

parameterOrder attribute, 149


DOM, 287

SAX, 280

validating, 744, 746

Xerces, 693, 746, 761

XML, 545

parsing, 545

JAXP schemas, 293–294

SAX, 284, 285–286

XML schemas, 293–294

participants, 602, 604, 612


discovery, 238

profiles and agreements, 242–250

sign-up, 238

password encryption, 627

peer-to-peer exchanges, 687

performance, 703–707

CBS development, 69–71

defined, 18, 69, 703

enhancement techniques, 71

measurement, 703

optimization, 375–376

questions, 69

requirements, 69–70

scalability and, 70

strategies, 70, 71

with stubs, 366

systems management, 691

pessimistic locking, 586

Phaos XML, 650

physical evolution, 5–8

client-server, 7

monolithic, 6

N-tier development, 7–8

World Wide Web, 8

pluggable authentication modules (PAMs), 671

point-to-point messaging, 412

POP3 protocol, 419, 423

port element, 163, 166


component execution environment and, 80

defined, 80

enhancing, 80

questions, 80

portal registries, 229–230

benefits, 230

defined, 229

See also registries

PortfolioHolder implementation class, 387

portType element, 154, 155

binding element, 154

defined, 154

illustrated, 155

name attribute, 154

See also WSDL documents

Post Office Protocol (POP), 419

postal address support, 217–218

presentation-centric XML, 277

pricing models, 693–696

accounting services, 695–696

metering service, 696

supply and demand, 694

private UDDI registries, 196–197, 227–231

altering, 228

auditing capabilities, 227

benefits, 227

considerations, 231

EAI registries support, 230

extending, 228

implementation, 227

implementation availability, 227

marketplace registries support, 228–229

portal registries support, 229–230

recommendations, 231

See also UDDI registries

procedure-based services, 262

processes, 88–89

BPEL, 734–736

business, 237–243

defined, 732

OPEN, 88

product line, 88–89

RUP, 88


XP, 88

processing model, 112–119

defined, 112

HTTP binding, 115–117

SMTP-POP binding, 117–119

SOAP bindings, 115

steps, 114

See also SOAP

product line for services development, 73–76

commonalities/variations identification, 74

frameworks and libraries, 75

infrastructure, 74–75

organization, 75–76

patterns, styles, blueprints, 75

process, 75

profiles, 431–433

building, 432

capability, 481–482

defined, 432

ebXML, 432

JAXM use with, 475

SOAP headers and, 432

SOAP message structure with, 432

XML schemes, 432

programmatic registration, 392

proof-of-concept testing, 703

property declaration, 574–575

defined, 574

effect, 575

generateIsSetMethod customization, 574

syntax, 574

See also binding declarations


for ebXML, 535, 536

JAXR, 481

publishing with, 539–544

provider-to-provider communication, 455

block diagram, 456

defined, 455

sequence diagram, 456

provisional effect, 603

proxies, 83–84

dynamic, 84, 172, 362–363

factory, 88

service, 83

proxy layer, 83–84

defined, 83

functioning, 83–84

public key infrastructure (PKI), 649, 650

public UDDI registries, 227

public/private-key algorithms, 629–630

publisherAssertion API, 198–199

Publishers API, 199–200


ability, 213

business entities, 223

company information to UDDI registry, 499–508

complete WSDL document, 519

content to ebXML registries, 537–539

deployment-time, 530

with JAXR provider, 539–544

organizations in ebXML registries, 533–536

service implementation definition, 519

service information to UDDI registry, 508–520

service interface only, 519

service interface with one service implementation, 519

service interfaces in UDDI, 213–216

with UDDI4J, 223

WSDL describing service implementation, 514

WSDL service interface, 513

publishing assertions

business entity relationship and, 224

creating, 223–224

publish-subscribe messaging, 412

purchaseorder.xsd schema, 546–547

PurchaseOrderService, 448–449, 458, 460–464

asynchronous code, 461–464

asynchronous version, 460–464

defined, 448, 458, 460

synchronous code, 448–449

synchronous version, 448–449

See also asynchronous messaging; synchronous messaging

Java Web Services Architecture
Java Web Services Architecture (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
ISBN: 1558609008
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 210 © 2008-2017.
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