Practical RDF
Practical RDF
ISBN: 0596002637
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 131
Shelley Powers
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Table of content
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Chapter 1. RDF: An Introduction
1.1 The Semantic Web and RDF: A Brief History
1.2 The Specifications
1.3 When to Use and Not Use RDF
1.4 Some Uses of RDFXML
1.5 Related Technologies
1.6 Going Forward
Chapter 2. RDF: Heart and Soul
2.1 The Search for Knowledge
2.2 The RDF Triple
2.3 The Basic RDF Data Model and the RDF Graph
2.4 URIs
2.5 RDF Serialization: N3 and N-Triples
2.6 Talking RDF: Lingo and Vocabulary
Chapter 3. The Basic Elements Within the RDFXML Syntax
3.1 Serializing RDF to XML
3.2 RDF Blank Nodes
3.3 URI References
3.4 Representing Structured Data with rdf:value
3.5 The rdf:type Property
3.6 RDFXML Shortcuts
3.7 More on RDF Data Types
3.8 RDFXML: Separate Documents or Embedded Blocks
Chapter 4. Specialized RDF Relationships: Reification, Containers, and Collections
4.1 Containers
4.2 Collections
4.3 Reification: The RDF Big Ugly
Chapter 5. Important Concepts from the W3C RDF VocabularySchema
5.1 RDF Vocabulary: Describing the Data
5.2 Core RDF Schema Elements
5.3 Refining RDF Vocabularies with Constraints
5.4 RDF Schema Alternatives
Chapter 6. Creating an RDF Vocabulary
6.1 How RDF Vocabularies Differ from XML Vocabularies
6.2 Defining the Vocabulary: Business and Scope
6.3 Defining the Vocabulary: Elements
6.4 Formalizing the Vocabulary with RDFS
6.5 Integrating the Dublin Core
Chapter 7. Editing, Parsing, and Browsing RDFXML
7.1 BrownSauce
7.2 Parsers
7.3 Editors
Chapter 8. Jena: RDF in Java
8.1 Overview of the Classes
8.2 Creating and Serializing an RDF Model
8.3 Parsing and Querying an RDF Document
8.4 In-Memory Versus Persistent Model Storage
Chapter 9. RDF and Perl, PHP, and Python
9.1 RDFXML and Perl
9.2 RDF API for PHP
9.3 RDF and Python: RDFLib
Chapter 10. Querying RDF: RDF as Data
10.1 RDF and the Relational Data Model
10.2 Roots: rdfDB QL
10.3 Inkling and SquishQL
10.4 RDQL
10.5 Sesame
Chapter 11. A Brief Look at Additional RDF Application Environments
11.1 RDF and C
11.2 Wilbur RDF API CLOS
11.3 Overview of Redlanda Multilanguage-Based RDF Framework
11.4 Redfoot
Chapter 12. Ontologies: RDF Business Models
12.1 Why Ontology?
12.2 Brief History of the Ontology Movement
12.3 OWL Use Cases and Requirements
12.4 OWL Specifications
12.5 Basic Constructs of OWL
12.6 Bits of Knowledge: More Complex OWL Constructs
12.7 The Complementary Nature of RDF and OWL
12.8 Ontology Tools: Editors
Chapter 13. Subscription and Aggregation with RSS
13.1 RSS: Quick History
13.2 RSS 1.0: A Quick Introduction
13.3 A Detailed Look at the Specification
13.4 Extending the Specification Through Modules
13.5 The RSS Modules
13.6 RSS Aggregators
13.7 Creating Your Own RSS Content
13.8 Build Your Own RSS Consumer
13.9 Merging RDFRSS Files
Chapter 14. A World of Uses: Noncommercial Applications Based on RDF
14.1 Mozilla
14.2 Creative Commons License
14.3 MIT s DSpace System Documentation
14.4 FOAF: Friend-of-a-Friend
Chapter 15. A World of Uses: Commercial Uses of RDFXML
15.1 Chandler: RDF Within an Open Source PIM
15.2 RDF Gateway, a Commercial RDF Database
15.3 Siderean Software s Seamark
15.4 Plugged In Software s Tucana Knowledge Store
15.5 RDF and Adobe: XMP
15.6 What s It All Mean?
Index A
Index B
Index C
Index D
Index E
Index F
Index G
Index H
Index I
Index J
Index K
Index L
Index M
Index N
Index O
Index P
Index Q
Index R
Index S
Index T
Index U
Index V
Index W
Index X
Practical RDF
ISBN: 0596002637
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 131
Shelley Powers
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Concluding Remarks
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Domain 5 Printers
Domain 6 Basic Networking
Domain 3 Diagnosing and Troubleshooting
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Rotoscoping Techniques with Photoshop
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Packet Filtering
Domain Name System
Deployment Scenarios
MPLS Configuration on Cisco IOS Software
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Option 3: Multi-Hop MP-eBGP Between RR and eBGP Between ASBRs
Carrier Supporting Carriers Overview
VPLS Topology-Single PE or Direct Attachment
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