Storing Cell Contents

Storing Cell Contents


With Office 2003, you can use the Office Clipboard to store multiple pieces of information from several different sources in one storage area shared by all Office programs. Unlike the Windows Clipboard, which only stores a single piece of information at a time, the Office Clipboard allows you to copy up to 24 pieces of text or pictures from one or more files. When you copy multiple items, you see the Office Clipboard, showing all the items you stored there. You can paste these pieces of information into any Office program, either individually or all at once.

Copy Data to the Office Clipboard


Click the Edit menu, and then click Office Clipboard.


Select the data you want to copy

graphics/three_icon.jpg Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.

The data is copied into the first empty position on the Clipboard task pane.


Click the Close button in the task pane.


Paste Data from the Office Clipboard


Click the Edit menu, and then click Office Clipboard.


In the Excel worksheet, click the first cell where you want to paste data.


Click the Office Clipboard item you want to paste.


Click the Close button in the task pane.


Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
ISBN: 0789730057
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 291 © 2008-2017.
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