

Abandon() method, 144
absolute expiration, 188, 190
absoluteExpiration parameter, 188
AcceptChanges() method, 9394
Accept-Language header, 175
AccessCodeValue property, 243
ACT client processor usage counter, 278
ACT tool, 1718, 263295
analyzing test results, 280282
Application object model, 282284
customizing tests, 268273
test duration, 270271
test load level, 269270
user groups and users, 271273
features, 1718, 263264
interfaces, 18, 265
Memory counter and, 142
Microsoft newsgroups for, 295
performance counters, 273274, 278
reports , 18
saving, 278280
setting the reporting level, 275
using the report interface, 277
running tests, 275278
checking performance counters, 278
Test Status window, 275, 276
runtime issues, 293295
NTLM authentication error, 293
Provider load failure error, 294
response code problems, 294295
test script length limitation, 295
saving tests, 268
scripting in, 17, 289292
session state performance and, 132133
setting up tests, 265268
defining a dynamic test, 267268
recording browser sessions, 265267
test architecture, 264
Test object model, 285292
overview of objects in, 285289
scripting dynamic tests with, 289292
See also performance testing; stress testing
Actor property, 223
ACTTrace.log file, 291
Add() method
Cache class, 154, 188, 191
HttpApplicationState class, 151
Session object, 144
StateBag class, 36
AddNew() method, 108
ADO.NET, 63121
architecture, 65
benefits of using, 6768
Command object, 66, 117
data access best practices, 116121
data access design decisions, 110115
decision flow diagram, 114115
n- tier applications, 110112
Web services, 112114
DataSet class, 87110
features, 8991
updating data, 9196
XML integration, 96106
DataView class, 107108
important objects, 66
.NET managed data providers, 6887
Command class, 7780
Connection class, 6977
DataAdapter class, 8587
DataReader class, 8185
overview of, 6466
SqlException class, 108110
summary of, 121
XML integration, 63, 64, 6768, 88, 96106
AllRequests counter, 157
AllUniqueSessions counter, 158
analysis, performance, 15, 280282
ap_crypto.aspx page, 45
ap_ExpensiveProducts.aspx page, 217
API (application programming interface), 4, 23, 144, 245
application builds. See build configurations
Application Center Test (ACT) tool. See ACT tool
application data caching, 168, 186196
adding cache items, 190193
Cache class members , 188189
Cache object features, 186187
callback notification, 194196
expiration policies, 189190
removing cache items, 194
retrieving cache items, 193194
@ Application directive, 161162
application latencies, 255, 256257
Application object, 123, 147148
Cache class vs., 153156
class members, 151
configuring and using, 151153
Application object model (ACT tool), 282284
application programming interface (API), 4, 23, 144, 245
Application() property, 32
application settings, 54, 5556
application state, 123, 147164
overview of, 147148
permanent, 148150
transient, 148, 150156
Cache class, 153156
HttpApplicationState class, 151153
application tracing, 334335
Application_BeginRequest() event handler, 157
Application_End() event handler, 157
Application_EndRequest() event handler, 157
Application_Error() event handler, 157, 159160, 344, 347
Application_Start() event handler, 157
AppRequestQueueLimit attribute, 61
Apps Performance counters, 16
AppSettings element, 55, 148149
Apress Web site, 29
APSoapHeader class, 242, 244
ap_WSAsynchCustomer1.aspx client page, 217
ap_WSConsumer1.aspx client page, 217
ap_WSGetMostExpensiveProduct.aspx client page, 243
ACT tool, 264
ASP.NET, 24, 2448
"Argument not specified" error message, 311
ASP.NET applications, 2162
architecture, 24, 2448
benefits of, 2324
caching, 167205
classic ASP vs., 34
configuration system, 4861
debugging, 297298, 311330
exception management, 341351
helper technologies, 120121
HTTP handlers, 2629
n-tier , 110112
overview of, 2123
Page class, 3034
performance testing, 1718, 253296
state management, 123165
tracing, 297298, 330341
view state, 3448
Web services, 112114, 207251
ASP.NET runtime engine, 24, 2526, 49
ASP.NET State Service, 129
ASP.NET worker process, 25, 5760
ASPState database, 131
Assert() method
Debug class, 322, 323, 325
Trace class, 337
assertions, 322, 323325
asynchronous Web services
client-side consumers, 230240
server-side consumers, 225230
Attach to Process dialog box, 328
authentication, 17
mixed-mode, 7677
Web services, 240244
Authentication element, 53
Authorization element, 53
AutoEventWireUp attribute, 31
Autos window, 313, 315
assessing, 810
defined, 8

Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP. NET Applications
Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP.NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590724
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 91 © 2008-2017.
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