

Your manager informs you that you have been selected to create a website for the communications department on the new Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. The main requirement is to have the site allow nontechnical employees in the communications division to publish monthly newsletters. What do you do?

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Your organization has recently gone through a rebranding change, and your team must make the corporate intranet reflect these changes. What are your options?

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True or False. You can enable the Publishing feature after you create a team site.

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The sales manager says a recent sale requires the implementation of an externally facing customer support portal in two languages, English and French. How do you proceed?

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In this situation, you begin by creating a Collaboration Portal. You would first create a Newsletter content type to have columns that represent such things as a title, body text, and a picture. Next, you create a page layout based on this content type. You would call the page layout “Newsletter,” and the types of content you can create on this page would be the columns title, body text, and picture.

You can email communications to notify them that users with appropriate permissions can create newsletters by selecting Site Actions image from book Create Page, and selecting the Newsletter Page Layout before finally inputting the title, body text, and picture.


Corporate branding ensures that your website will have a unique and consistent look and feel. If you find that your sites are not in tune with your corporate brand, you have the following options:

  • You can use master pages to unify common elements of your sites. These elements, known as chrome, include headers or navigation menus.

  • You can use themes to control the color scheme of your sites while maintaining the “SharePoint” layout. Themes let you change background colors, images, and fonts throughout your sites.

  • A similar but slightly more advanced form of CSS customization is that an Alternate CSS URL can be specified in the Master Page property, enabling you to override default styles. While this customization type is similar to themes, it is slightly more flexible because it can ripple across numerous sites in the farm, provided they inherit from the parent site. While not covered in this chapter, it’s important to realize this customization method exists.


True. Although initially you can create a website using a template, such as the Team Site, you can at a later date make it publishing-capable using the power of Features. You enable Features from the Site Collection Features and Site Features pages which you access by selecting Site Actions image from book Site Settings. After enabling the Publishing feature on a team site, all publishing lists, libraries, and functionality are made available on your team site.


In this situation, you first create a Publishing Portal, the standard template for Internet-facing sites. To make your site accessible in two languages, you enable and set up Variations on your site. You then create labels for your languages, one named English and one named French. You must specify one of the sites as the source site. The source site is where users initially create content. As content is created, it’s automatically replicated on the other sites where it remains in the source sites language until someone translates it.

Beginning SharePoint 2007. Building Team Solutions with MOSS 2007
Beginning SharePoint 2007: Building Team Solutions with MOSS 2007 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470124490
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 131

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