Section 8.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

Using a Smartphone as an SMS Modem > Advantages and Disadvantages

8.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

Using a smartphone gives you the addressability of an SMS Aggregator (i.e., you get a real phone number that you can give out for your users to send messages to) without the high set-up and per message costs. Pick up a used smartphone on E-Bay for a couple hundred dollars, and shell out $20/month on an unlimited SMS plan, and you're in business.

In business for a while, anyway. Scale will likely be your biggest limiting factor when using a smartphone-based SMS solution. In our experience, a single phone can process only 30 messages per minute. If your service succeeds, you may wish to support orders of magnitude more messages than this at peak use.



How to Build an SMS Service
How to Build an SMS Service
ISBN: 789742233
Year: 2007
Pages: 52
BUY ON AMAZON © 2008-2017.
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