Implementing Range-Based Functions

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As I noted earlier, simple functions take scalar input values and do not require custom user interface editors. In this section, I will show you how to implement custom functions that accept ranges of values for input arguments. Working with a range parameter is somewhat tricky, so let's examine how it is done.

The IXRangeEnum Interface

Although you might expect the Spreadsheet component to pass a Range object for a range parameter, it does not. Instead it passes an IXRangeEnum interface. This interface is marked as hidden in the OWC type library, so you can view it by choosing to show hidden members in your Object Browser. (In Visual Basic, right-click the Object Browser and choose Show Hidden Members.)

This interface is streamlined for the task of retrieving the values from the range's cells. Typically, you need to use only the ColCount, RowCount, and Next methods on this interface. The interface also contains other methods for converting values from one Variant type to another using the Spreadsheet component's internal type conversion routines, which occasionally differ slightly from the type conversion routines in OLE Automation. You can usually ignore these methods, but C++ developers might find them handy if they want more detailed control over type conversions.

Getting Cell Values from IXRangeEnum

To get cell values from the IXRangeEnum interface, you typically use the Next method. The following function, taken from CustomFunctions.cls, shows how to extract cell values in VBA:

 Private Function GetCellValues(Range As IXRangeEnum) As Variant()     Dim ctCols As Long          ' Number of columns     Dim ctRows As Long          ' Number of rows     Dim objRange As Object      ' IDispatch interface          ' QI for the IDispatch interface so that we can use     ' the unsigned longs     ' This is dangerous, but we know that the     ' number of rows or columns in a range won't be     ' greater than the maximum value for a signed long     Set objRange = Range          ' Performing nasty, dangerous casting from unsigned to      ' signed longs here!     ctCols = objRange.ColCount     ctRows = objRange.RowCount          ' Allocate an array of Variants for all the values, and get them     ReDim vRngValues((ctRows * ctCols) - 1) As Variant     objRange.Next ctRows * ctCols, vRngValues(0), vbNull          ' Return it     GetCellValues = vRngValues End Function 'GetCellValues() 

The IXRangeEnum interface was really defined for C++ developers, so the interface is littered with properties and parameters of type unsigned long. This type is not directly supported in OLE Automation (only signed longs are), and you will receive compile errors if you try to access these properties or pass values to these parameters. However, you can work around this nasty limitation by using the IDispatch interface of the object implementing IXRangeEnum. This function accesses the IDispatch interface by declaring a variable of type Object and then setting it equal to the IXRangeEnum parameter. Visual Basic will use the QueryInterface method to get the IDispatch interface of the source object because the destination variable is typed as Object. Once you have the IDispatch interface, your code can access unsigned long values and assign them back to variables declared as Long.

Although there is a potential for error when assigning unsigned long values to signed long values, it is highly unlikely that the column or row count of a range is larger than the maximum signed long value, which is around 2 billion. The Spreadsheet control itself supports a maximum of 702 columns and 65,536 rows.

Whenever you implement a function that accepts a range, you can use the GetCellValues function shown earlier to obtain a one-dimensional Variant array full of the values from the specified range. Your code can then use the UBound and LBound functions to determine the dimensions of the returned array and iterate over the values.

The SumTopN and SumBottomN Functions

To illustrate how to implement a range-based function, I created two functions in my custom function library: SumTopN and SumBottomN. The SumTopN function adds up the top N numbers in the range, and the SumBottomN adds up the bottom N numbers. Since these functions are similar, much of their implementation is shared; the only major difference is in which direction I sort the data values before adding up the first N items. Let's take a look at the SumTopN function:

 Public Function SumTopN(ByVal Range As IXRangeEnum, ByVal N As Long) _ As Double     Dim vRngValues() As Variant     Dim colSorted As Collection          If N > 0 Then         ' Get the cell values         vRngValues = GetCellValues(Range)                          ' Sort the elements into a collection         Set colSorted = SortValues(vRngValues, flSortDescending)                      ' Calculate the SumTopN         SumTopN = SumNElems(colSorted, GetRealN(colSorted, N))     Else         SumTopN = 0     End If 'N > 0 End Function 'SumTopN() 

This function takes two parameters: a range of values and the number of top values to sum. Because the first parameter is a range, I type it as IXRangeEnum. To enable a parameter to accept a range of values, you must declare its type as IXRangeEnum. If you do not, the Spreadsheet component will fail to bind to the function and will resolve the function to an error value.

The function first checks whether N is greater than zero. If it is not, the function simply returns a zero right away because, by definition, the sum of zero items is zero and I can avoid the overhead of sorting the values. If N is greater than zero, I use the GetCellValues function to obtain all the cell values in the range as a Variant array. I then use another helper function called SortValues to sort the Variant array (in descending order) into a Collection object full of Variants. The code then uses two other helper functions: GetRealN and SumNElems. The first gets the real N value (which I will explain later), and the second adds up that many elements in the collection. Finally, the function returns the sum to the Spreadsheet control. Let's first look at the SortValues function:

 Private Function SortValues(vRngValues(), Optional SortDir _ As SortDirEnum = flSortAscending) As Collection     Dim ctCells As Long             ' Number of cells     Dim fInserted As Boolean        ' Inserted flag     Dim nCell As Long               ' Cell index     Dim colSorted As Collection     ' Sorted collection     Dim nSortElem As Long           ' Current sort element     Dim vVal As Variant             ' Temporary Variant          ctCells = UBound(vRngValues) + 1          ' Do an insertion sort using a collection     Set colSorted = New Collection     For nCell = 0 To (ctCells - 1)                  nSortElem = 1         fInserted = False                  If colSorted.Count = 0 Then             colSorted.Add vRngValues(nCell)         Else             For Each vVal In colSorted                 If SortDir = flSortAscending Then                     If vRngValues(nCell) < vVal Then                         colSorted.Add vRngValues(nCell), , nSortElem                         fInserted = True                         Exit For                     End If                     nSortElem = nSortElem + 1                 Else                     If vRngValues(nCell) > vVal Then                         colSorted.Add vRngValues(nCell), , nSortElem                         fInserted = True                         Exit For                     End If                     nSortElem = nSortElem + 1                 End If             Next vVal                          If Not fInserted Then colSorted.Add vRngValues(nCell)                      End If 'colSorted.Count = 0     Next nCell          ' Return the sorted collection     Set SortValues = colSorted End Function 'SortValues() 

The SortValues function is an extremely simple insertion sort, and I do not even pretend to think that this is an optimized sorting algorithm. You can easily improve on this function (for example, by performing a binary search when inserting a new value), but it does perform the job for medium-sized N values. The function builds a new Collection object by inserting each value in the Variant array into its sorted position in the collection. When the function finishes, the returned collection contains a sorted list of items, ready to enumerate and total.

It is quite amazing that VBA still does not offer any built-in sorting functions, especially considering the existence of the qsort function in the C runtime library. Alas, we are left to implement our own sorting in VBA. Maybe someday we will get built-in functions for sorting arrays and collections, especially when they contain homogenous scalar types.

After sorting the values, the SumTopN function first calls the GetRealN function in the process of calling the SumNElems function. The GetRealN function determines how many items actually constitute the top N items. The following shows what the code for the GetRealN function looks like.

 Private Function GetRealN(colSorted As Collection, ByVal N As Long) _ As Long     ' If N > the count of elements, set N = to the count     If N >= colSorted.Count Then         N = colSorted.Count     Else         ' Figure out our real N (check for N and N + 1 being equal)         Do While colSorted(N) = colSorted(N + 1)             If N >= colSorted.Count Then                 N = colSorted.Count                 Exit Do             End If                          N = N + 1         Loop     End If 'N > colSorted.Count          ' Return it     GetRealN = N End Function 'GetRealN() 

As I discussed in Chapter 2, top or bottom N functions can actually include more than N items in the result if the N and N + 1 items are equal. If you asked for the top three items in the set {3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7}, which 5 would you include? You have to include both 5s (a total of four items) because both are within the top three values. The GetRealN function compares the N and N + 1 values, and if they are equal, keeps looping to find the point at which the N and N + 1 values are no longer equal or until it falls off the end of the collection. It then returns the real N value, which is passed to the SumNElems function:

 Private Function SumNElems(colSorted As Collection, N As Long) As Double     Dim vVal As Variant         ' Temporary Variant     Dim nResult As Double       ' Result     Dim nSortElem As Long       ' Index of current element          ' Start at element one     nSortElem = 1     nResult = 0          ' Sum up the values     ' Use For Each and short circuit as this is a     ' faster way to iterate over a collection     For Each vVal In colSorted         nResult = nResult + vVal         nSortElem = nSortElem + 1         If (nSortElem - 1) = N Then             Exit For         End If     Next vVal          ' Return it     SumNElems = nResult End Function 'SumNElems() 

This fairly straightforward function enumerates the collection of sorted values, adding each value to a running total. As soon as the code adds up the N elements, it exits and returns the sum to the SumTopN function, which in turn passes it back to the Spreadsheet control.

The SumBottomN function works exactly the same way as SumTopN, except that it sorts the range values in ascending order instead of in descending order:

 Public Function SumBottomN(ByVal Range As IXRangeEnum, ByVal N As Long) _ As Double     Dim vRngValues() As Variant     Dim colSorted As Collection          If N > 0 Then         ' Get the cell values         vRngValues = GetCellValues(Range)                          ' Sort the elements into a collection         Set colSorted = SortValues(vRngValues, flSortAscending)                      ' Calculate the SumBottomN         SumBottomN = SumNElems(colSorted, GetRealN(colSorted, N))     Else         SumBottomN = 0     End If 'N > 0 End Function 'SumBottomN() 

Using these functions in the spreadsheet model is just like using the built-in SUM function, except that you pass one extra parameter for the N value:

 =SumTopN(B9:B14,E9) =SumBottomN(B9:B14,E9) 

You pass a range to a custom function the same way you pass a range to any other built-in function. The Spreadsheet control will also allow users to semi-select (click on a cell to paste its cell reference into the current formula) the range reference while building the formula, so your custom function should look and feel built in. To try these functions, run the project in Visual Basic and adjust the inputs in the Analysis Functions section of the test spreadsheet.

Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components (Microsoft Progamming Series)
ISBN: 073560794X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 111
Authors: Dave Stearns © 2008-2017.
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