Examples: PRINTTO Procedure

Example 1: Routing to External Files

Procedure features:

  • PRINTTO statement:

    • Without options

    • Options:

      • LOG=

      • NEW

      • PRINT=

This example uses PROC PRINTTO to route the log and procedure output to an external file and then reset both destinations to the default.


Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page. The SOURCE option writes lines of source code to the default destination for the SAS log.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60 source; 

Route the SAS log to an external file. PROC PRINTTO uses the LOG= option to route the SAS log to an external file. By default, this log is appended to the current contents of log-file .

 proc printto log='  log-file  ';     run; 

Create the NUMBERS data set. The DATA step uses list input to create the NUMBERS data set.

 data numbers;     input x y z;     datalines;  14.2    25.2   96.8  10.8    51.6   96.8   9.5    34.2  138.2   8.8    27.6   83.2  11.5    49.4  287.0   6.3    42.0  170.7  ; 

Route the procedure output to an external file. PROC PRINTTO routes output to an external file. Because NEW is specified, any output written to output-file will overwrite the file s current contents.

 proc printto print='  output-file  ' new;  run; 

Print the NUMBERS data set. The PROC PRINT output is written to the specified external file.

 proc print data=numbers;     title 'Listing of NUMBERS Data Set';  run; 

Reset the SAS log and procedure output destinations to default. PROC PRINTTO routes subsequent logs and procedure output to their default destinations and closes both of the current files.

 proc printto;  run; 


Output 36.1: Portion of Log Routed to the Default Destination
start example
 1          options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60 source;  2          proc printto log='  log-file  ';  3          run; 
end example
Output 36.2: Portion of Log Routed to an External File
start example
 5  6          data numbers;  7             input x y z;  8             datalines;  NOTE: The data set WORK.NUMBERS has 6 observations and 3 variables.  NOTE: DATA statement used:        real time           0.00 seconds        cpu time            0.00 seconds  15         ;  16         proc printto print='output-file'  new;  16  17         run;  NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used:        real time           0.00 seconds        cpu time            0.00 seconds  18  19         proc print data=numbers;  20            title 'Listing of NUMBERS Data Set';  21         run;  NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 1.  NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used:        real time           0.00 seconds        cpu time            0.00 seconds  22  23         proc printto;  24         run; 
end example


Output 36.3: Procedure Output Routed to an External File
start example
 Listing of NUMBERS Data Set             1  OBS      x       y       z   1     14.2    25.2     96.8   2     10.8    51.6     96.8   3      9.5    34.2    138.2   4      8.8    27.6     83.2   5     11.5    49.4    287.0   6      6.3    42.0    170.7 
end example

Example 2: Routing to SAS Catalog Entries

Procedure features:

  • PRINTTO statement:

    • Without options

    • Options:

      • LABEL=

      • LOG=

      • NEW

      • PRINT=

This example uses PROC PRINTTO to route the SAS log and procedure output to a SAS catalog entry and then to reset both destinations to the default.


Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60 source; 

Assign a libname.

 libname lib1 '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Route the SAS log to a SAS catalog entry. PROC PRINTTO routes the SAS log to a SAS catalog entry named SASUSER.PROFILE.TEST.LOG. The PRINTTO procedure uses the default libref and catalog SASUSER.PROFILE because only the entry name and type are specified. LABEL= assigns a description for the catalog entry.

 proc printto log=test.log label='Inventory program' new;  run; 

Create the LIB1.INVENTORY data set. The DATA step creates a permanent SAS data set.

 data lib1.inventry;     length Dept $ 4 Item $ 6 Season $ 6 Year 4;     input dept item season year @@;     datalines;  3070 20410  spring 1996 3070 20411  spring 1997  3070 20412  spring 1997 3070 20413  spring 1997  3070 20414  spring 1996 3070 20416  spring 1995  3071 20500  spring 1994 3071 20501  spring 1995  3071 20502  spring 1996 3071 20503  spring 1996  3071 20505  spring 1994 3071 20506  spring 1994  3071 20507  spring 1994 3071 20424  spring 1994  ; 

Route the procedure output to a SAS catalog entry. PROC PRINTTO routes procedure output from the subsequent PROC REPORT step to the SAS catalog entry LIB1.CAT1.INVENTRY.OUTPUT. LABEL= assigns a description for the catalog entry.

 proc printto print=lib1.cat1.inventry.output               label='Inventory program' new;  run;  proc report data=lib1.inventry nowindows headskip;     column dept item season year;     title 'Current Inventory Listing';  run; 

Reset the SAS log and procedure output back to the default and close the file. PROC PRINTTO closes the current files that were opened by the previous PROC PRINTTO step and reroutes subsequent SAS logs and procedure output to their default destinations.

 proc printto;  run; 


Output 36.4: SAS Log Routed to SAS Catalog Entry SASUSER.PROFILE.TEST.LOG.
start example

You can view this catalog entry in the BUILD window of the SAS Explorer.

 8 9    data lib1.inventry; 10      length Dept $ 4 Item $ 6 Season $ 6 Year 4; 11      input dept item season year @@; 12      datalines; NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a       line. NOTE: The data set LIB1.INVENTRY has 14 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used:       real time           0.00 seconds       cpu time            0.00 seconds 20    ; 21 22    proc printto print=lib1.cat1.inventry.output 23       label='Inventory program' new; 24    run; NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used:       real time           0.00 seconds       cpu time            0.00 seconds 25 26   proc report data=lib1.inventry nowindows headskip; 27      column dept item season year; 28      title 'Current Inventory Listing'; 29   run; NOTE: PROCEDURE REPORT used:       real time           0.00 seconds       cpu time            0.00 seconds 30 31   proc printto; 32   run; 
end example


Output 36.5: Procedure Output Routed to SAS Catalog Entry LIB1.CAT1.INVENTRY.OUTPUT.
start example

You can view this catalog entry in the BUILD window of the SAS Explorer.

 Current Inventory Listing                 1 Dept    Item    Season        Year 3070    20410   spring        1996 3070    20411   spring        1997 3070    20412   spring        1997 3070    20413   spring        1997 3070    20414   spring        1996 3070    20416   spring        1995 3071    20500   spring        1994 3071    20501   spring        1995 3071    20502   spring        1996 3071    20503   spring        1996 3071    20505   spring        1994 3071    20506   spring        1994 3071    20507   spring        1994 3071    20424   spring        1994 
end example

Example 3: Using Procedure Output as an Input File

Procedure features:

  • PRINTTO statement:

    • Without options

    • Options:

      • LOG=

      • NEW

      • PRINT=

This example uses PROC PRINTTO to route procedure output to an external file and then uses that file as input to a DATA step.

Generate random values for the variables. The DATA step uses the RANUNI function to randomly generate values for the variables X and Y in the data set A.

 data test;     do n=1 to 1000;        x=int(ranuni(77777)*7);        y=int(ranuni(77777)*5);        output;     end;  run; 

Assign a fileref and route procedure output to the file that is referenced. The FILENAME statement assigns a fileref to an external file. PROC PRINTTO routes subsequent procedure output to the file that is referenced by the fileref ROUTED. See Output 36.6.

 filename routed '  output-filename  ';  proc printto print=routed new;  run; 
Output 36.6: PROC FREQ Output Routed to the External File Referenced as ROUTED
start example
 The FREQ Procedure                         Table of x by y  x         y  Frequency  Percent    Row Pct    Col Pct         0       1       2       3       4 Total  ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+         0      29      33      12      25      27    126              2.90    3.30    1.20    2.50    2.70  12.60             23.02   26.19    9.52   19.84   21.43              15.18   16.18    6.25   11.74   13.50   ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+         1      23      26      29      20      19    117              2.30    2.60    2.90    2.00    1.90  11.70             19.66   22.22   24.79   17.09   16.24              12.04   12.75   15.10    9.39    9.50   ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+         2      28      26      32      30      25    141              2.80    2.60    3.20    3.00    2.50  14.10             19.86   18.44   22.70   21.28   17.73              14.66   12.75   16.67   14.08   12.50   ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+         3      26      24      36      32      45    163              2.60    2.40    3.60    3.20    4.50  16.30             15.95   14.72   22.09   19.63   27.61              13.61   11.76   18.75   15.02   22.50   ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+         4      25      31      28      36      29    149              2.50    3.10    2.80    3.60    2.90  14.90             16.78   20.81   18.79   24.16   19.46              13.09   15.20   14.58   16.90   14.50   ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+         5      32      29      26      33      27    147              3.20    2.90    2.60    3.30    2.70  14.70             21.77   19.73   17.69   22.45   18.37              16.75   14.22   13.54   15.49   13.50   ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+         6      28      35      29      37      28    157              2.80    3.50    2.90    3.70    2.80  15.70             17.83   22.29   18.47   23.57   17.83              14.66   17.16   15.10   17.37   14.00   ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+  Total         191      204      192      213      200    1000              19.10    20.40    19.20    21.30    20.00  100.00                                                                       2                        The FREQ Procedure                  Statistics for Table of x by y      Statistic                     DF       Value      Prob      ------------------------------------------------------     Chi-Square                    24     27.2971    0.2908      Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square   24     28.1830    0.2524      Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square     1      0.6149    0.4330      Phi Coefficient                       0.1652      Contingency Coefficient               0.1630      Cramer's V                            0.0826                        Sample Size = 1000 
end example

Produce the frequency counts. PROC FREQ computes frequency counts and a chi-square analysis of the variables X and Y in the data set TEST. This output is routed to the file that is referenced as ROUTED.

 proc freq data=test;     tables x*y / chisq;  run; 

Close the file. You must use another PROC PRINTTO to close the file that is referenced by fileref ROUTED so that the following DATA step can read it. The step also routes subsequent procedure output to the default destination. PRINT= causes the step to affect only procedure output, not the SAS log.

 proc printto print=print;  run; 

Create the data set PROBTEST. The DATA step uses ROUTED, the file containing PROC FREQ output, as an input file and creates the data set PROBTEST. This DATA step reads all records in ROUTED but creates an observation only from a record that begins with Chi-Squa .

 data probtest;     infile routed;     input word1 $ @;     if word1='Chi-Squa' then        do;           input df chisq prob;           keep chisq prob;           output;        end;  run; 

Print the PROBTEST data set. PROC PRINT produces a simple listing of data set PROBTEST. This output is routed to the default destination. See Output 36.7.

 proc print data=probtest;     title 'Chi-Square Analysis for Table of X by Y';  run; 
Output 36.7: PROC PRINT Output of Data Set PROBTEST, Routed to Default Destination
start example
 Chi-Square Analysis for Table of X by Y         3           Obs     chisq     prob            1     27.297    0.291 
end example

Example 4: Routing to a Printer

Procedure features:

  1. RINTTO statement:

    • Option:

      • PRINT= option

This example uses PROC PRINTTO to route procedure output directly to a printer.


Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Associate a fileref with the printer name. The FILENAME statement associates a fileref with the printer name that you specify. If you want to associate a fileref with the default printer, omit printer-name .

 filename  your_fileref  printer '  printer-name  '; 

Specify the file to route to the printer. The PRINT= option specifies the file that PROC PRINTTO routes to the printer.

 proc printto print=  your_fileref  ;  run; 

Base SAS 9.1.3 Procedures Guide (Vol. 1)
Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4
ISBN: 1590472047
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 260

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