
SOAPConnectionFactory javax.xml.soap

SAAJ 1.1; JWSDP 1.0, J2EE 1.4
 public abstract class SOAPConnectionFactory {  // Public Constructors  public SOAPConnectionFactory(  );  // Public Class Methods  public static SOAPConnectionFactory newInstance()         throws SOAPExceptionUnsupportedOperationException;  // Public Instance Methods  public abstract SOAPConnection createConnection(  ) throws SOAPException; } 

SOAPConnectionFactory is a factory object used to create SOAPConnection s. To obtain an instance of this class, which is abstract, use the static newInstance( ) method, which uses the following algorithm to locate a suitable concrete implementation:

  • Looks in the system properties for a property called javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory . If this property is defined, its value is assumed to be the class name of a concrete implementation of SOAPConnectionFactory .

  • Looks for the same property in a file called ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/ . If the property is found, its value is assumed to be the required class name.

  • Looks for a resource called META-INF/services/javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory in the classpath. If such a resource exists, it is opened and a single line is read from it. If the line is not empty, it is used as the required class name.

  • Finally, an implementation-dependent default class is used. In the case of the reference implementation, this class is called com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnectionFactory .

Once you have a SOAPConnectionFactory , you can use its createConnection( ) method to obtain any number of SOAPConnection objects.

Returned By

SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance( )


Java Web Services in a Nutshell
Java Web Services in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003994
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 257
Authors: Kim Topley © 2008-2017.
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