Creating Text Breaks

InDesign has special characters that force the text to break to a new position.

To insert break characters:


Place the insertion point where you want to jump to the next location.


Choose Type > Insert Break Character.


Control-click (Mac) or right-click (Win) to choose Insert Break Character from the contextual menu.


Choose one of the following from the Insert Break Character menu:

Break character


Symbol in text

Column break

Jumps text to the next column. If there is no column in the frame, the column break forces the text to the next page.

Frame break

Jumps text to the next frame.

Page break

Jumps text to the next page.

Odd page break

Jumps text to the next odd page.

Even page break

Jumps text to the next even page.


To see a representation of the break characters, choose Type > Show Hidden Characters.

Insert Break Character Shortcuts

Use the following shortcuts to insert break characters:

  • Enter inserts a column break.

  • Shift-Enter inserts a frame break.

  • Cmd-Enter (Mac) or Ctrl-Enter (Win) inserts a page break.

Uses for Master Pages

Master pages allow you to automate page layout changes. For instance, if you have a hundred-page book, you wouldn't want to have to draw a text frame on every page and type the name of the chapter or book title.

Master pages allow you to place an object or frame on the master page and have it appear on all the document pages.

If you place an object on the master page, it will always be positioned in exactly the same spot on every page that has that master applied.

You can also use master pages to store design alternatives such as different column layouts or margin settings.

Think of master pages as the style sheets for pages.

InDesign CS2 for Macintosh and Windows(c) Visual QuickStart Guide
InDesign CS4 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN: 0321573579
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 309
Authors: Sandee Cohen © 2008-2017.
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