

F statistics
CLUSTER procedure, 972, 984
GENMOD procedure, 1668
defined for factor analysis, 1292
factor analysis
compared to component analysis, 1291, 1292
factor analysis model
CALIS procedure, 554, 606, 608
COSAN statement (CALIS), 593
identification (CALIS), 606
LINEQS statement (CALIS), 602
MATRIX statement (CALIS), 595
path diagram (CALIS), 599, 600
RAM statement (CALIS), 598
specification (CALIS), 560
structural model example (CALIS), 564
factor analytic structures
MIXED procedure, 2721
factor loadings
CALIS procedure, 641
factor parsimax method, 1291, 1317, 1318
FACTOR procedure
CALIS procedure, 567, 572, 606
computational resources, 1335
coverage displays, 1328
degrees of freedom, 1320
Heywood cases, 1333
number of factors extracted, 1312
OUT= data sets, 1316
output data sets, 1297, 1316
simplicity functions, 1294, 1316, 1329
time requirements, 1331
variances, 1320
Factor rotation
with FACTOR procedure, 1298
factor rotation methods , 1291
factor scores
CALIS procedure, 641, 643, 687
displaying (CALIS), 687
factor scoring coefficients
FACTOR procedure, 4065
SCORE procedure, 4065, 4076
factor structure, 1298
PLAN procedure, 3339, 3340, 3348
PLS procedure, 3367
failure time
LIFEREG procedure, 2083
false discovery rate
adjustment (MULTTEST), 2959
false discovery rate (MULTTEST)
p -value adjustments, 2959
false negative, false positive rate
LOGISTIC procedure, 2314, 2353, 2422
fast Fourier transform
KDE procedure, 2007
MULTTEST procedure, 2950
FASTCLUS procedure
algorithm for updating cluster seeds , 1392
bin- sort algorithm, 1389
cluster deletion, 1390
clustering criterion, 1379, 1391, 1392
clustering methods, 1380, 1381
compared to other procedures, 1403
computational problems, convergence, 1390
computational resources, 1402
controlling iterations, 1393
convergence criterion, 1390
distance, 1379, 1380, 1398
DRIFT option, 1380
Ekblom-Newton algorithm, 1392
homotopy parameter, 1390
imputation of missing values, 1391
incompatibilities, 1397
iteratively reweighted least-squares, 1391
L p clustering, 1379, 1391
MEAN= data sets, 1394
memory requirements, 1402
Merle-Spath algorithm, 1392
missing values, 1380, 1381, 1391, 1393, 1397
Newton algorithm, 1392
OUT= data sets, 1398
outliers, 1379
output data sets, 1393, 1394, 1398
output table names , 1407
OUTSTAT= data set, 1394, 1400
random number generator, 1394
scale estimates, 1390, 1392, 1397, 1399, 1400
seed replacement, 1381, 1394
weighted cluster means, 1395
fiducial limits, 3712, 3713, 3759
finite differencing
NLMIXED procedure, 3064, 3091
finite population correction (fpc)
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4280
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4334
finite population correction factor, 165
first canonical variable, 783
first-order method
NLMIXED procedure, 3085
first-stage sampling unit, 165
Fisher combination
adjustment (MULTTEST), 2959
Fisher combination (MULTTEST)
p -value adjustments, 2959
Fisher exact test
MULTTEST procedure, 2944, 2946, 2954, 2975
Fisher information matrix
example (MIXED), 2796
MIXED procedure, 2750
Fisher's exact test
FREQ procedure, 1469, 1472, 1473
power and sample size (POWER), 3457, 3463, 3525
Fisher's LSD test, 445, 1769
Fisher's scoring method
GENMOD procedure, 1642, 1656
LOGISTIC procedure, 2317, 2318, 2336
MIXED procedure, 2674, 2680, 2774
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4264, 4265, 4276
Fisher's z test for correlation
power and sample size (POWER), 3426, 3429, 3502, 3556
fit plots
plots, ODS Graphics, 322, 354
fit statistics
SURVEYREG procedure, 4390
fixed effects
MIXED procedure, 2663
sum-to-zero assumptions, 1835
VARCOMP procedure, 4831, 4837
fixed-effects model
VARCOMP procedure, 4837
fixed-effects parameters
MIXED procedure, 2661, 2732
fixed-radius kernels
MODECLUS procedure, 2870
Fleiss-Cohen weights, 1497
Fleming-Harrington G test for homogeneity
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2168
flexible-beta method
CLUSTER procedure, 957, 967, 968, 981
floating point errors
NLMIXED procedure, 3098
folded form F statistic, 4775, 4784
formatted values
DISTANCE procedure, 1277
CANCORR procedure, 765
forward selection
LOGISTIC procedure, 2317, 2340
PHREG procedure, 3229, 3264
REG procedure, 3800, 3873
Forward-Dolittle transformation, 1794
fraction of missing information
MI procedure, 2562
MIANALYZE procedure, 2625
fractional frequencies
PHREG procedure, 3227
fractional sample size
GLMPOWER procedure, 1947
POWER procedure, 3419, 3496
Frailty model example
NLMIXED procedure, 3128
Freeman-Halton test, 1473
Freeman-Tukey test
MULTTEST procedure, 2946, 2951, 2968
FREQ procedure
alpha level, 1445, 1453
binomial proportion, 1484, 1532
Bowker's test of symmetry, 1493
Breslow-Day test, 1508
cell count data, 1464, 1527
chi-square tests, 1469-1471, 1530, 1535
Cochran's Q test, 1493
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics, 1540
computation time, limiting, 1445
computational methods, 1509
computational resources, 1511, 1513
contingency coefficient, 1469
contingency table, 1535
continuity-adjusted chi-square, 1469, 1471
correlation statistic, 1501
Cramer's V statistic, 1469
default tables, 1450
displayed output, 1517
exact p -values, 1510
EXACT statement, used with TABLES, 1446
exact tests, 1443, 1508, 1543
Fisher's exact test, 1469
Friedman's chi-square statistic, 1546
gamma statistic, 1474
general association statistic, 1502
grouping variables , 1465
input data sets, 1441, 1464
kappa coefficient, 1497, 1498
Kendall's tau- b statistic, 1474
lambda asymmetric, 1474
lambda symmetric, 1474
likelihood -ratio chi-square test, 1469
Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test, 1469
McNemar's test, 1493
measures of association, 1474
missing values, 1466
Monte Carlo estimation, 1443, 1445, 1512
multiway tables, 1518, 1520, 1521
network algorithm, 1509
odds ratio, 1488, 1503, 1504
ODS table names, 1524
one-way frequency tables, 1469, 1470, 1517, 1518, 1530
order of variables, 1442
output data sets, 1446, 1514-1516, 1527, 1538
output variable prefixes, 1516
OUTPUT, used with TABLES or EXACT, 1449
overall kappa coefficient, 1493
Pearson chi-square test, 1469, 1471
Pearson correlation coefficient, 1474
phi coefficient, 1469
polychoric correlation coefficient, 1474
relative risk, 1489, 1503, 1507
row mean scores statistic, 1502
scores, 1468
simple kappa coefficient, 1493
Somers' D statistics, 1474
Spearman rank correlation coefficient, 1474
statistical computations , 1468
stratified table, 1540
Stuart's tau- c statistic, 1474
two-way frequency tables, 1470, 1471, 1535
uncertainty coefficients, 1474
weighted kappa coefficient, 1493
FREQ statement
and RMSSTD statement (CLUSTER), 974
frequency tables, 1431, 1450, 4196
generating (CATMOD), 842, 845
input to CATMOD procedure, 861
one-way (FREQ), 1469, 1470, 1517, 1518, 1530
one-way (SURVEYFREQ), 4226
two-way (FREQ), 1470, 1471, 1535
frequency variable
LOGISTIC procedure, 2304
PRINQUAL procedure, 3658
programming statements (PHREG), 3235
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4258
TRANSREG procedure, 4557
value (PHREG), 3227
Friedman's chi-square statistic, 1546
full sibs mating
INBREED procedure, 1981
full-rank coding
TRANSREG procedure, 4568
furthest neighbor clustering,
See complete linkage
fuzzy coding
CORRESP procedure, 1087

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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