While you could wait for the GoogleBot crawler to find your site on the Web, a more proactive approach is to manually submit your site for inclusion in the Google web index. It's an easy processin fact, the easiest thing we'll discuss in this chapter. All you have to do is go to www.google.com/addurl/, shown in Figure 36.1. Enter the URL for your home page into the appropriate box (including the http://), add any comments you might have, and then click the Add URL button. That's it; Google will now add your site to the GoogleBot crawl list, and your site will appear in appropriate search results. Figure 36.1. Submitting your site to the Google index.Note that you only have to add the top level URL for your site; you don't have to add URLs for any subsidiary pages. (For example, if your home page is http://www.homepage.com/index.html, enter only http://www.homepage.com.) GoogleBot will crawl the rest of your site once it finds the main URL. |