32.3. SQL

[Page 978 ( continued )]

29.5. Processing Actions Using the Action Interface

Often menus and tool bars contain some common actions. For example, you can save a file by choosing File , Save , or by clicking the save button in the tool bar. Swing provides the Action interface, which can be used to create action objects for processing actions. Using Action objects, common action processing can be centralized and separated from the other application code.

The Action interface is a subinterface of ActionListener , as shown in Figure 29.8. Additionally, it defines several methods for checking whether the action is enabled, for enabling and disabling the action, and for retrieving and setting the associated action value using a key. The key can be any string, but four keys have predefined meanings:

Key Description
Action. NAME A name for the action
Action.SMALL_ICON A small icon for the action
Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION A tool tip for the action
Action.LONG_DESCRIPTION A description for online help

[Page 979]
Figure 29.8. The Action interface provides a useful extension to the ActionListener interface in cases where the same functionality may be accessed by several controls. The AbstractAction class provides a default implementation for Action .

AbstractAction is a default implementation of the Action interface, as shown in Figure 29.8. It implements all the methods in the Action interface except the actionPerformed method. Additionally, it defines the getKeys() method.

Since AbstractAction is an abstract class, you cannot create an instance using its constructor. However, you can create a concrete subclass of AbstractAction and implement the actionPerformed method. This subclass can be conveniently defined as an anonymous inner class. For example, the following code creates an Action object for terminating a program:

 Action exitAction =   new   AbstractAction(   "Exit"   ) {   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(     ); } }; 

Certain containers, such as JMenu and JToolBar , know how to add an Action object. When an Action object is added to such a container, the container automatically creates an appropriate component for the Action object and registers a listener with the Action object. Here is an example of adding an Action object to a menu and a tool bar:

 jMenu.add(exitAction); jToolBar.add(exitAction); 

Several Swing components , such as JButton , JRadioButton , and JCheckBox , contain constructors to create instances from Action objects. For example, you can create a JButton from an Action object, as follows :

 JButton jbt =   new   JButton(exitAction); 

[Page 980]

Action objects can also be associated with mnemonic and accelerator keys. To associate actions with a mnemonic key (e.g., ALT+E), use the following statement:

 exitAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY,   new   Integer(KeyEvent.VK_E)); 

To associate actions with an accelerator key (e.g., CTRL+E), use the following statement:

 KeyStroke exitKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_E, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK); exitAction.putValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY, exitKey); 

Listing 29.4 gives an example that creates three menu items, Left, Center, and Right, three tool bar buttons, Left, Center, and Right, and three regular buttons, Left, Center, and Right, in a panel, as shown in Figure 29.9. The panel that holds the buttons uses the FlowLayout . The actions of the left, center, and right buttons set the alignment of the FlowLayout to left, right, and center, respectively. The actions of the menu items, the tool bar buttons, and the buttons in the panel can be processed through common action handlers using the Action interface.

Figure 29.9. Left, Center, and Right appear in the menu, in the toolbar, and in regular buttons.

Listing 29.4. ActionInterfaceDemo.java
(This item is displayed on pages 980 - 982 in the print version)
 1   import   java.awt.*; 2   import   java.awt.event.*; 3   import   javax.swing.*; 4 5   public class   ActionInterfaceDemo   extends   JApplet { 6   private   JPanel buttonPanel =   new   JPanel(); 7   private   FlowLayout flowLayout =   new   FlowLayout(); 8 9   public   ActionInterfaceDemo() { 10  // Create image icons  11 ImageIcon leftImageIcon =   new   ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( 12   "image/leftAlignment.png"   )); 13 ImageIcon centerImageIcon =   new   ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( 14   "image/centerAlignment.png"   )); 15 ImageIcon rightImageIcon =   new   ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( 16   "image/rightAlignment.png"   )); 17 18  // Create actions  19  Action leftAction =   new   MyAction(   "Left"   , leftImageIcon,  20    "Left alignment for the buttons in the panel"   ,  21    new   Integer(KeyEvent.VK_L),  22  KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_L, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));  23 Action centerAction =   new   MyAction(   "Center"   , centerImageIcon, 24   "Center alignment for the buttons in the panel"   , 25   new   Integer(KeyEvent.VK_C), 26 KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_C, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK)); 

[Page 981]
 27 Action rightAction =   new   MyAction(   "Right"   , rightImageIcon, 28   "Right alignment for the buttons in the panel"   , 29   new   Integer(KeyEvent.VK_R), 30 KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_R, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK)); 31 32  // Create menus  33 JMenuBar jMenuBar1 =   new   JMenuBar(); 34 JMenu jmenuAlignment =   new   JMenu(   "Alignment"   ); 35 setJMenuBar(jMenuBar1); 36 jMenuBar1.add(jmenuAlignment); 37 38  // Add actions to the menu  39  jmenuAlignment.add(leftAction);  40 jmenuAlignment.add(centerAction); 41 jmenuAlignment.add(rightAction); 42 43  // Add actions to the toolbar  44 JToolBar jToolBar1 =   new   JToolBar(JToolBar.VERTICAL); 45 jToolBar1.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.red)); 46  jToolBar1.add(leftAction);  47 jToolBar1.add(centerAction); 48 jToolBar1.add(rightAction); 49 50  // Add buttons to the button panel  51 buttonPanel.setLayout(flowLayout); 52  JButton jbtLeft =   new   JButton(leftAction);  53 JButton jbtCenter =   new   JButton(centerAction); 54 JButton jbtRight =   new   JButton(rightAction); 55 buttonPanel.add(jbtLeft); 56 buttonPanel.add(jbtCenter); 57 buttonPanel.add(jbtRight); 58 59  // Add tool bar to the east and panel to the center  60 add(jToolBar1, BorderLayout.EAST); 61 add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); 62 } 63 64    private class   MyAction   extends   AbstractAction  { 65 String name; 66 67  MyAction(String name, Icon icon)  { 68   super   (name, icon); 69   this   .name = name; 70 } 71 72  MyAction(String name, Icon icon, String desc, Integer mnemonic,  73  KeyStroke accelerator)  { 74   super   (name, icon); 75 putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc); 76 putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, mnemonic); 77 putValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY, accelerator); 78   this   .name = name; 79 } 80 81    public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)  { 82   if   (name.equals(   "Left"   )) 83 flowLayout.setAlignment(FlowLayout.LEFT); 84   else if   (name.equals(   "Center"   )) 85 flowLayout.setAlignment(FlowLayout.CENTER); 86   else if   (name.equals(   "Right"   )) 87 flowLayout.setAlignment(FlowLayout.RIGHT); 

[Page 982]
 88 89 buttonPanel.revalidate(); 90 } 91 } 92 } 

The inner class MyAction extends AbstractAction with a constructor to construct an action with a name and an icon (lines 67 “70) and another constructor to construct an action with a name, icon, description, mnemonic, and accelerator (lines 72 “79). The constructors invoke the putValue method to associate the name, icon, description, mnemonic, and accelerator. It implements the actionPerformed method to set a new alignment in the panel of the FlowLayout (lines 81 “90). The revalidate() method validates the new alignment (line 89).

Three actions, leftAction , centerAction , and rightAction , were created from the MyAction class (lines 19 “30). Each action has a name, icon, decription, mnemonic, and accelerator. The actions are for the menu items and the buttons in the tool bar and in the panel. The menu and toolbar know how to add these objects automatically (lines 39 “41, 46 “48). Three regular buttons are created with the properties taken from the actions (lines 51 “54).


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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