Chapter 17: Students Summary Projects and Presentations


This chapter presents several ideas to be used by Human Aspects of Software Engineering course instructors as the end-of-semester projects. Specifically, we suggest three directions: a fictional case study construction and analysis, a report about a field study conducted by the students, and the description of an event that happened in a software production house in the past. In the first case, learners are asked to develop a case study and to analyze it from the different perspectives discussed in the book. In the field studies, learners are asked to visit a software development house, to observe the work of software teams , to focus on one interesting phenomenon , and to analyze it. In the description of a historical event that has happened in a software house, students are asked to identify such an event and to analyze it in a manner similar to the other two tasks. In all these cases, students analysis should be multifaceted and address different topics presented in the book. The main difference between the tasks is shown is their creation process. While the first is a more theoretical process, the second and the third are based on the observation of software teamwork and the analysis of other artifacts.

Human Aspects of Software Engineering
Human Aspects of Software Engineering (Charles River Media Computer Engineering)
ISBN: 1584503130
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 242 © 2008-2017.
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