

Machine acceptance process
description of, 363
Edlin software, 399 “400
machine warmup, 373 “377
Minitab testing of capability
batch files, 392 “393
check, 390
description of, 388
output file storing and naming, 400 “402
setting up program, 389
SQC loading, 391 “392
typical session, 393 “395
output file storing and naming, 400 “402
overview of, 363 “365
phase I, 373 “377
phase II, 377 “382
phase III, 382 “387
process potential study
design characterizations for, 365 “366
distributions, 368, 370
normal probability paper, 366 “372
process stability and capability, 377 “382
SQC software
data, 397 “399
loading of, 391 “392
output file storing and naming, 400 “402
variable data, 395 “397
supplier grade sheet, 363
suppliers' previous studies, 373 “377
variation, 365
yes/no for acceptance, 382 “387
Machine capability
analysis of
forms for, 244 “248
results, 249 “253
setup verification, 250
definition of, 235
Minitab testing
batch files, 392 “393
check, 390
description of, 388
setting up program, 389
SQC loading, 391 “392
typical session, 393 “395
short- term , 235, 326
commitment to statistical process control, 12
role of, 111
MaxSPA lines, 310 “311
calculating of, 66, 71 “72, 337
definition of, 65 “66
measures of dispersion for interpreting, 68
Measurement errors
analysis of
analysis of variance, 355 “356
attribute gage study, 342
computer software for, 357 “360
data collection, 333 “341, 346
description of, 333
findings, 342 “344, 356 “357
short-method R&R study, 341 “342
statistical methods and, 345 “357
causes of, 318
concepts regarding, 319 “321
constant, 330
equipment- related , 318
gauge capability, 319 “320, 331
indicators of, 321
part size and, 352
standard deviation of, 331
terminology associated with, 321 “332
variable, 330
Measurement systems
accuracy, 326 “328
assessment of, 320 “321
bias, 328
capability in, 321, 348
components of, 318
control in, 321
description of, 317
discrimination of, 322
environment, 319
equipment for, 318 “319
errors, see Measurement errors
linearity of, 328 “330
overview of, 317 “319
precision of, 322 “323, 327
process nature of, 320
P/T ratio, 331 “332, 354
repeatability , 323 “324
reproducibility , 323 “325
sensitivity of, 322
control charts and, 344 “345
description of, 326
studies of, 321 “322
true value of, 322
uniformity of, 322
description of, 317, 319
special, 320 “321
Measures of central tendency
mean, 65 “66
median, 66 “67
mode, 67
Measures of dispersion
description of, 68
mean interpretation using, 68
range, 68 “69
standard deviation, 69 “72
Median, 66 “67
Median and range chart
advantages and disadvantages of, 179 “180
attribute data, 191 “196
constructing of
control limits, 181 “182, 191
median calculations, 180, 182
process center line, 180 “182
process control analysis, 182 “190
range calculations, 180, 182
recording of measurements, 180
sampling frequency and size, 180
variation, 191
vertical scale, 182
Mesokurtic, 95
Minitab testing, for machine acceptance process
batch files, 392 “393
check, 390
description of, 388
setting up program, 389
SQC loading, 391 “392
typical session, 393 “395
MinSPA lines, 310 “311
Mirror image technique, 301 “305
Mode, 67
Modified controlled charts, 198 “200
Moment tests, 94 “97
Motorola's 6 Sigma
capability, 263 “264
description of, 261 “263
Moving average and moving range chart
description of, 204
nominal, 287 “288
short-run, 289
target, 288
Moving range chart, 145 “147
Multivariate control charts, 210

Six Sigma and Beyond. Statistical Process Control (Vol. 4)
Six Sigma and Beyond: Statistical Process Control, Volume IV
ISBN: 1574443135
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 181
Authors: D.H. Stamatis © 2008-2017.
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