

SA account, 75

SA password, 76

Sacred accounts, 75-77

Sample data, using for testing, 232-234

SAN (Storage Area Network) drive, price of, 345

Scalability considerations, 12-13

Scaling, with multiple instances, 340-341

Scaling out, 12, 300

Scaling SQL Server, 299-341

Scaling up, 12, 339-341

Scan Density, 251

Schedule tab (System Monitor), 146

Schedules tab (Subscriber Properties), 436-437

Schema changes in replication, 449-451

Schema example, 196-197

scope_identity() function, 198

Scripting languages installed, listing, 487

Scripting operators, 104-106

Secondary server (log shipping), 348-349

promoting to primary server, 368

specifying, 356

Securing a package, 119-121

Securing SQL Server, 59-90

Security, 77-80

column and row-level, 67-70

extended stored procedures and, 177, 179

linked server, 307-310

managing, 60-61

OLE automation and, 204

Security audits of SQL Server, 71-77, 89

Security hardening, clustering and, 407

Security hotfixes, keeping up to date on, 90

Security levels (SQL Server), 60

Security and login configuration, viewing, 492

Security measures, performance effects of, 74

Security models (SQL Server), 60

Security tab (Properties dialog box), 33-34


Select Partition Type screen, 384

Send Trace Output to Client trace flag, 155

Sent Trace Output to Error Log trace flag, 155

Server aliases, 317

Server baseline, creating, 141-142

Server directories, 22-23

Server farm, 12

Server hardware, 11

Server instances

determining which you are connected to, 27

joining, 316-318

licensing, 14, 27

listed in the registry, 217-218

managing, 26-27

renaming, 27-28

shutting down, 180

unplugging from the network, 37

Server name aliases, 214-215

Server names

assigning to IP addresses, 214

four-part, 316-318

viewing, 491-492

Server Network Utilities, 5

Server roles, 64

Server Settings tab (Properties dialog box), 33

Server types, matching queries to, 321-322

Service configuration

based on who owns SQL Server, 376

in the event of node failure, 377

Service packs, 58

clustering and, 415-418

installing on one instance, 26, 58

replication and, 452

rolling back from bad, 58

Session local tables, 238

SET commands

ANSI settings, 191





SET NOCOUNT ON, 182, 236

SET OFFLINE, 44, 295




Setup program (InstallShield), 8

Severity option (error messages), 134

Shared database, for multiple clients, 224

Shared disk resource (in clustering), 371

Shared drive system, price of, 345

Shared SCSI, price of, 345

Sharing violations, 262, 293, 295

Shipping pairs, where to place, 349

Shortcut queries, 170

Show Backups Of Database option, 283

Shrinking the database, 42-43

Shutting down a database, 45

Shutting down the server, 180

SIDs, 290, 367

Simple recovery model, 272, 276-277, 352

Single point of failure, 12

components that are, 345-346

options, 374-375

Single quotes, 179, 319

Single user mode

database in, 39-41

disconnecting users before using, 219

starting SQL Server in, 37

Single-instance clusters, 376

Single-quote attack, removing possibility of, 90

Skip Automatic Recovery Except Master trace flag, 155

Skip Automatic Recovery trace flag, 155

Skip Startup Stored Procedures trace flag, 156

Small money data type, 225

SmallInt data type, 225

SMTP server, sending mail through, 99

Snapshot agent, scheduling, 443

Snapshot agent replication folder permissions, 434

Snapshop folder, 433

Snapshot replication, 424-426

Snapshot replication model, 425

Snapshot replication scenarios, 425

Snapshot replication setup, 438-444

Snapshot tab (Table Article Properties), 440-441

Snapshots, 138

of key performance indicators, 138, 145

of master database files, 35

Software RAID, 13

Software release, determining, 56

Sort orders, listing available, 460

Space, finding out where it is going, 174-175

sp_add_category, 110

sp_add_dtspackage, 119

sp_addextendedproc, 177

sp_addextendedproperty, 201

sp_addlinkedserver, 305-307

sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, 309

sp_addmessage, 134-135

sp_add_operator, 105-106

sp_addrolemember, 66

sp_addumpdevice, 271

sp_attach_db, 54, 296

sp_change_monitor_role, 369

sp_changeobjectowner, 71

sp_change_primary_role, 367-368

sp_change_secondary_role, 368-369

sp_change_users_login, 291-292, 370

sp_cmdshell, 80, 486

sp_columns_ex, 324

sp_configure, 36-38, 73, 94, 458

sp_dboption, 40, 275

sp_defaultdb, 79

sp_delete_operator, 106

sp_detach_db, 295

sp_displayoaerrorinfo, 204

sp_dropextendedproperty, 202

sp_droplinkedsrvlogin, 310

sp_droprolemember, 66

sp_dropserver, 28, 315

sp_dropuser guest, 67

Specify Filter dialog box, 444

Specify Partition Size screen, 384

sp_enum_dtspackages, 119

sp_grantdbaccess guest, 67

sp_help, 235

sp_helpdb, 39, 42, 276

sp_helpextendedproc, 177

sp_helplinkedsrvlogin, 310

sp_help_operator, 106

sp_helprolemember, 66

sp_helpserver, 323

Sphinx, 4

sp_linkedservers, 301-322

sp_monitor, 151

sp_MSforeach, 175-176

sp_MSforeachdb, 175

sp_MSforeachtable, 173-175, 306

sp_MSforeachview, 176

sp_MSforeachworker, 175

sp_MSObjSearch, 170

sp_OA, 203, 205, 207

sp_OACreate, 204

sp_OAdestroy, 207

sp_OAgetproperty, 206

sp_OAmethod, 206

sp_OAsetproperty, 206

sp_OAstop, 207

sp_password, 74-75, 89

sp_procoption, 94

sp_repladdcolumn, 450-451

sp_repldropcolumn, 451

sp_resetstatus, 187

sp_resolve_logins, 369-370

sp_serveroption, 312

sp_spaceused, 174-175, 337-338

sp_tableoption, 229

sp_tables_ex, 323-324

sp_trace_create, 162

sp_trace_setstatus, 162-163

sp_update_operator, 106

sp_user_counterX, 145

sp_who, 97, 219

SQL, command-line methods of executing, 166-168

SQL alerts, 72

SQL Authentication mode, 33, 60-61

SQL code. See T-SQL

SQL injection, 82-90

SQL Mail, 95-99

SQL Scanner (E-Eye), 77

SQL Server Agent

Advanced tab, 101

Alert System tab, 101

configuring replication, 429

Connection tab, 102

General tab, 100-101

Job System tab, 102

jobs, 106-112

NOCOUNT option and, 182

optimizing, 100-102

starting with domain user account, 15-16

starting with the system account, 16

starting from a Windows account, 434

SQL Server Authentication, 102

SQL Server CE Edition, 11, 444-447

SQL Server Developer Edition, 11

SQL Server editions, feature differences, 10

SQL Server engines, 6

SQL Server Enterprise Edition, downgrading to Standard, 22

SQL Server environment, managing, 1-90

SQL Server Evaluation Edition, upgrading from, 21, 297

SQL Server fatal errors, 136

SQL Server 4.2, 4, 16-17

SQL Server functions, listing common, 169

SQL Server 1.0, 4

SQL Server Personal Edition, on Windows 98, 9

SQL Server port, changing, 79-80

SQL Server Profiler, 89, 254-258

SQL Server Properties dialog box. See Properties dialog box

SQL Server services, need for restarting, 28-29

SQL Server 7.0, 5

more forgiving of bad syntax, 19

srv_paraminfo() bug, 79

upgrading from, 18-20

SQL Server 6.0 or 6.5, upgrading from, 17-18

SQL Server 6.0 (SQL95), 4, 17-18

SQL Server 6.5, 4

linked server to, 302

time required to convert from, 21

upgrading from, 17-18

SQL Server Standard Edition

downgrading to from Enterprise Edition, 22

licenses for multiple instances, 27

SQL Server subdirectories, 23, 487, 496

SQL Server 2000, 5

account that starts, 75

in Active Directory, 16, 32

administration, 93-131

architecture overview, 5-6

bad syntax and, 19

configuration options, 28-38

in the enterprise environment, 259-454

high availability in, 343-380

history of, 4-5

installation tips, 7-24

locking down, 80-82

managing, 25-58

removing, 14-15

replication, 419-454

scaling, 299-341

securing, 71-77, 59-90

starting, 15, 36-37, 95, 188

tuning, 91-258

upgrading to from another RDBMS, 115

XML integration in, 49

SQL Server 2000 editions, 9-11

SQLAgentMail, 100

sqldiag.exe utility, 161-162

sqldiag.txt file, 161

SQLLiteSpeed, 263

sqlmaint utility, 279-281 scripts, 230

sqlservr.exe utility, 36

SQLsnake worm, 76-77

sqlstp.log file, 8

sql_variant, 199

SQLZip, 263

Standard Edition

downgrading to from Enterprise Edition, 22

licenses for multiple instances, 27

Standard screen that is automatically painted, 199

Standardized header in template form, 172

Standards, creating and adopting, 222

Standby Mode (database), 360

Starting SQL Server, 15

from the command line, 36

with trace flag of 4022, 95

Startup account, changing, 16

Startup parameters, 34-35, 153

Startup stored procedures, 94-95

Static memory, and scaling up, 340

Statistics, 45-46, 151, 174

Storage devices, redundant, 346

Storage engine (SQL Server), 6

Stored procedure names, 223-224

Stored procedure results (replication), 422

Stored procedures (see also T-SQL)

building dynamic, 237-238

creating, 175-176

creating on the fly, 237

determining parameters for, 235

executing on linked servers, 318

extended, 176-184

help with individual, 235

key combinations to execute, 170

nesting, 94

optimizing, 235-238

performance tuning, 236-237

securing, 81

service packs and, 58

startup, 94-95

sysadmin rights for, 81

tips for user-defined, 236-237

troubleshooting cached, 235-236

upgrading, 20

users who can execute remote, 467

to watch closely, 81

Subdirectories (SQL Server), 23, 487, 496

Subscriber Properties dialog box, Schedules tab, 436-437


allowing to update a publisher, 442

choosing types of to enable, 439

identity columns on, 442

transforming data sent to, 438

updateable, 438, 440


allowing anonymous, 443

creating, 447-449

in merge replication, 448

substring() function, 193

SUIDs, 290

Summarizing data, 231-232

Sybase DataServer for OS/2, 4

Sybase and Microsoft, relationship between, 4

sysadmin passwords, 71

sysadmin rights for stored procedures, 81

sysadmin server role, 62, 71, 75, 81

sysaltfiles table, 459

syscacheobjects table, 459

syscharsets table, 460

syscolumns table, 469

syscomments table, 470

sysconfigures table, 461

sysconstraints table, 470

syscurconfigs table, 461

sysdatabases table, 462

sysdbmaintplans table, 351

sysfilegroups table, 471

sysfiles table, 471

sysforeignkeys table, 471

sysfulltextcatalogs table, 472

sysindexes table, 472-473

Rows column, 208

Statblob column, 45

sysindexkeys table, 473

sysjobs table, 351

syslanguages table, 462

syslockinfo table, 463-464

syslogins table, 290, 351, 464

syslogins.dat file, 367

sysmembers table, 473

sysmessages table, 73, 134, 465

sysobjects table, 473

sysoledbusers table, 465

sysoperators table, 105

sysperfinfo table, 465

syspermissions table, 63, 474

sysprocesses table, 466, 467

sysproperties system table, 199

sysprotects table, 63, 474-475

sysreferences table, 475

sysremotelogins table, 467

sysservers table, 27-28, 306-307, 467-468

System account, starting SQL Server Agent with, 16

System catalog

modifying tables in, 307

trace of, 306

System data types, listing for a database, 475-476

System File Protection feature, 24

System functions, 192-194

System Monitor, 138-150

adding counters, 139-141

cluster-awareness of, 140

creating baselines, 141-142

list of performance counters in, 465-466

logging, 145-147

performance counters to watch, 142-145

Performance Monitor tab, 452

running locally or remotely, 139-140

tracking counters, 141

System Monitor alerts, 148-150

System processes currently running, listing, 466-467

System spikes, capturing, 146

System tables, 458-477

in every database, 469-477

in master database only, 458-468

referential integrity for, 458

system_user() function, 192

systypes table, 475-476

sysusers table, 290, 476-477

SQL Server 2000 for Experienced DBAs
ppk on JavaScript, 1/e
ISBN: 72227885
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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