Chapter 9 Summary

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  1. List boxes provide easy access to lists of strings. Items() holds the items stored in the list. Each item is identified by an index number (0,1,2,...) The lists can be automatically sorted (Sorted property = True) and altered (Items.AddItem, Items.RemoveAt, and Items.Remove methods), the currently highlighted item identified (Text property), and the number of items determined (Items.Count property).

  2. Combo boxes are enhanced text boxes. They not only allow the user to enter information by typing it into a text box (read with the Text property), but also allow the user to select the information from a list of items.

  3. The OpenFileDialog control provides a simple way to locate a file to be opened. The programmer can specify the types of files to display via the Filter property.

  4. Selections are made with check boxes (allow several) and radio buttons (allow at most one). The state of the control (checked vs. unchecked or on vs. off) is stored in the Checked property. Clicking on a check box toggles its state. Clicking on a radio button gives it the on state and turns off the other radio buttons in its group.

  5. Group box controls are used to band together other controls, especially radio buttons, as a unit.

  6. The timer control triggers an event repeatedly after the duration of a specified time interval.

  7. The picture box control, which displays pictures or geometric shapes, can expand to accommodate the size of the picture or have the picture alter its size to fit the control.

  8. Horizontal and vertical scroll bar controls permit the user to select from among a range of integers by clicking or dragging with the mouse. The range is specified by the Minimum and Maximum properties, and changes trigger the Scroll event.

  9. The clipboard is filled with the SetText method or by pressing Ctrl + C, and is copied with the GetText method or by pressing Ctrl + V.

  10. An object of type Random can generate a randomly selected integer from a specified range.

  11. Menus, similar to the menus of Visual Basic itself, can be created with the MenuStrip control.

  12. Additional forms can serve as customized dialog boxes. They are revealed with the ShowDialog method and removed with the Close method.

  13. After a graphics object is produced with a CreateGraphics method, the DrawString, DrawLine, FillRectangle, FillEllipse, and FillPie methods can be used to display strings, lines, solid rectangles, solid ellipses, and solid sectors with colors supplied by Pen and Brush objects.

  14. Animation can be produced by steadily moving a picture box containing an image.

An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005
Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005, An (6th Edition)
ISBN: 0130306541
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 164 © 2008-2017.
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