Using the Thesaurus



Select the word for which you want to find a synonym, and press Shift+F7 (or open the Tools menu, choose Language , and select Thesaurus ).


Word displays the Research task pane, with the word you selected in the Search for text box and suggested meanings and synonyms in the results list (meanings are in boldface).


If the meaning at the top of the results list is not the one you need, scroll down the list to look for other meanings.


If you see a plus sign next to a meaning, click the meaning to display its synonyms. To hide the synonyms, click the meaning again.


If you find yourself overusing a particular word and want to find a good synonym for it, or if you want to get some ideas for livening up your text, Word's thesaurus can help you out.



If you want to see the synonyms of a word in the results list, click the word.


Word places the word in the Search for list and displays its synonyms in the results list. To go back to the previous contents of the results list, click the Back button.


When you see the word that you want to use to replace the word you chose in step 1, click it, and click Insert in the list that appears.


Word replaces the selected word with the one you chose. When you are finished, click the Close button in the Research task pane to close it.


Looking Up Other Words

If you want to look up synonyms for a word that isn't in the results list, select the current entry in the Search for text box, type over it with the word whose synonyms you want to find, and click the Start searching button (the green arrow).

Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003
Easy Microsoft Office Word 2003
ISBN: 0789729652
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 178
Authors: Heidi Steele © 2008-2017.
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