Adding Indents

You can determine how much space should precede the first line of a paragraph.

Figure 10.29. I added a 1.5 em indent to the p elements (which, since their font size is about 14 pixels, will be an indent of about 21 pixels).

To add indents:

Type text-indent: length, where length is a number with units, as in 1.5em or 18px.


  • A positive value creates a typical paragraph indent and serves as a visual clue as to where new paragraphs begin.

  • A negative value creates a hanging indent. You may need to increase the padding (see page 177) or margins (see page 176) around a text box with a hanging indent in order to accommodate the overhanging text.

    Figure 10.30. Each paragraph is indented 21 pixels.

  • Em values, as usual, are calculated with respect to the element's font size. Percentages are calculated with respect to the width of the parent element.

  • The text-indent property is inherited.

  • If you use a percentage or an em value, only the resulting size (or "computed value") is inherited. So, if the parent is 300 pixels wide, a text-indent of 10% will be 30 pixels. And all child elements will also have their first lines indented 30 pixels, regardless of the width of their respective parents.

  • Use a value of 0 to remove an inherited indent. For example, you might want to create a special class for the first paragraph in each section and set its text indent to 0.

HTML, XHTML, & CSS(c) Visual QuickStart Guide
HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition
ISBN: 0321430840
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 340 © 2008-2017.
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