Section 22.4. Exercises

22.4. Exercises


Extending Python. What are some of the advantages of Python extensions?


Extending Python. Can you see any disadvantages or dangers of using extensions?


Writing Extensions. Obtain or find a C/C++ compiler and write a small program with it to (re)familiarize yourself with C/C++ programming. Find your Python distribution directory and locate the Misc/ file. Take the program you just wrote and wrap it in Python. Go through the steps necessary to create a shared object. Access that module from Python and test it.


Porting from Python to C. Take several of the exercises you did in earlier chapters and port them to C/C++ as extension modules.


Wrapping C Code. Find a piece of C/C++ code, which you may have done a long time ago, but want to port to Python. Instead of porting, make it an extension module.


Writing Extensions. In Exercise 13-3, you created a dollarize() function as part of a class to convert a floating point value to a financial numeric string with embedded dollar signs and commas. Create an extension featuring a wrapped dollarize() function and integrate a regression testing function, i.e., test(), into the module. Extra credit: In addition to creating a C extension, also rewrite dollarize() in Pyrex.


Extending versus Embedding. What is the difference between extending and embedding?

Core Python Programming
Core Python Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0132269937
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 334
Authors: Wesley J Chun © 2008-2017.
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