Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] background GoLive layout grids 2nd Photoshop canvas background color Photoshop selecting for Photoshop images 2nd Background Eraser tool (Photoshop) Background layer (Photoshop) 2nd backgrounds adding to PDF documents 2nd web page backgrounds web graphics as 2nd 3rd 4th backups Illustrator customization files balancing color 2nd balancing text InDesign Bar Graph tool (Illustrator) bar graphs (Illustrator) creating 2nd 3rd data entry 2nd editing 2nd labels barcodes, adding to Designer forms 2nd baseline grid (InDesign) [See also grids, InDesign] setting baselines Photoshop text Basic command (Acrobat) 2nd Basic Objects palette (GoLive) layout text boxes, adding 2nd tables, creating Basic toolbar (Acrobat) basic.css file batch processing Acrobat Illustrator 2nd Photoshop 2nd 3rd batch processing (Bridge) 2nd 3rd Batch Processing command (Acrobat) Be[as]zier curves creating InDesign 2nd 3rd 4th Bevel effect (Photoshop) beveled rectangles converting shape InDesign 2nd bilinear gradients Illustrator bit depths Photoshop bitmap color mode Photoshop 2nd 3rd bitmap graphics converting to vector graphics Live Paint (Illustrator) defined bitmap images 2nd defined black Illustrator preferences 2nd InDesign preferences 2nd 3rd 4th blank web pages, creating with GoLive 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th bleed area Illustrator documents InDesign documents 2nd 3rd 4th bleed box (Crop Pages dialog, Acrobat) Blend Front to Back filter (Illustrator) Blend Horizontally filter (Illustrator) Blend tool Illustrator 2nd 3rd Blend Vertically filter (Illustrator) blending Illustrator objects 2nd 3rd 4th Photoshop layers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th blending color Illustrator blending modes 2nd 3rd 4th filters gradients 2nd 3rd transparency blends 2nd Bloat tool Illustrator Bloat tool (Photoshop) blogging GoLive tools blur (Photoshop) Sharpen filters 2nd blur filters (Photoshop) 2nd Blur tool Photoshop BMP files exporting Illustrator files as Book feature (InDesign) 2nd 3rd 4th adding documents document information indexes, creating 2nd 3rd 4th opening documents outputting documents 2nd page-numbering options rearranging documents replacing documents status icons 2nd synchronizing documents 2nd tables of contents, creating 2nd 3rd Book palette (InDesign) 2nd 3rd 4th bookmarks adding to PDF documents 2nd 3rd Bookmarks palette InDesign Border command (Photoshop) 2nd break characters inserting in InDesign docoments 2nd Break Link to Graphic Style button (Graphic Styles palette, Illustrator) breaking paths Illustrator 2nd 3rd Bridge 2nd 3rd 4th Adobe Stock Photos 2nd 3rd 4th 5th batch processing 2nd 3rd browsing files 2nd color management, setting up 2nd 3rd Favorites panel 2nd labeling images 2nd launching Metadata panel 2nd 3rd Saved File Groups panel 2nd 3rd workspace, setting up brightness Photoshop images 2nd Brightness/Contrast command (Photoshop) 2nd browsers file browsers inserting in web forms 2nd 3rd previewing web pages (GoLive) 2nd selecting for Preview in Browser button (GoLive) 2nd web browsers color modes Brush command (Window menu) Illustrator brush stroke filters (Photoshop) 2nd Brush tool Photoshop options, changing brushes Photoshop Brushes palette Photoshop bullets InDesign text 2nd 3rd bump maps Burn tool (Photoshop) button menus (GoLive) 2nd Button mode (Photoshop Actions palette) 2nd Button tool Acrobat Submit buttons, creating 2nd 3rd InDesign Buttons and Rollovers style library (Illustrator) 2nd buttons, creating for Designer forms |