s code, file type associated with, 214

S column in top program, description of, 245

sax2 command in BASH shell, example of, 479

SaX2 graphical configuration program, running, 56–63

sbin directory in root file system, contents of, 219

Scale tool in The Gimp, description of, 289

SCANDISK command in DOS, Linux shell

equivalent for, 202

scanners, setting up, 110–113

scheduled tasks, creating, 434–435

screen command in BASH shell, example of, 479

screen power settings, adjusting, 140–141

screen program, using with shell sessions, 439–440

Screensize drop-down list, changing resolution in, 71

Script-Fu, relationship to The Gimp, 299

scripting type, selecting for Rekall, 353

scroll wheels, using as third mouse buttons, 78

SCSI devices, scanning hardware bus for, 431

SCSI disks, installation problems related to, 54

SDI (Single Document Interface)

configuring Rekall as, 353

relationship to The Gimp, 286


benefits of, 8

common-sense approach toward, 121–122

of Linux versus Windows, 117–118

and paranoia, 128

of RPM, 386

Security configuration option in OpenOffice.org, description of, 317

selections, removing in The Gimp, 291

self-installing binaries, Linux software as, 374

Sendmail, choosing as transport, 97

Separator customizations, adding to OpenOffice.org, 314

setuid, relationship to permissions, 214

sftp command in BASH shell, example of, 479

sftp program

commands for, 440

transferring files with, 440

.sh file extension, meaning of, 376, 381

Shading effects, applying in Impress presentations, 350

Shape selection tool in The Gimp, description of, 288

Sharpen filter, applying in The Gimp, 294–295

Shear tool in The Gimp, description of, 289

shell commands, DOS equivalents for, 202

shell prompt, viewing hidden files at, 423

shells. See also BASH shell

examples of, 194

guidelines for use of, 196–197

installing programs from, 382–389

justifications for use of, 195–196

running multiple instances of, 250


accessing from desktop, 75

adding and removing, 138–139

creating, 77

SHR column in top program, description of, 245

shred command in BASH shell, example of, 479

shriek (!), using with command history in BASH shell, 258

shutdown dialog box, displaying, 178

shutting down, 68, 75

single- versus double-clicking, 129, 135

slash (/) versus backslash (\), 163

sleep command in BASH shell, example of, 480

sliders, manipulating in The Gimp, 292–293

slides, animating in Impress presentations, 347–348

smbclient command in BASH shell, example of, 480

smbfs service, disabling, 406

Smoothwall firewall functions, web address for, 127

SMTP servers, checking authentication types for, 98

Smudge tool in The Gimp, description of, 289

sockets, file-type code associated with, 214

Sodipodi drawing program, web address for, 144

software. See also programs; proprietary software

installation basics of, 373

keeping up to date, 122

removing when unused, 420

software versions, overview of, 376–377

sort command in BASH shell

example of, 480

redirecting output with, 261–262

sorting data in Calc, 340–341


recording with Krecord, 160

troubleshooting, 188

source code

compiling from, 389–393

downloading and installing for kernels, 414–415

Linux software as, 374

space, freeing up, 27–29, 41

special effects, setting, 132

-speed=: command in BASH shell, example of, 472

SpeedTouch DSL modem, installing driver for, 93–94

spell-checking, performing in Writer, 328

Splash Screen, changing, 132

splash service, disabling, 406

Spreadsheet configuration options in OpenOffice.org, description of, 319

spreadsheet data, merging in Writer, 332–333

spreadsheet programs. See also Calc

spreadsheet program

comparison between SUSE Linux and Windows, 144

file extension associated with, 168

OpenOffice.org Calc spreadsheet program, 147–149

square brackets ([]), using with grep, 240

srv directory in root file system, contents of, 219

SSH (Secure Shell), salvaging crashed machines with, 181–182

ssh command in BASH shell, example of, 480

ssh keys, insecurity of, 439

ssh program, configuring for X applications on remote computers, 441–444

ssh sessions, running, 438–439

ssh shell programs, accessing Linux remotely with, 437–440

sshd service, disabling, 406

Stallman, Richard and creation of GNU, 14

standard input and output

explanation of, 231

piping, 259–261

redirecting, 261–262

startx command in BASH shell

example of, 480

using with GUI, 201

static IP addresses, configuring, 85–86

statically linked programs, significance of, 378

Stylist palette in Writer, features of, 327

su command in BASH shell

example of, 480

installing program files with, 393

using, 201, 216

subdirectories, definition of, 164

sudo command in BASH shell

example of, 480

using to share root powers, 400–401

Sum function in Calc, using, 339–340

Support desktop icon, description of, 75

SUSE Linux programs

comparing to Windows programs, 144–145

diversity of, 143

SUSE desktop icon, description of, 74

SUSE DVD, installing programs from, 378–379

SUSE FTP archive

downloading source kernels from, 414

installing programs from, 379–380

SUSE Hardware Database, web address for, 31

SUSE Hardware Tool program, features of, 80

SUSE kernels, reinstalling, 417

SUSE Linux

accessing remotely with ssh, 437–440

altering theme of, 130–134

benefits of, 21

components of, 39

configuring to use added disk drives, 421–422

logging into, 68–69

obtaining “live” version of, 29

removing, 63

stability of, 177

starting up, 67–68

using, 22

SUSE Linux firewall

configuring, 124–127

configuring for remote connections, 445–446

testing, 127

SUSE Linux installation

overview of, 35–36

solving problems related to, 54–56

Step 1: Boot from the DVD, 36–37

Step 2: Select to Install, 37–38

Step 3: Select Your Language, 38

Step 4: Choose Installation Settings, 38–40

Step 5: Partition the Disk, 40–42

Step 6: Set the Time Zone, 42–43

Step 7: Start the Installation, 43–44

Step 8: Monitor the Installation, 44–45

Step 9: Reboot After Installation, 45–46

Step 10: Set the Root Password, 46–47

Step 11: Configure Your Network, 47–48

Step 12: Select the User Authentication Method, 48–49

Step 13: Create Users, 49–50

Step 14:Configure Your Hardware, 50–51

Step 15: Finish Installation, 51–52

SUSE Linux Portal, accessing, 75

SUSE Linux postinstallation, solving problems related to, 56–58

SUSE Linux preinstallation

backing up data for, 30–31

freeing up space for, 27–29

making notes during, 30–31

partitioning considerations, 25–27

solving problems related to, 53–54

SuSEconfig program, running, 185

SuSEconfig command in BASH shell, example of, 480

SUSEWatcher program, features of, 80, 122

switches, using with command line in BASH shell, 204

.sxc file extension, meaning of, 322

.sxi file extension, meaning of, 322

.sxw file extension, meaning of, 322

symbolic links, file-type code associated with, 214

Synaptics Touchpad, configuring, 61, 136–137

sys directory in root file system, contents of, 219

System Backup tool, starting, 425

system control in BASH shell, keyboard

shortcuts for, 257

System Monitor applet, description of, 140

system resource usage figures, displaying with KSysGuard applet, 139

System Restore feature in Windows, turning off to reclaim space, 28

system tray

desktop icon for, 75

location of, 72

moving, 138

using, 79–80

systems, rescuing, 417–418

Beginning SUSE Linux from Novice to Professional
Beginning SUSE Linux: From Novice to Professional
ISBN: 1590594584
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 293
Authors: Keir Thomas

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