

safe areas for digital video, 664 , 664
Sampled Colors for selections, 515 “516 , 516 “517
Sampling menu, 409
Sampling settings
for Background Eraser tool, 223
for Color Replacement tool, 221
sans serif fonts, 139, 139
Satin style, 132
adjusting, 400
in Color Picker, 206
in colorization, 403
in HSB color model, 202
saturation rendering intent, 350
Saturation setting, 206
Saturation slider
for colorization, 403
for intensity, 400
Save And Close option, 556
Save As dialog box, 39 “41 , 39
Save Brushes option, 214
Save For Web dialog box, 40, 41
for optimizing images, 596
tabs and options in, 599 “603 , 600 “601
Save Log Items To option, 71
Save Metadata option, 640
Save Optimized dialog box, 613
Save Optimized As dialog box, 605
Save Palette Locations option, 71
Save Selection As Alpha Channel icon, 275, 280
Save Selection dialog box, 265 “266, 265 “266
Save Transparency option, 560
Save Workspace option, 53
Actions, 553
brightness curve settings, 383
brushes, 213 “214
files, 38 “41 , 39 , 41 , 605 “609 , 606
layer styles, 133
Levels settings, 378 “379
metadata, 637 “640 , 637 “639
paths, 185
selections as alpha channels, 39, 265 “266 , 265 “266 , 279
snapshots, 241 “242
swatch palettes, 210
Web images, 40, 41 , 596, 599 “603 , 600 “601
workspaces, 53
Saving Files settings, 608 “609
scale, type, 141 , 141
Scale Styles option, 291
Scale To Fit Media option, 359
scaling and Scale setting
for Apply Image, 576
for gradient fills, 234
for images, 299 “300 , 300
for selections, 98, 98
scalloped paths, 177
Scan option for scanners , 317
scanners, 285 , 285 , 308 “310
scanning and scanned images, 307
importing, 35 , 36
photos, 451
resolution of, 287 “288
settings for, 316 “317
uses for, 317 “318
scanning elements in image capture devices, 308
Scattering option, 215, 215
Scratch Disks settings, 79
Scratch Remover filter, 689
Scratch Sizes option, 51
scratched photos, 450 “452 , 452 , 466 , 467 “468
screen frequency for halftone screen value, 292
Screen setting for printing, 360
scripts. See Actions
scroll bars, 49, 59
scrolling, commands for, 59
Seahorse_begin.psd file, 245
Seahorse_end.tif file, 245
Seahorse project, 245-261
seamless background patterns, 592 “593 , 593 “594
seamless compositing, 530 , 530
Search All Layers option, 157
SECAM color working space, 343
Security option for Web Photo Gallery, 566
Select All option, 96
Select All Frames option, 625
Select menu, 96 “97
Selected option for rollovers, 629
Selected Areas option, 268
Selection Edges option, 96
selections, 87 , 511
with channels, 512 “514 , 512 “514
with Color Range
for image parts , 514 “516 , 515 “517
for out-of- gamut colors, 516 “519 , 518 “519
converting with paths, 187 “188
extractions, 519 “523 , 521
filtering, 281 , 281
from layer masks, 527
masking in, 88
miscellaneous techniques for, 99
paragraphs, 150
in Quick Mask mode, 278 “279 , 278
rotating, 98, 98 , 300 “302 , 301
Select menu for, 96 “97
tools for, 88 , 89
free-form selection, 93 “94 , 95
Options bar, 89 “90 , 89 “90
shape selection, 91 “93
transforming, 97 “98 , 98
Selective Color dialog box, 387 , 387
semitransparent layers, 116
Send Backward option, 117
Send to Back option, 117
serif fonts, 139, 139
Set To Background option, 487
Set To Transparent option, 487
Action, 548
layer, 119 “120 , 120 , 164 , 165
settings. See preferences and Preferences dialog box
Seurat, Georges, 7
shading for Seahorse project, 248 “249 , 249
Shadow/Highlight dialog box, 384 “385 , 385 “386 , 424 , 424
shadow ink, 432, 433
shadow points, 375 “376
Shadowlab filter, 684, 684
adjusting, 384 “385 , 385 “386 , 424 , 424
layers for, 533 “534 , 533 “535 , 540 , 542
Shadows option for color balance, 386
Shape Characteristics option, 194
Shape Dynamics option, 215, 215
Shape Dynamics tab, 215
Shape layers feature, 194
Shape List option, 194
shape selection tools, 91
Elliptical Marquee, 91 “92
Rectangular Marquee, 91
Single Column Marquee, 92
Single Row Marquee, 92
Shape tools as vector tools, 26
creating, 192
drawing, 194 “197 , 195 “197
Options bar for, 193 “194 , 194
in paths, 174
for plant life, 256 “257 , 258
sharpen filters, 484 “485 , 485 “486 .
See also Unsharp Mask (USM) filter
Sharpen tool, 224
Shear filter, 491 , 493
Shield Color option, 293
Shift key for tools, 56
shortcuts, 30 “31 , 56
navigation, 59 “60
painting tool, 225
Show option
for grids, 63
for guides, 62
Show Asian Text Options option, 71, 153
Show Backdrop option, 506
Show Bounding Box option
for layers, 166
for printing, 359
Show Channels In Color option, 365
Show Clipping option, 372
Show Font Names In English option, 71
Show Info option, 366
Show More Options option, 359
Show New Snapshot Dialog By Default option, 241
Show Preview option, 32
Show Swatches option, 414
Show Tool Tips option, 70
sidecar files, 82
Signac, Paul, 7
Similar option, 97
Single Column Marquee tool, 92
single-lens reflex (SLR) digital cameras , 311
Single-Line Composer method, 153
Single Row Marquee tool, 92
16-bit images, editing, 318 “319 , 319 “320
size and Size settings
for Big City Night image, 421 , 422
of canvas, 296 “297 , 297 “298
of columns , 77
cropping to, 294 “295 , 296
of digital photographs, 317
display, and resolution, 58
of files, 50
and channels, 264
displaying, 50
of documents, 37
in ImageReady, 611
information field for, 50
status bar menu for, 51
for image capture devices, 308
of images. See images
of Inner Shadow effect, 171
of Navigator palette, 60
of type, 140, 144, 146
Sketch filters, 497
skew in selections, 98, 302 , 303
Skew option, 98
slanting, 302, 303
Slice option, 617
Slice palette, 618
Slice tab, 617, 618
in Ballet Bleu graphic, 646 , 647
in ImageReady, 616 “618 , 617 “618
settings for, 77 , 78 , 607 “608
SLR (single-lens reflex) digital cameras, 311
Small Caps option, 148
small-dose technique for USM filter, 394
Smart Blur filter, 476, 478 , 478 “479
Smart Fill filter, 687, 688
Smart Highlighting option, 520
Smoke filter, 684, 684
smooth anchor points, 183, 183
Smooth option, 97, 97
Smooth Corners option, 195
Smooth Indents option, 195
Smooth Skin snapshot, 250, 251
Smooth slider for extractions, 523
Smoothing option, 216
Smoothness setting, 508
SMPTE-C color working space, 343
Smudge tool, 225
Snap To option
for grids, 63
for guides, 62
Snap to Origin option, 234
Snap To Pixels option, 195
snapshots, 241 , 241
deleting, 242
painting with, 244
saving, 241 “242
Soften setting, 171
software compatibility, 44
Solid Color option, 232
solidity vs. opacity, 437
Sort menu in File Browser, 35, 35
Source Channels slider, 388
Source setting
for Apply Image, 575
for Patch tool, 455
space between paragraphs, 151
Spacer Cells setting, 608
Spacing setting for brushes, 213
sparks .psd file, 515, 516 “517
spectrophotometers, 357
Specular Highlights option, 480
of Actions, 553
of image capture devices, 308
spell checker, 138, 156 , 156
Spherize filter, 490, 492
Spin option, 479
splash screens, 46 “47 , 47
splicing in nonlinear editing, 656
Split Channels option, 272
splitting channels, 272
Sponge tool
for highlighting, 249
purpose of, 225
spot colors, 429 , 435 , 441 “442
channels for, 273 “274
creating, 436 , 436 “437
knocking out, 437 “438 , 439
printing, 439 “440
profiles for, 355 “356 , 356
saving, 40
viewing, 437
Spot Colors option, 40
Spot Lifter filter, 689
Spotlight effect type, 501
Square option, 195
Squint filter, 684, 684
sRGB IEC61966 “2.1 color working space, 341
Staggeringly strong wind effect, 496
Standard Screen display mode, 61
Standard Vertical Roman Alignment option, 148
Star filter, 685, 685
starship graphic
alpha channels for, 661 “663 , 662 “663
effects for, 665 “673 , 665 “673
title-safe areas for, 664 , 664
starship.psd file, 661
Start button for annotations, 58
states in history, 239 “240
changing, 240
editing, 242 “244
increasing, 240
status bar, 49, 51
Std Dev value for tonality , 365
Step Backward option, 238
Step Forward option, 238
stitching panoramas, 321, 325
stochastic dot patterns, 286, 287 , 416
Stop button, 58
Stop For Errors option, 557
Stop Recording button, 551
in Actions, 552 “553 , 553
color, 227
straight paths, 176 , 176
straightening photos, automation for , 561
strategies, 29
client communications, 31 “32
efficiency, 29
optimization, 29
shortcuts, 30 “31
Strikethrough option, 148
Stroke dialog box, 235 “236, 236
Stroke layer style, 132
Stroke Path dialog box, 186 , 187
for color, 235 “236 , 235 “236
paths, 186 “187 , 186 “187
Structure control, 130
Style menu, 91
styles and Style setting
for Art History Brush tool, 222
for Bevel and Emboss style, 171
for Elliptical Marquee tool, 91
for gradient fills, 234
for grids, 63
for guides, 63
for layers, 128 “133 , 128 “131 , 167 “168 , 168
for shapes, 194
for type, 140 , 147 “148
for Web Photo Gallery, 566
Stylistic Alternates option, 149
stylize filters, 495 “497 , 495 , 497
Stylize option, 487
Subscript option, 148
Subtract From Selection option, 89
for Load Selection, 269
for Make selection, 187
for Save Selection, 266
subtractive color systems, 202, 339
sun god graphic, 441-446
sun_god.psd file, 441
Superscript option, 148
Suppress Color Profile Warnings option, 556
Suppress File Open Options Dialogs option, 556
surf.pad file, 415, 415
Surrealists, 10
swapping colors within channels, 388 “389
Swash option, 149
Swatch Name dialog box, 210
Swatches option, 590
Swatches palette, 209 “210 , 211
SWF animations, creating, 625 “627 , 627
SWF Bgcolor option, 626
Swirl filter, 685, 685
SWOP profile, 344
System Layout option, 148
system requirements, 14

Photoshop CS Savvy
Photoshop CS Savvy
ISBN: 078214280X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 355 © 2008-2017.
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