Lesson 7. Other Editing Options

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Lesson Files

Lesson 7 Project


A Thousand Roads > Amanda, Canoe Club, and Intro folders


This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.


Create subclips

Create markers

Edit with markers

Create subclips using markers

Copy and arrange clips in the Browser

Replace edits

Maintain sync in linked clips

Overwrite and Insert edits are the basic building blocks of the editing process, but there are additional editing options that will broaden the scope of what you've learned. These options include taking one clip and making mini-clips, or subclips, from it; creating markers and using them in the editing process; copying, pasting, and storyboarding clips; and working with a third type of edit, the Replace edit. In addition, there is an audio option that allows you to maintain sync during the editing process.

The Replace edit option in the Canvas Edit Overlay

     < Day Day Up > 

    Apple Pro Training Series. Final Cut Pro 5
    Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro 5
    ISBN: 0321334817
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 235
    Authors: Diana Weynand

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