

scene graph, hierarchy, 85
scrolling effect, rendering consoles, 59
self-documentation, 4
sensor methods , inference engines, 235
sensor systems, implementing as methods, 273
serializing Thinker class, 268
Set method
CarDynamics class, 335
Console class, 67, 69
Set methods, Object3D class, 189
SetAllGroundHeights method, CarDynamics class, 354
SetAttitude method, CarDynamics class, 353
SetCooperativeLevel method, Device class, 30
SetCornerNormal method, TerrainQuad class, 126, 132
SetFact method, Thinker class, 267, 269
SetFriction method, CarDynamics class, 342
SetGearRatio method, CarDynamics class, 342
SetGroundHeight method, CarDynamics class, 354
SetLOD method, Model class, 178
SetMaxScreenSize method, Console class, 62
SetMousePosition method, OptionScreen class, 49
SetOptionScreen method, GameEngine class, 71
SetPosition method, CarDynamics class, 353
SetScreenSize method, Console class, 62
SetTexture method, multitexturing , 107
SetTextureStageState method, multitexturing, 107
SetTireStiction method, CarDynamics class, 356
SetTransform method, matrix manipulation example, 102
SetupLights method, GameLights class, 225
SetupMatrix method, BillBoard class, 143
SetVelocity method, CarDynamics class, 353
SetWheelAltitude method, CarDynamics class, 343
SetWheelOffset method, CarDynamics class, 343
shading, rendering, 106
SharpDevelop, 385
ShowSplash method, GameEngine class, 71
SimplifyVertex flag, MeshFlags enumeration, 179
Size property, ImageButton class, 46
building, 119
make up of, 113
textures of, 113
SkyBox class
constructor, 119
definition, 119
Dispose method, 119
Render method, 120
SkyFace class
constructor, 114
definition, 114
CreateQuad method, 117
Dispose method, 118
Render method, 117
Sleep method, Thread class, 265, 337
sliding flag, Wheel class, 322
sliding_friction attribute, Wheel class, 322
Sort method, ArrayList class, 218
SortedList class, System.Collections namespace, 56
Console class, defining,56
using for loop, 269
SoundEffect class
attributes, 293
constructor, 295
format in buffer, 291
algorithm, 295
making noise, 293
Dispose method, 300
LoadSoundFile method, 295
PlaySound method, 298
RestoreBuffer method, 297
StopSound method, 298
properties, 294
SourceAlpha state, RenderState class, 149
SourceBlend state, RenderState class, 149
specular color , 106
splash screens
drawing, 38
vertex buffers, 41
SplashScreen class
inheriting from IDisposable, 40
Render method, 40
spotlights , 110, 217
CheckFrustum method, 228
Spring structure, Cloth class, 365
squealing attribute, Wheel class, 322
state diagrams, 235
state system
inference engines, 235
state diagrams, 235
StateDefinition end element, XML file, 258
static_weight_over_wheel attribute, Wheel class, 322
SteeringWheel property, CarDynamics class, 333
SteerLeft method, Opponent class, 277
SteerRight method, Opponent class, 277
SteerStraight method, Opponent class, 277
stiction attribute, Wheel class, 322
Stiction property, Wheel class, 323
Stop method, Jukebox class, 287
StopSound method, SoundEffect class, 298
StringBuilder class, System.Text namespace
Console class, defining, 57
surface, definition, 38
suspension_offset attribute, Wheel class, 322
adjustment based on upward force, 327
determining, 325
System namespace
Random class, 376
System.Collections namespace
ArrayList class, 56
SortedList class, 56
System.Drawing namespace
Bitmap class, 130
System.Text namespace
StringBuilder class, 57
System.Threading namespace
Thread class, 70
SystemGuid enumeration
Keyboard property, 29
Mouse property, 32
SystemMemory flag, MeshFlags enumeration, 173

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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