
PHP comes with a number of operators for working on your data, and they appear in Table A-1.

For example, here are the PHP math operators:


Adds two numbers


Subtracts one number from another


Multiplies two numbers together


Divides one number by another


Returns the remainder when one number is divided by another (modulus)

You can see them all at work in this example:

 <HTML>     <BODY>         <H1>Using the PHP math operators</H1>         <?php             echo "9 + 4 = ", 9 + 4;             echo "9 - 4 = ", 9 - 4;             echo "9 * 4 = ", 9 * 4;             echo "9 / 4 = ", 9 / 4;             echo "9 % 4 = ", 9 % 4;         ?>     </BODY> </HTML> 

Operator precedence is also an issueif you evaluate this statement, what would be the result?

 <?php     echo 4 + 2 * 9; ?> 

Will this be 4 + 2 * 9 = 6 * 9 = 54, or will the * be evaluated first, giving 4 + 2 * 9 = 4 + 18 = 22? In this case, you get 22 because the * operator has precedence over the + operator when you mix them up. Operator precedence, from highest to lowest, is shown in Table A-2.

Table A-2. Operators in Descending Order of Precedence




! ~ ++ -- (int) (float) (string) (array) (object)


* / %

+ -.

<< >>

< <= > >=

== != === !==






? :

= += -= *= /= .= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>=






You can always use parentheses to tell PHP what to do if you're unsure about precedence. If you change this expression to (4 + 2) * 9, then you'll get 6 * 9 = 54:

 <?php     echo "4 + 2 * 9 = ", 4 + 2 * 9;     echo "(4 + 2) * 9", (4 + 2) * 9;     echo "4 + (2 * 9)", 4 + (2 * 9); ?> 

Here, you'd get 22, 54, and 22.

    Spring Into PHP 5
    Spring Into PHP 5
    ISBN: 0131498622
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 254

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