

Bandwidth consumption of event monitors , 178
Binding template (UDDI), 84, 89
Book's source code and working samples
downloading, 311
using, 13, 311-319
BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), 101, 134, 136
business process logic using, 135
containers, 135-136
files, 136
XML documents, 134-135
BPML (Business Process Modeling Language), 134
Build targets. See Ant targets file, 313
Business activities, 132, 138-139, 145
calling external business processes, 159
expecting changes in, 262
fine-grained, 148
isolating, 135, 141
Business concept modeling, inheritance in, 99
Business entity
adding contacts for, 87
categorizing, 86
saving to UDDI directory, 88
single event monitor querying, 176
Business entity categorization (listing), 86
Business entity contacts (UDDI) listing, 87
Business entity publishing (UDDI), 85-89
Business entity structure (UDDI), 83
Business key (UDDI), 89
Business logic
layers of application above, 153
types of, 32
Business logic tier (case study), 30, 32-33
Business object collection, 10, 100
class diagram, 118
retrieving elements from, 120
Business Object Collection pattern, 115-130
and Business Process pattern, 151
collaborations, 104, 119-121
components , 114, 118-119, 301
and Data Transfer Object pattern, 292, 295
related patterns, 130
requirements fulfilled by, 128
structure, 117-121
Business object keys, 117, 119-120, 145
Business Object pattern, 10, 99-114, 151
and Business Object Collection pattern, 130
and Data Transfer Object pattern, 282, 292, 295
flatness of, 303
nesting of, 302
related patterns, 113-114
requirements fulfilled by, 128
structure, 101-104
Business objects
vs. business processes, 132
changing in service implementation, 307
explained, 99-100
generic pattern for, 102
implementing, 106-113
interaction with application, 104
JavaBeans for, 102
highly cohesive, 103
and persistent data, 105
in practice, 100-101
preparing to implement, 105
representing business concepts, 100
separation from business processes, 101
using, 109-110
using with Web Services, 111-112
Business process
as a single business activity, 148
vs. business object, 132
in the case study, 148-150
coarseness of, 153
competition based on, 133
completion notification, 154
with computing architectures, 133
containing other business processes, 135
core data retrieval with one method call, 292
defined, 132
execution sequence, 140
fluidity of, 133
implementation between companies, 133
implementation flexibility, 141
implementing, 142-148
and internal object model, 142
keeping track of, 3
long-running, 153, 164
in practice, 132-136
preparing to implement, 140-142
retaining its process state, 158
separation from business objects, 101
setting up and monitoring, 181
spanning multiple companies, 133
standardized definitions, 141
standardized interfaces, 132, 141
starting, 162-163
thread pool for executing, 160
unpredictable, 153
Business process attributes, querying, 163-164
Business process definitions, reusing, 149
Business process diagram (product order), 146
Business process inputs, expecting changes in, 262
Business process interfaces, 143-145
definition listing, 144
standardization of, 132
Business process listing, 146-148
Business process logic implemented using BPEL, 135
Business process model languages, 134
Business Process (Composition) pattern, 10, 131-151
and Asynchronous Business Process pattern, 166
and Business Object Collection pattern, 130
and Business Object pattern, 114
collaborations, 139-140
components, 137-139
intent of, 136
related patterns, 151
structure of, 136-140
Business process standards, on ebXML Web site, 144
Business process status, 160
polling, 181
query diagram, 163
Business requirements
in the case study, 17-19
provided by service directory, 95
use-case diagram, 19
Business service key (UDDI), 91
Business service structure (UDDI), 83
Business services
binding to tModels, 91-93
creating in UDDI, 89
BusinessActivity component, 139, 145
BusinessEntity, 85
agreeing on a common interface, 263
classification systems for, 83
embracing standardization, 274-275
looking up from a Web page, 88
with needs changing over time, 262
BusinessObject class/component, 103, 119, 282-285
in event monitoring, 174-175
partial population of, 301
retrieving data from, 285
BusinessObjectCollection component, 114, 118-119, 301
BusinessObjectKey identifier, 117, 119
BusinessProcess interface, 135, 137-139, 145, 156, 158, 160
BusinessProcessImpl component, 136-139
BusinessProcessManager component, 156-158

Web Service Patterns
Web Services Patterns: Java Edition
ISBN: 1590590848
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 190 © 2008-2017.
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