Section 22.3. Borders

22.3. Borders

There are two models for handling borders in CSS 2.1. In one, the borders around cells are separated from each other. In the other, borders are said to "collapse" and are continuous from one cell to the next. The border-collapse property allows authors to choose which model the table should follow.



     collapse | separate | inherit 

Initial value:


Applies to:

table and inline-table elements



22.3.1. The Separated Borders Model

In the separated borders model , the border is drawn on all four sides of each cell (or as specified by the border properties), and an amount of space can be added between cells with the border-spacing property.

The border-spacing property is not supported by Internet Explorer Versions 6 and earlier. Support in IE 7, in beta as of this writing, is not documented.



     <length> <length>? | inherit 

Initial value:


Applies to:

table and inline-table elements



The values for border-spacing are two length measurements. The horizontal spacing value comes first and is applied between the cells in each row of the table. The vertical value always comes second and is applied between cells in each column. If you provide just one value, it will be applied both horizontally and vertically. The table in Figure 22-4 uses the separated border model.

     table {border-collapse: separate;            border-spacing: 10px 3px;            border: none;}     td { border: 1px solid black; } 

Figure 22-4. A table with border-spacing

The default value for border-spacing is 0, which causes adjacent borders to touch, essentially "doubling up" the borders on the inside grid of the table.

When using the separated border model, rows, row groups, columns, and column groups cannot have borders.

If you have a few years of web design experience, you may remember how Netscape 4 required every cell in a table to have content in it or the cell would collapse and the background wouldn't display. In the CSS separated borders model, you get to decide whether you want empty cells to display their backgrounds and borders or whether they should be hidden using the empty-cells property.

Internet Explorer for Windows (Versions 6 and earlier) do not support the empty-cells property. IE 5 for the Mac shows and hides cells as expected, but it makes the empty cells too large. Support in IE 7, in beta as of this writing, is currently undocumented.



     show | hide | inherit 

Initial value:


Applies to:

Table cell elements



The default value for empty-cells is show, which shows the background and borders for cells that do not contain any content. The hide value hides the cell's background and borders and is equivalent to visibility: hidden.

For a cell to be "empty," it may not contain any text or replaced elements, non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;) or whitespace. It may contain carriage returns (CR), line feeds (LF), and space characters.

Figure 22-5 shows the previous table border example, this time with empty elements set to hide.

     table {border-collapse: separate;            border-spacing: 10px 3px;            empty-cells: hide;            border: none;}     td { border: 1px solid black; } 

Figure 22-5. Empty cells hidden with the empty-cells property

The empty-cells property is not supported by Internet Explorer through Version 6. Version 7 promises improved support of CSS 2.1, but as of this writing, support for empty-cells is not specifically documented.

22.3.2. The Collapsing Border Model

In the collapsing border model , the borders of adjacent borders "collapse" so that only one of the borders is visible and extra space between borders is removed. Figure 22-6 shows the table from the previous examples, only this time, the border-collapse property has been set to collapse.

     table {border-collapse: collapse;            border: none;}     td { border: 1px solid black; } 

Figure 22-6. A table with collapsed borders

Borders between cells are centered on the grid lines between cells. Therefore, if two adjacent cells have a border that is eight pixels wide, four pixels will fall in one cell and four pixels will fall in the other. If a border has an odd number of pixels, it is left to the user agent to decide where the extra pixel goes. Wide borders on the outside edge of the table may extend into the table's margin.

Explicitly declaring border-collapse: collapse for tables removes any extra space and little gaps in the border that may be automatically inserted by the browser. Border pecking order

If there can only be one border between each pair of cells, what happens when neighboring cells have conflicting border styles? The authors of CSS anticipated this problem and devised a system for resolving border conflicts.

  • Borders with border-style set to hidden take precedence over all other border styles, so the border will not display.

  • Borders with a style of none have the lowest priority. That means that if there is any border specified at all, it will win out and display on the edge of a cell with borders set to none.

  • Wider borders win over narrower ones, regardless of the border style.

  • If the neighboring borders are the same width, then it comes down to a battle of styles. The CSS 2.1 specification establishes this pecking order for border styles (in order from most to least precedence): double, solid, dashed, dotted, ridge, outset, groove, and (the lowest) inset. That means if one cell has a five-pixel dashed border and its neighbor has a five-pixel groove border, the dashed border will "win" and display between the cells.

  • If the border styles differ only in color, then it comes down to the table layer order (Figure 22-3) to determine which border is visible. Styles set on cells win out over rows, and row settings win over row groups, columns, column groups, and finally table.

Web Design in a Nutshell
Web Design in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596009879
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 325 © 2008-2017.
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