address: 00:D0:59:17:77:46 (Ambit Microsystems) Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 76.177 seconds 

Scanning Common Ports

As seen in the previous example, Nmap provides the option to scan a range of ports. However, it is difficult to efficiently summarize the port range through the CLI options. To address this issue, Nmap includes the nmap-services file, which contains a list of commonly used TCP and UDP port numbers along with the names of the associated services. Note that the nmap-services file is part of the Nmap installation and needs no user input.

To perform a quick scan on common TCP ports listed in the nmap-services file, use the nmap command in conjunction with the -F option, as demonstrated in Example 7-6.

Example 7-6. nmap Scanning Common Ports
 knoppix@ttyp0[knoppix]# nmap -F Starting Nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-11-06 10:40 EST Interesting ports on (The 1213 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT     STATE SERVICE 135/tcp  open  msrpc 139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn 445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds 1025/tcp open  NFS-or-IIS 3389/tcp open  ms-term-serv MAC Address: 00:0D:56:DF:86:A6 (Dell PCBA Test) Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.003 seconds 

By default, nmap always uses TCP scans. To scan common UDP ports, add the -sU option, as shown in Example 7-7.

Example 7-7. nmap Scanning Common UDP Ports
 knoppix@ttyp0[knoppix]# nmap -sU -F Starting Nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-11-06 10:40 EST Interesting ports on (The 1005 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT    STATE SERVICE 137/udp open  netbios-ns 138/udp open  netbios-dgm 445/udp open  microsoft-ds MAC Address: 00:0D:56:DF:86:A6 (Dell PCBA Test) Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.875 seconds 

Remote OS Detection

When probed by network scans, the TCP/IP stack of every OS replies with a signature response unique to that OS. The process of comparing the response against the known signature to determine the OS of the target device is called OS fingerprinting. nmap sends prebuilt probe packets to the target host and analyzes the signature to estimate the OS. To invoke the OS fingerprinting function, use the -O option. (Note: This is the letter O and not the number zero.) Example 7-8 shows nmap scanning a target with IP address and correctly diagnosing it as a Cisco PIX Firewall running PIX OS 6.2 or higher.

Example 7-8. OS Fingerprinting Using nmap
 root@0[knoppix]# nmap -O Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-11-06 11:44 EST Interesting ports on (The 1656 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT     STATE SERVICE 22/tcp   open  ssh 23/tcp   open  telnet 443/tcp  open  https 1467/tcp open  csdmbase MAC Address: 00:07:50:57:E2:69 (Cisco Systems) Device type: firewall Running: Cisco PIX 6.X                                                  OS details: Cisco PIX Firewall running PIX 6.2 - 6.3.3                  Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.389 seconds 

Detailed Outputs

By default, Nmap shows the output onscreen after completing the scanning process. If the scan takes a long time, there might be no output for a while. By using the -v (verbose) option, Nmap shows the output onscreen as soon as the scanning begins. Also, the use of the -v option provides more details in the output. Users can specify the option more than once (-vv) to obtain even more details for the accompanying option. Like the other options, the verbose option can be used in conjunction with all other options. Example 7-9 shows the detailed output of guessing the OS of target When compared to Example 7-8, the output provides more information.

Example 7-9. Detailed nmap Output
 root@0[knoppix]# nmap -vv -O Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-11-06 11:49 EST Host appears to be up ... good. Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against at 11:49 Adding open port 23/tcp Adding open port 1467/tcp Adding open port 443/tcp Adding open port 22/tcp The SYN Stealth Scan took 0 seconds to scan 1660 ports. For OSScan assuming that port 22 is open and port 1 is closed and neither are   firewalled Interesting ports on (The 1656 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT     STATE SERVICE 22/tcp   open  ssh 23/tcp   open  telnet 443/tcp  open  https 1467/tcp open  csdmbase MAC Address: 00:07:50:57:E2:69 (Cisco Systems) Device type: firewall Running: Cisco PIX 6.X                                 OS details: Cisco PIX Firewall running PIX 6.2 - 6.3.3 OS Fingerprint: TSeq(Class=TR%IPID=I%TS=U) T1(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=1000%ACK=S++%Flags=AS%Ops=M) T2(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=800%ACK=S%Flags=AR%Ops=WNMETL) T3(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=1000%ACK=S++%Flags=AS%Ops=M) T4(Resp=N) T5(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=800%ACK=S++%Flags=AR%Ops=WNMETL) T6(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=400%ACK=S%Flags=AR%Ops=WNMETL) T7(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=C00%ACK=S++%Flags=UAPR%Ops=WNMETL) PU(Resp=N) TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=truly random                          Difficulty=9999999 (Good luck!) TCP ISN Seq. Numbers: DBDE7435 91F6251F DDED40C8 EAFD9725 5F5B10D8 94B552C6 IPID Sequence Generation: Incremental Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.363 seconds 


nmap commands can be difficult for new users to remember. Knoppix-STD also includes a graphical front end for nmap called nmapfe. This front end is found in the Vulnerability Assessment menu.

Nessus Scanner

Nessus is an open source network scanner with the additional capability of scanning known vulnerabilities present on the target hosts. Vulnerabilities are the weaknesses in an operating system or software that can potentially be exploited by malicious users with an intent to cause system damage. Network vulnerability scanners such as Nessus provide security vulnerability detection and reporting for networks and host systems. The Nessus operation can be summarized in the following four steps:


Perform network scans to discover available targets.


Based on the scanning results, enumerate the available OS and services.


Based on the enumerated list of OS and services, probe the target hosts using the internal database of known vulnerabilities.


Based on the results of the probes, create a report for future reference.

Nessus uses a client/server architecture with the server (nessusd) listening for incoming connections from the clients. The clients instruct the server to perform security tests.

The following features have led to the popularity of Nessus:

  • Provides a scalable and modular client/server architecture.

  • Plug-ins provide a modular means for easily adding new tests to the core engine.

  • Plug-ins database is updated on a daily basis.

  • Uses intelligent scanning to accurately detect services, even if they are running on a nonstandard port.

  • Is stable and has been under active development since 1998.

  • Has a large user and support base.

Nessus comes preinstalled on all the live CD-ROMs listed in Table 7-1. This discussion is based on Nessus that is included with the Knoppix CD-ROM, but it should be applicable to the Knoppix-STD and NST CDs as well. The steps involved in assessing the vulnerability of a network using Nessus are as follows:

  • Running the Nessus server and client

  • Generating Nessus reports

Running the Nessus Server and Client

The Knoppix CD-ROM provides a single-click option to start the Nessus server and client. To launch Nessus, click K menu > System > Security > Nessus Security Tool.

While the server, nessusd, launches in the background, the Nessus Setup page appears on-screen, as shown in Figure 7-2. For ease of configuration and usage, the setup page is organized into several tabs. This page is used for configuring the client to specify the target and scanning options. The server is listening on TCP port 1241 for an active connection from the Nessus client.

Figure 7-2. Nessus Setup

On the Nessusd host tab of the Nessus Setup page, enter the username knoppix and the password knoppix; then click the Log in button.

The Plugins tab, as shown in Figure 7-3, provides a range of security checks, grouped by vendor and services. The Enable all option includes the dangerous tests that can crash the target host or create a DoS situation in a network. For nondestructive testing in a production network, always click the Enable all but dangerous plugins button.

Figure 7-3. Nessus Setup

The Prefs. tab on the setup page provides fine-tuning for your scanning preference. By default, Nessus uses an Nmap TCP connect scan. You can specify a SYN or a FIN scan because they are less likely to be detected by intrusion detection systems.

Next, you can use the Scan options tab on the setup page to specify the port range to be scanned on the target host. Specifying this range is important for Nessus to recognize services running on nonstandard ports. The default range of 1-8000 works well for most situations. You should also select the Safe checks check box when testing in a production environment. Selecting this check box forces Nessus to use less intrusive scans. The reports can be less accurate, but the chances of disrupting services are minimized. The Port scanner section provides the port scan options to be used by Nessus. The Ping the remote host check box should be deselected when scanning hosts behind a firewall, if ICMP is blocked. Figure 7-4 shows the Scan options tab with the settings discussed in this paragraph.

Figure 7-4. Nessus Setup


For more information on any option on the setup page, hover your mouse pointer over that option to reveal a popup box with the embedded comments.

The Target selection tab allows you to specify the target to be tested. You can specify a host name or IP address. Multiple hosts can be specified by separating them with commas, as shown in Figure 7-5. You can also specify a range of IP addresses separated by a hyphen, such as To start the scanning, click the Start the scan button.

Figure 7-5. Nessus Setup

Generating Nessus Reports

After finishing the scan, Nessus generates reports with a list of vulnerabilities. Details for each reported vulnerability are presented as security warnings and security notes, as shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6. Nessus Report

The reports are not saved and are lost after closing the program. To save the reports for future use, click the Save report button. In the Report file format drop-down list, choose HTML with Pies and Graphs to save the reports in HTML format with pie charts and graphs, as shown in Figure 7-7. Additionally, you can specify the location of the destination folder to store the HTML reports.

Figure 7-7. Saving Nessus Reports

The HTML reports are saved in web-server-ready format and can be viewed using a standard web browser, as shown in Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8. Nessus HTML Report


Live CD-ROMs such as Knoppix automatically detect and mount the local hard drives present on the host computer. Newer versions of Knoppix allow writing on the NTFS partition of the local drives. You can benefit from this feature to save the Nessus reports directly to the hard drive. You can also start the SAMBA server on Knoppix or use the Lin Neighborhood tool in Knoppix to transfer reports to a Windows machine.

A Word of Caution about Nessus

Nessus users should be careful about the following items:

  • Dangerous plug-ins As previously mentioned, Nessus plug-ins can crash systems and lead to DoS attacks. Netadmins should exercise caution while using Nessus in a production environment.

  • False positives Nessus reports are not a silver bullet for securing your network. The reports can contain false positives and should be verified.

  • Nessus-update plug-ins Because new vulnerabilities are constantly discovered, Nessus plug-ins should be updated frequently. Nessus provides an automated script called nessus-update-plugins for maintaining an up-to-date list of plug-ins from the Nessus website. However, because of the read-only nature of live CD-ROMs, the script will not work. Refer to the support section of each live CD-ROM for possible workarounds.

Finally, good Netadmin practices suggest the following:

  • Running complete Nessus tests on network devices before deploying them in a production environment

  • Running safe scans at least once every quarter on regular production networks

  • Informing the concerned departments and authorities before running full scans in production environments

  • Using the newer version of Nessus, updated with the latest vulnerabilities database to ensure accurate results

The suggested good practices are equally applicable to Nmap scans. On the other hand, various security mechanisms, such as firewall access lists, rate limiting, private VLANs, and so on, can adversely affect the capability of both Nmap and Nessus.

Network Administrators Survival Guide
Network Administrators Survival Guide
ISBN: 1587052113
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 106 © 2008-2017.
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