Back to the Blackjack Game

At this point, you're an expert in using Python classes to create playing cards, hands, and decks. So now it's time to build on that expertise and see how to combine these classes in a larger program to create a complete, casino-style, card game (tacky green felt not included).

The Cards Module

To write the Blackjack game, I created a final cards module based on the Playing Cards programs. The Hand and Deck classes are exactly the same as those in the Playing Cards 2.0 program. The new Card class represents the same functionality as the Positionable_Card from the Playing Cards 3.0 program. Here's the code for this module, stored in the file

 # Cards Module # Basic classes for a game with playing cards # Michael Dawson 4/18/03 class Card(object):     """ A playing card. """     RANKS = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",               "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]     SUITS = ["c", "d", "h", "s"]     def __init__(self, rank, suit, face_up = True):         self.rank = rank         self.suit = suit         self.is_face_up = face_up     def __str__(self):         if self.is_face_up:             rep = self.rank + self.suit         else:             rep = "XX"         return rep     def flip(self):         self.is_face_up = not self.is_face_up class Hand(object):     """ A hand of playing cards. """     def __init__(self): = []     def __str__(self):         if            rep = ""            for card in                rep += str(card) + "\t"         else:             rep = "<empty>"         return rep     def clear(self): = []     def add(self, card):     def give(self, card, other_hand):         other_hand.add(card) class Deck(Hand):     """ A deck of playing cards. """     def populate(self):         for suit in Card.SUITS:             for rank in Card.RANKS:                 self.add(Card(rank, suit))     def shuffle(self):         import random         random.shuffle(     def deal(self, hands, per_hand = 1):         for rounds in range(per_hand):             for hand in hands:                 if                 top_card =[0]                 self.give(top_card, hand)             else:                 print "Can't continue deal. Out of cards!" if __name__ == "__main__":     print "This is a module with classes for playing cards."     raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

Designing the Classes

Before you start coding a project with multiple classes, it can help to map them out on paper. You might make a list and include a brief description of each class. Table 9.1 shows my first pass at such a listing for the Blackjack game.



Base Class




A blackjack playing card. Define an attribute value to represent the point value of a card.



A blackjack deck. A collection of BJ_Card objects.



A blackjack hand. Define an attribute total to represent the point total of a hand. Define an attribute name to represent the owner of the hand.



A blackjack player.



A blackjack dealer.



A blackjack game. Define an attribute deck to reference a BJ_Deck object. Define an attribute dealer to reference a BJ_Dealer object. Define an attribute players to reference a list of BJ_Player objects.

You should try to include all of the classes you think you'll need, but don't worry about making your class descriptions complete, because invariably they won't be (mine aren't). But making such a list should help you get a good overview of the types of objects you'll be working with in your project.

In addition to describing your classes in words, you might want to draw a family tree of sorts to visualize how your classes are related. That's what I did in Figure 9.8.

click to expand
Figure 9.8: Inheritance hierarchy of classes for the Blackjack game.

A class hierarchy diagram, like the one in Figure 9.8, can give you a summary view of how you're using inheritance.

Writing Pseudocode for the Game Loop

The next thing I did in planning the game was write some pseudocode for the play of one round. I thought this would help me see how objects will interact. Here's the pseudocode I came up with:

 Deal each player and dealer initial 2 cards For each player    While the player asks for a hit and the player is not busted      Deal the player an additional card If there are no players still playing    Show the dealer's 2 cards Otherwise    While the dealer must hit and the dealer is not busted      Deal the dealer an additional card    If the dealer is busted      For each player who is still playing         The player wins    Otherwise      For each player who is still playing         If the player's total is greater than the dealer's total            The player wins      Otherwise, if the player's total is less than the dealer's total         The player loses      Otherwise         The player pushes 

Importing the cards and games Modules

Now that you've seen the planning, it's time to check out the code. In the first part of the Blackjack program, I import the two modules cards and games:

 # Blackjack # From 1 to 7 players compete against a dealer # Michael Dawson 4/18/03 import cards, games 

I created the games module, you'll remember, in the Simple Game program, earlier in this chapter.

The BJ_Card Class

The BJ_Card class extends the definition of what a card is by inheriting from cards.Card. In BJ_Card, I create a new property, value, for the point value of a card:

 class BJ_Card(cards.Card):     """ A Blackjack Card. """     ACE_VALUE = 1     def get_value(self):         if self.is_face_up:             value = BJ_Card.RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1             if value > 10:                 value = 10         else:             value = None         return value     value = property(get_value) 

The get_value() method returns a number between 1 and 10, which represents the value of a blackjack card. The first part of the calculation is computed through the expression BJ_Card.RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1. This expression takes the rank attribute of an object (say "6") and finds its corresponding index number in BJ_Card.RANKS through the list method index() (for "6" this would be 5). Finally, 1 is added to the result since the computer starts counting at 0 (this makes the value calculated from "6" the correct 6). However, since rank attributes of "J", "Q", and "K" result in numbers larger than 10, any value greater than 10 is set to 10. If an object's face_up attribute is False, this whole process is avoided and a value of None is returned. Finally, I use the property() function with the get_value() method to create the property value.

The BJ_Deck Class

The BJ_Deck class is used to create a deck of blackjack cards. The class is almost exactly the same as its base class, cards.Deck. The only difference is that I override cards.Deck's populate() method so that a new BJ_Deck object gets populated with BJ_Card objects:

 class BJ_Deck(cards.Deck):     """ A Blackjack Deck. """     def populate(self):     for suit in BJ_Card.SUITS:         for rank in BJ_Card.RANKS:   , suit)) 

The BJ_Hand Class

The BJ_Hand class, based on cards.Hand, is used for blackjack hands. I override the cards.Hand constructor and add a name attribute to represent the name of the hand owner:

 class BJ_Hand(cards.Hand):     """ A Blackjack Hand. """     def __init__(self, name):         super(BJ_Hand, self).__init__() = name 

Next, I override the inherited __str__() method to display the total point value of the hand:

     def __str__(self):         rep = + ":\t" + super(BJ_Hand, self).__str__()         if             rep += "("+ str( + ")"         return rep 

I concatenate the object's name attribute with the string returned from the cards.Hand __str__() method for the object. Then, if the object's total property isn't None, I concatenate the string representation of the value of total. Finally, I return that string.

Next, I create a property called total, which represents the total point value of a blackjack hand. If a blackjack hand has a face-down card in it, then its total property is None. Otherwise, total is calculated by adding the point values of all the cards in the hand.

     def get_total(self):         # if a card in the hand has value of None, then total is None         for card in             if not card.value:                 return None         # add up card values, treat each Ace as 1         total = 0         for card in               total += card.value         # determine if hand contains an Ace         contains_ace = False         for card in             if card.value == BJ_Card.ACE_VALUE:                 contains_ace = True         # if hand contains Ace and total is low enough, treat Ace as 11         if contains_ace and total <= 11:             # add only 10 since we've already added 1 for the Ace             total += 10         return total     total = property(get_total) 

The first part of this method checks to see if any card in the blackjack hand has a value attribute equal to None (which would mean that the card is face down). If so, the method returns None. The next part of the method simply sums the point values of all the cards in the hand. The next part determines if the hand contains an ace. If so, the last part of the method determines if the card's point value should be 11 or 1. The last line of this section creates the property total.

The last method in BJ_Hand is_busted(). It returns True if the object's total property is greater than 21. Otherwise, it returns False.

     def is_busted(self):         return > 21 

Notice that in this method, I return the result of the condition > 21 instead of assigning the result to a variable and then returning that variable. You can create this kind of return statement with any condition (any expression actually) and it often results in a more elegant method.

This kind of method, which returns either True or False, is pretty common. It's often used (like here) to represent a condition of an object with two possibilities, such as "on" or "off," for example. This type of method almost always has a name that starts with the word "is," as in is_on().

The BJ_Player Class

The BJ_Player class, derived from BJ_Hand, is used for blackjack players:

 class BJ_Player(BJ_Hand):     """ A Blackjack Player. """     def is_hitting(self):         response = games.ask_yes_no("\n" + + ", do you want a hit? (Y/N): ")         return response == "y"     def bust(self):         print, "busts."         self.lose()     def lose(self):         print, "loses."     def win(self):         print, "wins."     def push(self):         print, "pushes." 

The first method, is_hitting(), returns True if the player wants another hit and returns False if the player doesn't. The bust() method announces that a player busts and invokes the object's lose() method. The lose() method announces that a player loses. The win() method announces that a player wins. And the push() method announces that a player pushes. The bust(), lose(), win(), and push() methods are so simple that you may wonder why they exist. I put them in the class because they form a great skeleton structure to handle the more complex issues that arise when players are allowed to bet (which they will, when you complete one of the chapter challenges at the end of the chapter).

The BJ_Dealer Class

The BJ_Dealer class, derived from BJ_Hand, is used for the game's blackjack dealer:

 class BJ_Dealer(BJ_Hand):     """ A Blackjack Dealer. """     def is_hitting(self):         return < 17     def bust(self):         print, "busts."     def flip_first_card(self):         first_card =[0]         first_card.flip() 

The first method, is_hitting(), represents whether or not the dealer is taking additional cards. Since a dealer must hit on any hand totaling 17 or less, the method returns True if the object's total property is less than 17, otherwise it returns False. The bust() method announces that the dealer busts. The flip_first_card() method turns over the dealer's first card.

The BJ_Game Class

The BJ_Game class is used to create a single object that represents a blackjack game. The class contains the code for the main game loop in its play() method. However, the mechanics of the game are complex enough that I create a few elements outside the method, including an __additional_cards() method that takes care of dealing additional cards to a player and a still_playing property that returns a list of all players still playing in the round.

The __init__() Method

The constructor receives a list of names and creates a player for each name. The method also creates a dealer and a deck.

 class BJ_Game(object):     """ A Blackjack Game. """     def __init__(self, names):         self.players = []         for name in names:             player = BJ_Player(name)             self.players.append(player) = BJ_Dealer("Dealer")         self.deck = BJ_Deck()         self.deck.populate()         self.deck.shuffle() 

The still_playing Property

The still_playing property returns a list of all the players that are still playing (those that haven't busted this round):

     def get_still_playing(self):         remaining = []         for player in self.players:             if not player.is_busted():                 remaining.append(player)         return remaining     # list of players still playing (not busted) this round     still_playing = property(get_still_playing) 

The __additional_cards() Method

The __additional_cards() method deals additional cards to either a player or the dealer. The method receives an object into its player parameter, which can be either a BJ_Player or BJ_Dealer object. The method continues while the object's is_busted() method returns False and its is_hitting() method returns True. If the object's is_busted() method returns True, then the object's bust() method is invoked.

     def __additional_cards(self, player):         while not player.is_busted() and player.is_hitting():   [player])             print player             if player.is_busted():                 player.bust() 

Polymorphism is at work here in two method calls. The player.is_hitting() method call works equally well whether player refers to a BJ_Player object or a BJ_Dealer object. The __additional_cards() method never has to know which type of object it's working with. The same is true in the line player.bust(). Since both classes, BJ_Player and BJ_Dealer, each defines its own bust() method, the line creates the desired result in either case.

The play() Method

The play() method is where the game loop is defined and bares a striking resemblance to the pseudocode I introduced earlier:

     def play(self):         # deal initial 2 cards to everyone + [], per_hand = 2)    # hide dealer's first card         for player in self.players:             print player         print         # deal additional cards to players         for player in self.players:             self.__additional_cards(player)    # reveal dealer's first         if not self.still_playing:             # since all players have busted, just show the dealer's hand             print         else:             # deal additional cards to dealer             print             self.__additional_cards(             if                 # everyone still playing wins                 for player in self.still_playing:                        else:                 # compare each player still playing to dealer                 for player in self.still_playing:                     if >                                    elif <                         player.lose()                     else:                         player.push()         # remove everyone's cards         for player in self.players:             player.clear() 

Each player and dealer is dealt the initial two cards. The dealer's first card is flipped to hide its value. Next, all of the hands are displayed. Then, each player is given cards as long as the player requests additional cards and hasn't busted. If all players have busted, the dealer's first card is flipped and the dealer's hand is printed. Otherwise, play continues. The dealer gets cards as long as the dealer's hand total is less than 17. If the dealer busts, all remaining players win. Otherwise, each remaining player's hand is compared with the dealer's. If the player's total is greater than the dealer's, the player wins. If the player's total is less, the player loses. If the two totals are equal, the player pushes.

The main() Function

The main() function gets the names of all the players, puts them in a list, and creates a BJ_Game object, using the list as an argument. Next, the function invokes the object's play() method and will continue to do so until the players no longer want to play.

 def main():     print "\t\tWelcome to Blackjack!\n"     names = []     number = games.ask_number("How many players? (1 - 7): ", low = 1, high = 8)     for i in range(number):         name = raw_input("Enter player name: ")         names.append(name)     print     game = BJ_Game(names)     again = None     while again != "n":         again = games.ask_yes_no("\nDo you want to play again?: ") main() raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 1435455002
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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