The six steps in the job plan involve the following questions and activities:
Information phase
What is it?
Collect all data, drawings, blueprints, costs, parts , flow sheets, process sheets.
Talk with people, ask questions, listen, develop.
Become familiar with the project.
Discuss, probe, analyze.
What does it do?
Define functions.
Determine basic function(s).
Construct FAST diagram.
What does it cost?
Conduct function/cost analysis.
What is it worth?
Establish a value for each function.
Determine overall value for the product or source.
Where is the problem?
Analyze the diagram.
Locate poor value functions.
Pinpoint the areas for creativity.
What can we do?
Set goal for achievement.
Creative phase
What else will do the job?
Brainstorm the poor value target functions ” use imagination ” create alternatives, develop unique solutions, combine or eliminate functions.
Look for revolutionary ideas.
Do not overlook discoveries obtained by serendipity .
Evaluation phase
Select best ideas.
Screen all creative ideas.
Evaluate carefully for useful solutions.
Combine best ideas.
Categorize into basic groups.
Screen for best ideas.
How much does it cost?
Generate relative costs.
Analyze potential.
Anticipate roadblocks .
Planning phase
Develop best ideas.
Develop practical solutions.
Obtain accurate costs.
Review engineering and manufacturing requirements.
Check quality, reliability.
Talk with people.
Resolve anticipated roadblocks.
Develop alternative solution.
Plan your program to sell.
Show the benefits.
Reporting phase
Present ideas to management.
Show before and after costs, advantages and disadvantages, non-recurring costs of development and implementation, scrap, warranty, and other forecasts and net benefit.
Plan your recommendation to sell.
Make recommendation for action.
Ensure proper implementation.
Be certain that the change has been made in accordance with the original intent.
Audit actual costs.