
All page numbers that begin with "F-" refer to the full versions of Chapters 1 and 2. These are not in the printed book, but are available for download from


acceptance of requirements, F-21–F-22

acceptance tests, 9, F-25

access control

chronicle, 149, 150–151

configuration, 140

for data archiving, 115

described, 281

infrastructure considerations, 283

integral to a software system, 282–283

making more friendly, 306

for organization units, 329

recording changes in, 317

for reporting, 190

underlying mechanism for, 318

access control domain, 29–30, 281

access control extensions, 234–235

Access Controller, F-57

access control requirement pattern, 281–323

access only when logged in requirement, 310

access privileges for users, 285

access rights. See privileges

access rules, applying, 308–309


authentication alternatives, 298

as a source of nonfunctional system aspects, F-70

specific needs for, 168, 169, 172, 174–175, 178–182, 183–184

accessibility requirement pattern, 168–186

accountants, as programmers, 332

accounting entries, 260

accounting system interface, 56

ACID properties, 123, 154

acknowledgement of receipt, 58, 59

acronyms, use of, F-47–F-48


approving, 318

authorizing within functions, 308, 310

not approving own, 322

pending, storage of, 129

active attack, 60, 61

active user sessions, terminating, 300

active users, number of, 149

activity peaks, 213

activity triggers, 209

actors, F-13, F-69

adapters, 53, 54, 250

address formats, unparochialness and, 259

"Affects Database" pattern classification, 35

agile manifesto, 8, F-22

agile outlook, adopting, F-22

agile requirements processes, 8–10, F-22–F-28

alarm monitor interface, 56

alarms, 214, 233

alphabetic characters, 87

alphabetic mnemonic, F-37

alphanumeric characters, 87

alternative templates, 25

ambiguities of fee calculation, 336–337

Americans with Disabilities Act, 170

analysis paralysis, F-4

analysis patterns, 20

analyst, F-8, F-16

anecdotal checking, 261

animated graphics, 188

Apache Web server, 69

Applicability section, 21, 23–24, 45

approval, 321–322, 323

approval mechanisms, 322

approval requirement pattern, 281, 282, 318–323

"approved" version, determining, F-52–F-53

architecture, infrastructures contributing to, F-64


chronicles, 150

data. See data archiving

artifacts in agile development, F-23

assistive technology, 172, 176, 178–179, 185

assumptions, 16, F-59, F-60

atomic changes, 123

atomic nature of requirements, 20–21

attachments, email, 123

attributes, defining, 34

audience, identifying, 13, 34, F-33

audio alert, visual cue for, 182

audit trails, 121, 190

Australian Privacy Act of 1988, 75


biometric, 178

defined, 295

information for users, 285

mechanisms, 296

strength of, 308, 311


for each reference, F-50

listing in the document history, F-52

of a requirement pattern, 23

authority, ability to delegate, 307


chronicling changes, 317

example requirements, 309–313

authorization checks, 317, 318

authorization inquiries, 316–317

automatic refreshing of inquiries, 157, 159, 177, 188


of an interface, 57, 58

lack of. See downtime

scalability and, 242, 244

availability requirement pattern, 217–238

availability window, 208, 219, 221, 222–223

Microsoft Press - Software Requirement Patterns
Software Requirement Patterns (Best Practices)
ISBN: 0735623988
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 110 © 2008-2017.
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