
"And here's the last laugh," Roscoe concluded. "Monday showed he really understood the problem with the following observation. If you do the same experiment with four dice, you can prove that it is impossible to cover the interval from zero to one uniformly, as you could with three. That is, you can generate many more probabilities, but you cannot have them spread out equally. Now that is an interesting result, and it is true not only for four dice, but for any number of dice greater than three. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!"

I encourage readers to see if they can rediscover Monday's impossibility proof for four or more dice.

This is about as far afield as I am going to go in the direction of "thinking laterally." This section has been less about software development and more about opening up your mind to different ways of looking at the kinds of challenging problems we come across all the time.

I now move on to the last part of the book, one I call "Advanced Topics."

The Software Development Edge(c) Essays on Managing Successful Projects
The Software Development Edge(c) Essays on Managing Successful Projects
Year: 2006
Pages: 269 © 2008-2017.
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