Chapter 8. Assignment, Expressions, and Print

Now that we've seen Python's core built-in object types, this chapter explores its fundamental statement forms. In simple terms, statements are the things you write to tell Python what your programs should do. If programs do things with stuff, statements are the way you specify what sort of things a program does. Python is a procedural, statement-based language; by combining statements, you specify a procedure that Python performs to satisfy a program's goals.

Another way to understand the role of statements is to revisit the concept hierarchy introduced in Chapter 4, which talked about built-in objects and the expressions used to manipulate them. This chapter climbs the hierarchy to the next level:

  1. Programs are composed of modules.

  2. Modules contain statements.

  3. Statements contain expressions.

  4. Expressions create and process objects.

At its core, Python syntax is composed of statements and expressions. Expressions process objects, and are embedded in statements. Statements code the larger logic of a program's operation they use and direct expressions to process the objects we've already seen. Moreover, statements are where objects spring into existence (e.g., in expressions within assignment statements), and some statements create entirely new kinds of objects (functions, classes, and so on). Statements always exist in modules, which themselves are managed with statements.

Table 8-1 summarizes Python's statement set. Part III deals with entries in the table through break and continue. You've informally been introduced to a few of the statements in Table 8-1. Part III will fill in details that were skipped earlier, introduce the rest of Python's procedural statement set, and cover the overall syntax model.

Table 8-1. Python statements





Creating references

curly, moe, larry = 'good', 'bad', 'ugly'


Running functions

stdout.write("spam, ham, toast\n")


Printing objects

print 'The Killer', joke


Selecting actions

if "python" in text: print text


Sequence iteration

for x in mylist: print x


General loops

while 1: print 'hello'


Empty placeholder

while 1: pass

break, continue

Loop jumps

while 1: if not line: break

try/except/ finally

Catching exceptions

try: action( )

except: print 'action error'


Triggering exception

raise endSearch, location

import, from

Module access

import sys; from sys import stdin

def, return, yield

Building functions

def f(a, b, c=1, *d): return a+b+c+d[0]def gen(n): for i in n, yield i*2


Building objects

class subclass: staticData = [ ]



def function( ): global x, y; x = 'new'


Deleting references

del data[k]; del data[i:j]; del obj.attr


Running code strings

exec "import " + modName in gdict, ldict


Debugging checks

assert X > Y

Statements that have to do with larger program units functions, classes, modules, and exceptions lead to larger programming ideas, so they will each have a section of their own. More exotic statements like exec (which compiles and executes code constructed as strings) are covered later in the book, or in Python standard documentation.

Learning Python
Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 0596158068
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 253
Authors: Mark Lutz © 2008-2017.
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