CalcComm procedure, 291
Calculate event, 603, 645, 654
Calculation mode, 48
Calculation property, 933
Call keyword, 244
Call statement, 977
callback procedures
CheckPageBreakDisplay, 744
description, 736
GetEnabled, 744
GetPressed, 744
Initialize, 743-744
RibbonX code, 739-740
TogglePageBreakDisplay, 744
CallByName function, 982
calling procedures, 238
camera model extended property, 839
Can't create necessary temporary file error, 991
Can't perform requested operation error, 990
Can't rename with different drive error, 990
Can't save file to TEMP error, 992
Caption property, 431
cash flows, internal rate of return, 984-985
categories, functions, 307-308
category extended property, 839
CBool function, 982
CByte function, 982
CCur function, 982
CDate function, 982
CDbl function, 982
CDec function, 982
files/software on, 994-1008
installing items, 994
troubleshooting, 1009
cell references
absolute, 49
column absolute, 49
other sheets, 51-53
other workbooks, 51-53
R1C1 notation, 50
relative, 49
row absolute, 49
Cell shortcut menu, new item, 770-772
activating, 639
comments, 176
comments, color , 935
comments, font, 935
comments, Help system, 784-785
counting cells between values, 365
counting visible in range, 366
data type, determining, 335-336
drop-down lists, 932
formatting, 361-362
last non-empty, 366-368
locking, 123
merged, 180
naming, 53-54
scope, 56
selected, counting, 326-327
selecting all, 932
selecting by value, 340-342
speaking contents, 933
values, prompting for, 321-323
Cells property, 182-183
CellType function, 335-336
Change event, 645-646
ChangeSeriesColor procedure, 926
channels extended property, 839
characters , repeating, 986
chart events
Activate, 654
BeforeDoubleClick, 654
BeforeRightClick, 654
Calculate, 654
Deactivate, 654
description, 630
MouseDown, 654
MouseMove, 654
MouseUp, 654
Resize, 654
Select, 654
SeriesChange, 654
Chart object, model, 574-575
chart sheets
activating, 603
charts , 18
introduction, 16
XLAM files, 711
XLSM files, 711
chart tips, MouseOver event and, 615
Chart_Activate procedure, 605
Chart_Deactivate procedure, 605
alignment, 584-585
sizing, 584-585
ChartObjects collection, deleting from, 581-582
Activate event, 603
activating, 578
active chart, 572
AddPresetGradient procedure, 927
animating, 617-624
BeforeDoubleClick event, 603
BeforeRightClick event, 603
bevels, 591-592
Calculate event, 603
ChangeSeriesColor procedure, 926
color, modifying, 925-928
columns , hiding, 612-613
ConvertChartToPicture procedure, 614
copying as picture, 613
creating on chart sheet, 577
creating, unlinked , 613-615
3-D effects, 591-592
data, changing, 592-598
data labels, displaying, 598-600
data points, value change, 603
Deactivate event, 603
deactivating , 580, 603
displaying in UserForms, 524-526, 600-602
DragOver event, 603
DragPlot event, 603
elements, select, 603
embedded, creating, 575-577
as embedded objects, 572
embedded, printing, 610-611
events, Chart object, 603
events, example, 604-607
exporting, 585-586
formatting, 587-589
interactive, 624-627
introduction, 37-38
location, 572
looping through, 582-584
macro recorder and, 572-574
MouseDown event, 603
MouseMove event, 603
MouseUp event, 603
moving, 578-580
names , 579
objects, connecting with chart, 607
overview, 571-572
pivot charts, 38
plotting new data, 603
public chart object, declaring, 607
range references, converting to arrays, 613
ranges used, 595-598
RecolorChartAndPlotArea procedure, 927
resize, 603
Resize event, 603
saving as GIF files, 525, 944
scrolling, 618-621
Select event, 603
in separate chart sheet, 572
SERIES formula, 592-593
series, hiding, 612-613
SeriesChange event, 603
shadows, 590-591
UseRandomColors procedure, 928
viewing as grayscale, 908
Charts collection
Add method, 577
deleting from, 581-582
Chart_Select procedure, 606
ChartSlideShow procedure, 611
ChartStyle property, 589
ChartTitle property, 575
ChartType property, 589
ChDir command, 830
ChDir statement, 977
ChDrive command, 830
ChDrive statement, 977
check boxes, Ribbon, 22-23
CheckBox control, UserForms, 416
CheckPageBreakDisplay callback procedure, 744
Choose function, 982
Chr function, 982
CInt function, 982
Class doesn't support Automation or doesn't support expected interface error, 991
class modules
code, adding, 888-890
creating, 607
events, 894-895
inserting, 887
NumLockClass class, 890-891
object class, naming, 892
overview, 885-886
Class not registered on local machine error, 992
ClearToMatchStyle method, 589
Click event, 661
client application, 677
CLng function, 982
clock chart, 622-624
Close button, UserForms, disabling, 456
Close statement, 977
CloseAllWorkbooks function, 344
CloseMode argument, 456
adding to class modules, 888-890
disappearing , 931
entering by copying, 152
entering manually, 145-148
entering using macro recorder, 148-152
examples, 931
introduction, 135
storing, 145
writing code, 869-871
Code Colors option (VBE), 156
Code resource lock error, 992
Code resource not found error, 992
Code window (VBE)
introduction, 141
maximizing, 144-145
minimizing, 144-145
description, 166, 949
introduction, 136
membership, testing for, 359
background, shapes , 917-919
code, 938
codes, RGB (red/green/blue), 985
converting colors, 904-906
converting to gray, 907
decimal color values, 904-906
document themes, 911-917
examples, 903
grayscale, 906-908
HSL color system, 903-904
hue, 904
luminance, 904
modifying charts, 925-928
RGB color system, 902-903
saturation, 904
selecting in UserForms, 523-524
tabs, 935
ColorNegative function, 329-332
column absolute cell references, 49
charts, hiding, 612-613
hiding, 123, 642-643
increasing number, 933
last non-empty cell, 366-368
naming, 55
COM (Component Object Model), 701
ComboBox control
UserForms, 416
UserForms, Help system, 790-792
Command functions, category, 308
command line switches, 74-75
CommandBar object
BeginGroup property, 766
BuiltIn property, 766
Caption property, 766
controls, 764-766
Enabled property, 766
FaceID property, 766
ID property, 766
menu bar, 729
OnAction property, 766
Picture property, 766
referencing, 764
shortcut menu, 729
toolbar, 729
ToolTipText property, 766
Type property, 762, 766
Visible property, 766
CommandButton control
macros and, 119
properties, 432
UserForms, 417, 450
ChDir, 830
ChDrive, 830
Dir, 830
Error Checking, 31
FileCopy, 830
FileDateTime, 830
FileLen, 830
GetAttr, 830
Kill, 830
MkDir, 830
Name , 830
Ribbon, executing, 408-410
RmDir, 830
SetAttr, 830
Comment object
AddComment method, 177
Application property, 172
Author property, 172
Delete method, 173
Help, 171
methods , 172-173
Next method, 173
objects within, 175-176
Parent property, 172
Previous method, 173
properties, 171-172
Shape property, 172
Text method, 173
Visible property, 172
Comment property, 174-175
apostrophes , 192
cells, 176
description, 192
instructions and, 193
Rem keyword, 192
specifying, 980
tips for using, 192-193
Comments collection, 173-174
comments extended property, 839
file format issues, 818
international issues, 818
Microsoft issues, 818
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack, 819
new features, 818, 819-820
overview, 817-818
problems, 818-819
Windows versus Macintosh, 818, 820-821
concatenation operator, 939
Conditional Formatting feature, 941
conditions, branches, 980
Connection to type library object library for remote process has been lost error, 992
Const statement, 977
declaring, 204, 977
introduction, 203
naming, 56-57
predefined, 204-205
context-sensitive shortcut menus , 777-779
contextual tabs, Ribbon, 21
continuation character, 939
ContractAllSeries procedure, 597-598
Control Panel, dialog boxes, running, 675-676
ActiveX controls, 118
CommandBar object, 764-766
developers and, 13
dynamicMenu (Ribbon), 752-754
Form Controls, 119
properties, 422-427
RefEdit, 452-453
Ribbon, accessing, 732
tab order, 425
UserForms, 118
UserForms, adding at design time, 872-875
UserForms, adding to, 415-416
UserForms, adjusting, 421-422
UserForms, aligning, 421
UserForms, referencing, 444-445
worksheets and, 419-420
Controls collection, 444
ConvertChartToPicture procedure, 614
converted strings, 986
CopyCurrentRegion function, 318-319
code into module, 152
files, 830, 979
ranges, 316-317
ranges, noncontiguous, 342-344
ranges, variably sized , 318-319
CopyMultipleSelection function, 342-343
CopyRange function, 317
copyright extended property, 839
CopySheetFromAddin procedure, 711
Cos function, 982
cosine of number, 982

Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA
Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheets Bookshelf)
ISBN: 0470044012
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 319

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