

_d2 (half) modifier, 368

D3D device, selecting, 114-115

D3D Shader Debugger, 141-142, 143

D3Dapp framework, ConfirmDevice() function, 116-117

D3DCAPS8.MaxPixelShaderValue, 110

D3DCAPS9.PixelShader1xMaxValue, 110

D3DCAPS.MaxStreams capabilities bit, 127

D3DCAPS.MaxStreamStride capabilities bit, 127





D3DDEVTYPE_HAL setting, with CreateDevice(), 114

D3DDEVTYPE_REF setting, with CreateDevice(), 114

D3DDEVTYPE_SW setting, with CreateDevice(), 114



D3DRS_ALPHAREF state, 178

D3DRS_FOGENABLE parameter, 169

D3DSAMP_ELEMENTINDEX render state, 287

D3DSAMP_MAXMIPLEVEL flag, valid with texldb, 341

D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE render state, 287


D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED texture operation, bias modifier and, 358

D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X texture operation, signed scaling modifier and, 359

D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3 blending operation, 184

D3DTOP_MODULATE, for DirectX, 166

D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 rendering setting, for DirectX, 165

D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX texture stage state flag, 326, 331


ignoring, 339

not selecting when using the programmable pipeline, 203

not valid for PS 2.0 using texldp, 342

D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY flag, using for static data, 125

D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 structures, token as, in DirectX 9, 120

D3DXAssembleShader() helper function, 130-131, 212

_d4 (quarter) modifier, 280, 368

_d8 (eighth) modifier, 280, 368

darklights, 30

data, static, 125

dcl (declare) instruction, 210-211, 296

dcl statement

declaring register usage, 287

including in all vertex shaders, 196

debugging capability, interactive, 140-141, 142

decal, applying a texture as, 174

decal texture, 165

decal texture shader, 165-166

declaration statement

on all sampler, color input, and texture coordinate registers, 296

required on all input registers, 211

def (define) instruction, 211-212, 297

in pixel shaders, 136

setting pixel shader constant registers, 284

in vertex shaders 2.0, 198

def statements

locking constant registers, 198

in pixel shaders, 133

defb instruction, 213

defi instruction, 212-213

degenerate triangles, adding in, 125

density, as a function of temperature, 70

depth buffer, attached to the MRT surface, 288

depth value

calculating for a depth test, 333-334

resolution of, 99

destination masks, 268-269

destination register

adding two sources into, 206

independent of the read port count restrictions, 274

storing source registers into, 250-251

destination write masks, 363-367

determinant notation, for the cross product, 18

device capabilities bits, querying, 116

device memory, copying data into, 125

diamond-air interface, 61

dielectrics, 36

Fresnel equations for, 65-70

diffuse and specular colors, setting both, 109

diffuse and specular lighting coefficients, computing, 227-229

diffuse color, 34

diffuse light, 41-44

diffuse lighting, 34

changing for an object, 43

equation for calculating, 42

near uniform loss of, 54

traditional expression for, 157

diffuse reflection, Oren-Nayar, 54-58

diffuse term

generating for a local light shining on a vertex, 158

generating for an infinitely distant light shining on a vertex, 157

diffuse values, clamping to only positive, 42

diffuse vector component, FVF vertex shader register mapping order, 199

digital facial engraving, creating from 2D images, 82

digital halftoning, using to get range and material, 82

Direct3D and OpenGL pipeline. See FFP (fixed-function pipeline)

Direct3D flags, defining the format, 118-119

direction vectors, 13, 20-21


SDK, 114

shader setup in, 113-137

unit cube in, 99

vertex shader declaration documentation, 119

view matrix as the equivalent of OpenGL's modelview, 99

DirectX 8

input vertex registers order using FVF format, 199

loading the vertex shader, 132

pixel shader math precision, 109-110

setting vertex shader constants, 133-134

vertex streams introduced by, 93

DirectX 8.0, version history, 193

DirectX 8.0a, version history, 196

DirectX 8.1, version history, 193

DirectX 9, 90

compliant pixel shader versions, 109

creating a shader, 131-132

D3D Shader Debugger shipped with, 141-142, 143

higher precision registers for pixel shaders, 279

integer and bool constants introduced in, 198

loading the vertex shader, 132-133

preparing the vertical pipeline for tessellation processing, 122

setting vertex shader constants, 134-135

significant changes introduced with the pixel shader 2.0, 273-274

DirectX 9.0

revision history of, 196

version history, 193

DirectX FFP, use of Blinn's equation for specular light, 49

dirt map. See scuff map

disk with this book, RenderMonkey SDK, 139

displayable range, colors exceeding, 27

distance vector, computing, 216

dithering, 82

division, notation for, 11

dot-3 bump mapping, 184-186

dot product, 15-17

calculating using the (r, g, b) texture data in the source and destination texture coordinate data (u, v, w), 334, 336

information available from, 16-17

macroinstructions expanding into calls, 106

notation for, 11

dot product 3. See three-component dot product

dot product instructions

performing a matrix multiply, 97

taking the transpose of the matrix, 100

dot product term, relating a cross product term to, 20

dp2add instruction, 291, 297-298

dp3 (dot product 3) instruction, 214, 298-299, 371

dp3-rsq-mul sequence, 151

dp4 (dot product 4) instruction, 215, 300-301

DrawPrimitive call, 137

driver bugs, checking for, 114

dst instruction, 216

_dw modifier, 362-363

mixing the .xyw modifier with, 339, 361

performing a perspective divide, 285, 333

DWORDS, tokens as in DirectX 8, 120

dwSilhouetteAmount render state, setting the silhouette edge threshold, 178

dynamic data, 125-126

dynamic vertex buffers, allocating, 125

_dz modifier, 340, 362-363

Real-Time Shader Programming(c) Covering Directx 9. 0
Real-Time Shader Programming (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
ISBN: 1558608532
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 104
Authors: Ron Fosner © 2008-2017.
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