


browsing, 12

browsing, for class definitions, 872–73

browsing, for classes, 848

CIM repository, 530, 571

CIMv2, 509, 514, 541, 571, 583

creation with MOF file, 460, 461

MicrosoftDNS, 431

MicrosoftIISv2, 509, 785

MicrosoftSQLServer, 802, 803

MSCluster, 747

.NET, 844–45

Policy, 296

Root, 12, 530, 535

RSOP, 285–86, 296

RSOP User, 307

SNMP, 451

Subscription, 517

System.Management, 844, 862

System.Management.Instrumentation, 844–45, 846, 862

View, 511, 514

.NET classes

ConnectionOptions, 852

Constants, 852, 856

EventArrivedEventArgs, 858

ManagementClass, 852, 853

ManagementScope, 852

System.Management, 850, 856

System.Management.Instrumentation, 850

WMIEventHandler, 857, 858

WQLEventQuery, 856

NetDiagnostics class, 412–14

defined, 412

scripting with, 413–14

Win32_PingStatus class and, 414

.NET Framework, 843–58

abstraction layer, 862

class model, 863

defined, 845

languages adaptation, 845

object model, 845

power of, 864

scripting and, 862–63

System.Management.Instrumentation namespace, 844–45, 846, 862

System.Management namespace, 844, 862

WMI architecture and, 846

WMI information access, 844–46

Network adapter configuration, 62–65, 66–68

code, 62–65, 66–68

command-line parameters, 66

DisablelPSec, 72

EnableDHCP, 69

EnablelPFilterSec, 70

EnablelPSec, 72

EnablelPSecFilter, 72

EnableStatic, 71

EnableWINS, 70

ReleaseDHCPLease, 69

ReleaseDHCPLeaseAll, 69–70

ReNewDHCPLease, 70

ReNewDHCPLeaseAll, 70

SetDeadGWDetect, 70, 72

SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder, 70

SetGateways, 71–72

SetlPConnectionMetric, 71

Network adapters

associated instances of, 53

enabled, 52

listing, 51–52

name, finding, 51

settings, 757–59

Network components providers, 405–86

defined, 212

DNS, 423–50

IP routing, 415–23

Network Diagnostic, 412–15

Ping, 405–12

SNMP, 450–86

See also WMI providers

NetworkConnectionStatus() function, 52

Network Diagnostic provider, 412–15

capabilities, 412

defined, 412

NetDiagnostics class, 412–14

testing connectivity with, 413–14

Networking classes, 147–54

defined, 147

list of, 147

Win32_ActiveRoute class, 147

Win32_IP4 PersistedRouteTable class, 147

Win32_IP4 RouteTable class, 147

Win32_IP4 RouteTableEvent class, 147

Win32_NetworkClient class, 148

Win32_NetworkConnection class, 148

Win32_NetworkProtocol class, 150

Win32_NTDomain class, 152–53

Win32_PingStatus class, 147

See also Operating system classes

Networking device classes, 49–73

defined, 49

list of, 49

network device information retrieval, 49–50, 51–52, 54, 55–57

Win32_NetworkAdapter class, 51, 54

Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class, 49, 55

Win32_NetworkProtocol class, 55, 57

See also Computer system hardware classes

Network Load Balancing (NLB) providers, 211, 741–47

capabilities, 742

class associations, 746

classes, 742

configuration settings, 744–45

defined, 741–42

NlbsNic class, 743, 746

NlbsNic class, 743

ControlCluster method, 746

GetClusterConfiguration method, 745

UpdateClusterConfiguration method, 746

NotePad.Exe, 175, 181

NotificationMapper class, 473, 475

NT Event Log

backing up, 219

configuration, viewing/updating, 221–24

files, 218

overwrite policy, 224

NT Event Log providers, 218–24

capabilities, 218, 218–19

classes, 219

defined, 218

operation support, 218

Win32_NTEventlogFile class, 220–24

Win32_NTLogEvent class, 219–20

Leveraging WMI Scripting
Leveraging WMI Scripting: Using Windows Management Instrumentation to Solve Windows Management Problems (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582990
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 82
Authors: Alain Lissoir © 2008-2017.
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