Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] != (not equal to), identifying NULL values !~ operator (Perl) " (quotes) API quoting functions handling identifiers, inserting into statements LOAD DATA statement and string literals and # (hash), writing to option files #!, writing shell scripts and $ (dollar sign), matching patterns 2nd Perl $# shell variables $: ($LOAD_PATH) variable (Ruby) $@ variable (Perl) transactions and $_GET PHP variable $_HTTP_GET_VARS PHP variable $_POST PHP variable $_SERVER PHP variable $_SESSION PHP variable $HTTP_POST_FILES array (PHP) $HTTP_SERVER_VARS PHP variable $HTTP_SESSION_VARS PHP variable $LOAD_PATH variable ($:) (Ruby) ${ ... } JSTL notation % (percent sign), as a format specifier %% format sequence & (ampersand), in HTML entities ( ) (parentheses), matching patterns 2nd * (asterisk) COUNT( ) function, summarizing with FULLTEXT searches and pattern matching Perl pattern matches and SELECT statements, using in + (plus sign), matching patterns Perl - (dash), matching dates and --fields-terminated-by option --no-create-db option --no-create-info option --pager option --tee option creating scripts from previous statements -> prompt -B (batch) option -L (local) option -w (warnings) option Perl . (dot), matching patterns Perl ./ command .bat files / (forward slash) Java, connecting to databases writing pathname in option files /.../.../ substitution Perl pattern matches /./ (nonempty value) pattern match /^$/ (empty value) pattern match "0E0" value : (colon) PERL5LIB library files, installing ; (semicolon) compound-statement objects and files, reading statements from PERL5LIB library files, installing terminating statements 2nd APIs and writing to option files < (less than) output, sending to files/programs reading statements from other programs redirecting input <% ... %> JSP scripting markers <%! ... %> JSP scripting markers <%-- ... --%> JSP scripting markers <%= ... %> JSP scripting markers <%@ ... %> JSP scripting markers << (here document) <=> comparison operator <? ... ?> (PHP tags) 2nd 3rd <c:out> JSTL tag <c:when> JSTL tag <sql:query> JSTL database tag <taglib-location> element <ul> unordered list HTML tag = (equal sign) identifying NULL values =& operator (PHP) == (equal to) === (triple equal operator) =~ operator (Perl) > (greater than) output, sending to files/programs redirecting input ? (question mark), as a placeholder 2nd @ (at sign) matching email addresses user-defined variables and @INC array (Perl) [ ] (square brackets) pattern matching Perl pattern elements writing groupname values [% ... %] markup indicators (PageTemplate) [^...] Perl pattern element \ (backslashes) handling for data-safe insertion LOAD DATA, escape characters and SHOW COLUMNS statement, escaping SQL pattern characters string literals and writing pathnames in option files \. command \0 (ASCII NUL) \c sequence \G command \n (newline) different operating systems, reading files from LOAD DATA statement and \n statement \P (pager) statement \S (nonwhitespace) Perl pattern element \W (non-word) Perl pattern element ^ (caret), matching patterns 2nd Perl ` (backticks), quoting identifiers { } (curly brackets) markup indicators in Smarty templates matching patterns {m,n} Perl pattern element {n} Perl pattern element | (pipe) alternation, pattern matching copying tables/databases to different servers output, sending to files/programs reading statements from other programs |