EditPoint property (code elements), 418
EEAddIn (Expression Evaluator Add-In), 286–291
effective address display, 308
EFLAGS (x86 CPU flags register), 304
e-mail, preventing from boss, 170
Email Assertion button (SUPERASSERT), 123
Enable Unicode Display command (WinDBG), 385
.ENABLE_UNICODE command (WinDBG), 385
endians, 349
EndInprocDebugging method (ICorProfilerInfo), 470
engineer ignorance, 13
enter notifications, requesting (Profiling API), 480
EnterCriticalSection function, 587, 595
EnumerateChains method (ICorDebug), 471
EnumLocalVariables method, 206
/EP switch (CL.EXE), 59
epilog, function, 313
assertions with error handling, 87
debug symbols, 42–46
native debugging, 298. See also native code
SWS utility, enumerating, 738–744
symbol servers, building, 71–81
symbol tables and engines (WDBG), 200–208
SymbolEngine project, 203
Watch window formatting, 280–283
WinDBG debugger, 357, 362–366
detection tools, 27
managed code warnings as, 46–48
native code warnings as, 48–51
run-time error check switches, 707–713
scheduling time to build handlers, 41–66
lightweight diagnostics for release builds, 65–66
managed code warnings, 46–48
native code warnings, 48–51
Esposito, Dino, 765
Evaluate C++ Expression command (WinDBG), 373
Event Filters dialog (WinDBG), 382
Event Tracing system, 66
EventLogTraceListener class, 97
logging, 66
WinDBG handling, 382–384
__except blocks, 514
ExceptionMon utility, 467–474
managed exception monitoring, 455–477
in-process debugging, 469–474
ProfilerLib, 465–467
Profiling API, 455–465
EXCEPTION_POINTERS structures, translating, 551, 553
exceptions, 41
C++ exception handling, 514, 518–525
catch (...) construct, 520–524
_set_se_translator API, 524–525
ExceptionMon utility, 467–474
EXCEPTION_POINTERS structures, translating, 551, 553
handling in .NET, 475–477
managed exception monitoring, 455–477
ProfilerLib, 465–467
Profiling API, 455–465
monitoring in native code, 296–298
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter function, 525–527
structured exception handling (SEH), 514–518
WinDBG debugger, 382–384
wizard-generated add-ins, 428
!exchain extension command (WinDBG), 392
Exchange Server services, 569
executable image path, WinDBG, 358, 395
Execute If-Else command (WinDBG), 381
ExitProcess function, 623
ExitThread function, not using, 588–589
_exitthreadex function, 588
Expand Arrays checkbox (SUPERASSERT), 124
expanding types automatically (Watch window)
managed code, 241–243
native code, 283–291
Expect Commands from Target command (WinDBG), 386
expectations of users, 6
exported functions, breakpoints on, 271–274
Expression Evaluator Add-In (EEAddIn), 286–291
extending Visual Studio .NET, 407–453
add-ins, 408, 424–436
fixing Add-In Wizard output, 426–429
in managed code, debugging, 423
managed property pages, creating, 433–436
SettingsMaster, 444–452
SuperSaver, 438–444
tool windows, creating, 430–432
toolbar button issues, 429–430
macros, 407, 409–415
code elements, 413–415
CommenTater macro, 415–423
executing from Command window, 410
macro parameters, 410–411
in managed code, debugging, 423
project object models, 412–413
wizards, 408
Extensibility Browser add-in, 425
extension commands, WinDBG, 361, 386–393
loading and controlling, 387–388
with SOS (Son of Strike), 398–403
extracting information from MAP files, 498–499, 504