

Table Article Properties

Commands tab, 440-441

General tab, 444-445

Resolver tab, 445

Snapshot tab, 440-441

Table corruption, fixing, 189

Table data types, for temporary tables, 239-240

Table locks, 243

Table names, 222-223

aliased, 321

with pound sign (#) before, 238

with two pound signs (##) before, 238

Table-level extended properties, 200

Table-level metadata, viewing, 323-324

Tables (see also Columns)

in every database, 469-477

finding the number of rows in, 208

finding out space used in each, 175

finding out where space is used in, 174

listing relationships between, 475

many-to-many relationship between, 196

in master database only, 458-468

merging, 227

ordering, 174

temporary, 238-240

viewing fragmentation in, 248

TABLOCK parameter, 186

Target Server Status, 114

TCP/IP, 213

TDS header, 6

TDS (Tabular Data Stream), 5

tempdb database, 13, 238, 240

moving to another drive, 240

optimally configured, 240

properly sized, 240

striping across drives, 240

Templates, Query Analyzer, 24, 170-172

templates directory, 172

Temporary tables, 238-240

Temporary work area, 238

TestBase, for testing with sample data, 232

Testing, using sample data for, 232-234

Text column pointer, 229

Text data types, 226

Text fields, 230

avoiding using, 226-227

DPVs and, 333

when using ADO in ASP, 231

Text in Row limit, setting for a table, 230

TinyInt data type, 225

Tools directory, moving, 23-24

TOP clause, 243-245

TOP 100 PERCENT of records, selecting, 244-245

Top rows, returning, 243-245

Torn page detection, 41-42

Total cost of ownership, 344

Trace files, 73-74, 162-163

Trace flag 4022, starting SQL Server with, 95

Trace flag 7300, 318

Trace flags, 151-156

to execute at startup, 153

setting, 152-156

setting at the connection level, 154

types of, 154-155

Trace Properties screen

Data Columns tab, 256-257

Events tab, 255-256

Filters tab, 256-257

General tab, 255


checking for running, 153

creating in Profiler, 254-255

saving to a table, 258

starting automatically, 153

of system catalog, 306

Transaction log backup disk directory, 353-354

Transaction log backup share, 353-354

Transaction log backups, 54, 272-273, 353-354

Transaction log copying and restoring, 357

Transaction log marks, 54

Transaction log restores, 288

Transactional replication, 346-347, 427-428

Transactional replication model, 427

Transactional replication setup, 438-444

Transactions, neglecting to close, 190-191

Transfer Logins Properties dialog box, Logins tab, 366

Transform Data task (DTS), 126-128

Transformations tab

after optimization, 128

with auto-mapping, 127


avoiding for referential integrity, 227

naming, 224

Truncate On Checkpoint option, 42

TRUNCATE TABLE command, 195, 242

T-SQL (language), 19

administrative, 172-203

attaching a database, 296

backing up files and file groups, 274

configuring devices, 271

configuring a linked server, 312

configuring linked server security, 309-310

creating linked servers, 304

creating roles, 65

detaching a database, 295

determining permissions, 63

differential backups, 272

differential database restores, 288

executing a maintenance plan, 281

executing programs using, 486

full backups, 268-271

full restores, 284-287

and interacting with outside programs, 203

performance tuning, 241-243

reading the complete error log, 184

setting extended properties, 201-203

simplifying cursors, 172-176

specifying a database recovery model, 275-276

transaction log backups, 272-273

transaction log restores, 288

TSX (target server), 113

Tuning SQL Server, 91-258. See also Performance

Turn On Cache option, 125

256-character limit, getting around, 168

Two-phase commit, 447

Two-server replication topology, 431

TypeGuessRows value, changing, 216

SQL Server 2000 for Experienced DBAs
ppk on JavaScript, 1/e
ISBN: 72227885
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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